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Parade livestream

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My son and I got up at 4:00 am and drove from Des Moines down to the parade and spent the entire day.  It was amazing - and terrible all at the same time.

Amazing things:

The turnout was ASTOUNDING.  Should make Chiefs Kingdom proud.

Music was great - plenty of jumbotrons to view.  

Watching the players as they made their way through the parade route on the jumbotron.  Super entertaining.  They really engaged with parade goers along the way.  Looked like they were having the time of their lives, which I'm sure they were.

Highlights on jumbotron of SB and season.  It was a nice break from the music.

Players that spoke on stage (they were having so much fun - you could just see the genuine joy).  So cool.

Plane flyover(s) were fantastic.  Four giant planes flew over toward the end of the national anthem and they were so low we literally felt the heat.  I got tears in my eyes - legit.

Terrible/less than fun things:

Nobody's fault, but it was windy, cold and wet.  To get a parking spot, we were downtown by 7:15, so we spent five hours standing around before the parade started and another 1:45 hours waiting for the parade to make it to Union Station.  

There were nowhere near enough porto-potty's.  Lines were a hundred people deep at every one.  No joke.  I had to hold it for about 3-1/2 hours and about blasted out the back of the porto-potty when I finally got to one after the parade ended.

Nothing to do except stand around and listen to music on 11 (Spinal Tap reference)  for most of the day.  They could have been playing highlights for the season the, the SB, interviews with players, etc. the whole day instead of the about 10-minutes worth they played.

Not enough food trucks.  Again, lines were super long.

People - I generally dislike being around large groups of people, and this was no different.  Most people were toughing it out like the everybody else, but there were the people that "we got hear at 4:00 this morning - so don't come within five-feet of me or else".  There were people with tents, tables and chairs set up and if you even tried to stand in front of them it got ugly.  I saw this first hand and thought it was BS.  Save your space - absolutely, but once the event starts and 500,000 people are trying to jockey for space, take down your effing tents/chairs and allow other people to use the space as well.  Seemed classless and territorial to me.  

All in all, well worth the trip.  I don't think I'd do it again, but it's a memory I'll cherish because of being with my boy.  

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