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Solomon Wilcots..knows his Chiefs

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AP interview..



this little tidbit really stood out to me..



"Andy told me before the game that there are a few plays, plays like those drops by Junior Hemingway and Dwayne Bowe, which are keeping us from being what we can be in terms of winning games. Just one or two more plays from having a winning record. But he's that good of a coach that he can tell you what those plays are, and he will absolutely get it right."






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AP interview..



this little tidbit really stood out to me..



"Andy told me before the game that there are a few plays, plays like those drops by Junior Hemingway and Dwayne Bowe, which are keeping us from being what we can be in terms of winning games. Just one or two more plays from having a winning record. But he's that good of a coach that he can tell you what those plays are, and he will absolutely get it right."






I like AR just fine, but it's not exactly genius to recognize those two plays as key - along with Jenkins stepping out of bounds.

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Im thrilled to have a team that can compete every week with any NFL team. Win or lose we compete! The future is bright in KC. Good coaching makes a difference and free agents will now want to play in KC once again. Go Chiefs.

The Free Agent thing is a little overblown. So many times we see teams jump in early and spend too much for the premier free agents out there. Seems to me that fails more than it succeeds. I doubt Dorsey ever goes out and spends top dollar for some big name. He seems to do pretty well with secondary role players who fit in with what Reid is doing. Those guys do come to KC. I'm okay with that.

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Im thrilled to have a team that can compete every week with any NFL team. Win or lose we compete! The future is bright in KC. Good coaching makes a difference and free agents will now want to play in KC once again. Go Chiefs.

Yippee!  We can compete!  Maybe we can finally get that fourth place trophy that's eluded us!


I've been watching 40+ years.  Save the rah-rah-zis-boom-bah-bullshit.  No offense.  I want a f%^&ing Super Bowl

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Yippee! We can compete! Maybe we can finally get that fourth place trophy that's eluded us!


I've been watching 40+ years. Save the rah-rah-zis-boom-bah-bullshit. No offense. I want a f%^&ing Super Bowl

Baby steps, Mongo. Baby steps.

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Baby steps, Mongo. Baby steps.

Sorry, I'm jaded.  I've seen "baby steps" taken too many times to see the "baby" fall on its ass.    I don't want babies, I want monsters.  I want tangible progression.  This team is not markedly better than last year's.


I'm tired of hoping third best will one day be second.  I want a championship.

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I agree with west. If it's causing you consternation, don't do it. Stop watching. Why would you participate in an activity that brings you no joy?


If you're so jaded you can't enjoy the successes, you should probably take a step back and reevaluate.


Just a thought.

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I agree with west. If it's causing you consternation, don't do it. Stop watching. Why would you participate in an activity that brings you no joy?


If you're so jaded you can't enjoy the successes, you should probably take a step back and reevaluate.


Just a thought.

Dude, this is sports.  Just cause I go on a rant over this team's repeated failures or almost near-misses doesn't mean it's ruining my life.  I don't kick the dog because this team can't manage a single playoff victory in 21 years.


I enjoy the wins as they come, same as you. I just want more and am tired of excuses for settling for less.

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I agree with west. If it's causing you consternation, don't do it. Stop watching. Why would you participate in an activity that brings you no joy?


If you're so jaded you can't enjoy the successes, you should probably take a step back and reevaluate.


Just a thought.

I am not talking about Mongo here, but I know some people like to act as if they are better because they have higher standards. Standards are artificial, I all of a sudden could start having higher standards for a lot of things in my life. It's not intrinsic to the persons we are, it's just a decision we make. I could decide to be very picky on a lot of things.


When I lived in Los Angeles, I saw that all the time with women. Some women who are more attractive are just more picky and therefore they think that they are higher class. But I saw a lot of people who are less attractive who are a lot more classy and special. And this isn't a condescending everyone is special thing, it's a real genuine quality. There can be attractive women who have that quality too and there are plenty of less attractive women who are worse, I'm just talking about those who talk about having high standards.


Yet, some of those who talk about wanting only superbowls call themselves realistic. So what I don't understand is when a fan is realistic and is not expecting a Super Bowl and is happy for overachieving (but presumably everyone wants more in the future and they want the future to be soon), why they are not being called realistic? But when a fan drinks the Kool-Aid, they're called a homer?


What I'm trying to drive at is that one can be less then a homer without having high standards for the current year and still be happy. It isn't like they are asking for less later. They're trying to be realistic with what we can achieve and are deciding to be happy about doing better then people predict. Now if we predict them to be better than they are and we're making excuses later, that's different. If the team is underachieving or even on par with expectations, I could see that, but if someone's overachieving I don't see how that should be criticized for being happy about it.


I'm not saying anyone's been criticized, I'm saying that one is not better for having higher standards than those who are realistic about expectations and happy about overachieving. Again, this is with the caveat, that they want more in the near future.

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Makes sense - nobody who predicted a losing season this year has any excuse to complain. I didn't, but my standards are both high *and* realistic, which is a thorn in the side of those who set sloppy low standards and then strut around sneering at "homers" who expect more from this team.

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Lessons should be learned from the Royals. They built a team that could compete, and managed to get into the playoffs. They are currently down 3-2 to SF, but they still have a chance. How many of us would complain if the Chiefs made it to the Super Bowl? Maybe a few, but not many. 


