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Chiefs score low with NFLPA player survey

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I found this interesting because I thought Burkholder was praised in media circles and we have far fewer injuries than other teams it seems.  Now that could be because  they supposedly discourage players from reporting such things but then you look at how they handled Mahomes in the Jags game and something doesn't add up.  They literally forced him to go get xrayed before letting him back in.  We take concussions very seriously and it seems like we hold out players longer than normal in such instances.   I can understand the facilities as Arrowhead is no spring chicken but they did do renovations not too long ago.  

Also the idea that Clark Hunt is cheap is laughable.  Either way can't imagine this report going over well with him and at least come changes to be made this offseason.

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So the players have stools in their lockers instead of chairs with backs and this knocked them down to D-?  Hard to take this survey very seriously.  Maybe there's something to players not liking Burkholder being too business like and not just giving the players what they want to hear.  Doubt this will keep very many FAs from coming to KC. 

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WGAF.  I toured Arrowhead last summer.  Top notch facility, IMO.  They had just done several upgrades.  The locker room was brand new.  Hell, I saw it before the players had.

Also, they are preparing to do several millions more in upgrades for the FIFA World Cup.  

Regarding Burkholder, Pat couldn't say enough about him or his assistants.  

Sounds like a bunch of typical union whining about everything to me.

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55 minutes ago, SEMO said:

Sounds like a bunch of typical union whining about everything to me.

Hmmm. I mean I would agree... but why did they score so low overall as compared to other teams? There's got to be something to it. Or it could be most players didn't participate... meaning only the bellyachers voted.

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Seems to me there is a distinct divide between three areas. 1. Actual training, care and rehab. 2. Facilities/equipment and 3. Personnel and relational. 

Who can deny the Chiefs seem to have less "devastating" injuries than most other teams. Is that Burkholder or just luck? And I agree with the statement about Chiefs appear to hold concussed players out a little longer and such. I would never have thought they would score so low.

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Here's a bigger picture  of things and read Cincinnati's pure comedy.

 here's the bottom line for the chiefs were hurt by older facilities and discontent with head trainer Rick Burkholder, whom they believe “does not treat players fairly and consistently.” No training staff ranked worse in the league than Kansas City, whose players reported they “feel discouraged from reporting their injuries” and “fear retribution for speaking up for better care.”


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The Burkholder thing needs to be addressed. Being afraid to report an injury is unacceptable. The locker room thing kind of blew me away. The locker room is beautiful. The locker is a seat with a back rest. It is a little small for a bunch of big men, but it is nice.

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Employees, no matter how well treated, will always complain about something.  One talking head pointed out that the survey was taken just after the Chiefs blew the AFCCG against Cincy last year.  Probably not the best locker room mood.  Then SEMO pointed out that the locker rooms were upgraded last year, probably after the survey.  I really don't think this has any value beyond something for the media to talk about.  The Hunts seem like first class people and I doubt they are cheaping the players' facilities.  

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