The Chiefs are building a team that can run the ball, and they are developing a passing attack. Their defense is doing the things we all longed for in the past. How many thought this secondary would be as good as they are now? They are without Berry, and they don't have a premier corner, but they still find a way to get it done. 


I get the idea that this team can win a game at Denver. They almost pulled it off in the second game of the year. Dorsey and his coaches are developing players. They are better now then they were against Denver, and they will continue to make strides. After beating NE, nearly beating SF and Denver... I don't fear any team that they may be matched against.

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Standards and expectations are two different things.  There is a standard I hold a team to that does not translate to W-L.  Last season was fun, but it became painfully obvious the Chiefs were not as good as their record. By my "standards" they were a C+ team with a B record.   


A person is a "Homer" when they have lofty expectations without a reasonable rationale behind them.  Many will predict great things because , "Well, I love my Chiefs and can't bring myself to forecast bad things."  Last season many people felt that the simple subtraction of Pioli, Cassel and Crennel and addition of Reid, Al and Dorsey would be enough to elevate this team to the B group.  That wasn't rational nor realistic, alone.  It wasn't that simple.


If a prediction of 11-5 were coupled with predictions of the demise of NFCE, including PHI when we played them -- pre Nick Foles.  That would be uncanny.  That's a question one has to ask themselves.  Did you really believe last year's team would win 11 games or did you just want it to happen?  Did you really think KC would beat DEN at KC when you penciled that one in as a a W?  Or could you simply not bear to write down an L?


You see predicting a 2-14 team improves to 6-10 is not a "sloppy" standard.  That's a significant improvement.  I would have been satisfied with that last season.  That's F- to D+.  How many 10+ pickers would have been satisfied with that?  As it turned out I was wrong and have admitted so many, many times.  The team turned out to be a C+ team that won 11 games.  To those who predicted that as the exact outcome I offer kudos.  To the Homers who got lucky, well, congrats to you too.  Being a Homer isn't damning.  We're all fans, which is derived from fanatic.


This year, I don't believe I made any accusations of Homerism to 10+ pickers.  It would be rational to pick that based on last year's success.  I didn't agree with it.  And I have a bet with Bil riding on it.  One I'm preparing to pay up on.  NBD.  Its not as hard for me to admit I'm wrong as you might think.


To you specifically, Smoulds, the only one with a thorn in their side is you.  You go out of your way to bring it up with every post.  


You were right and I was super-duper wrong.  Is that what you need?  Somehow I think it is not enough.  You need a public apology because I inadvertently, but foolishly, lumped you, one of masterful football IQ, in with the 10+ Homers in a blanket statement last season.


Smoulds, I'm truly sorry for having insulted you.


Fine, there it is.  Satisfied?  Can we move on, now?  Let it go.




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Yippee!  We can compete!  Maybe we can finally get that fourth place trophy that's eluded us!


I've been watching 40+ years.  Save the rah-rah-zis-boom-bah-bullshit.  No offense.  I want a f%^&ing Super Bowl


And you could save the gratuitous raining on everyone's parade - over and over and over again. No one minds a little shower now and then but the incessant drip, drip, drip of negativity can be really tiring. Maybe it rains that much in some other towns, like Seattle, but KC is no rain forest. Just give it a rest occasionally.


We got it. We got it. Sheesh!

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To you specifically, Smoulds, the only one with a thorn in their side is you. You go out of your way to bring it up with every post.


You were right and I was super-duper wrong. Is that what you need? Somehow I think it is not enough. You need a public apology because I inadvertently, but foolishly, lumped you, one of masterful football IQ, in with the 10+ Homers in a blanket statement last season.


Smoulds, I'm truly sorry for having insulted you.


Fine, there it is. Satisfied? Can we move on, now? Let it go.

Please - my M.O. is to identify posters with a penchant for arrogance (it draws me like a moth to flame) and poke at them relentlessly. Don't take it personal - it's all in good fun. ;)

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And you could save the gratuitous raining on everyone's parade - over and over and over again. No one minds a little shower now and then but the incessant drip, drip, drip of negativity can be really tiring. Maybe it rains that much in some other towns, like Seattle, but KC is no rain forest. Just give it a rest occasionally.


We got it. We got it. Sheesh!

So the gloves are off are they?


Yeah I get frustrated over 44 years of failure.  Yeah I want a ring.  Hell, I'd be happy with a playoff win.


You neglect to mention the posts where I defended Dwayne Bowe versus the haters when it was warranted,.  Or Brandon Flowers.  And now Eric Berry.  Or the post I've started recently discussing the joy of watching Jamaal Charles.  Did you chime in?  Or credit given to Josh Mauga.  Or plaudits given to Andy Reid on great wins versus NE and SD.  Or calling Justin Houston a premier pass rusher and banging drum for a new contract.  It's not just black and white


Now let me tell you your problem.  You only remember the negative, particularly when it touches something you hold dear.  That makes you negative.  You're thin skinned.  You're the guy who gets a good review at work, gets the raise, but bitches because of the one bad score.


I may sound like a broken record to you, but guess what?  Every week when someone starts a "How great Alex Smith is" post, this is a broken record to my ear.  Ditto with Andy Reid's "genius".  Or how great a RB Kniles Davis is?  Or that Junior Hemingway is a budding star WR.  Or that the defense is a mess, but the offense is just fine.  I will debate the delusional every time.  I'm not a cheerleader.


So, Sunshine, if a critical opinion is a problem for you, I suggest you block my posts.  It's simple to do.  

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