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The circus and the Jets game

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Some have mentioned that Mahomes was off, but IMO it was just as he said. I expected it to be a big play when he floated the ball until it wasn't.  He said he was trying to make the perfect throw and fit the ball over the defender, and that's just how I saw it. IMO Mahomes, for as good as he's been; is still evolving as a passer and trying to be even better.

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We used to do this often.  Get up on a bad team and then coast and they make a play or two and get momentum and then we have a dog fight.  Wr group as a whole is more concerning that originally thought.  For better or worse this is our wr corp and I hope it doesn't cost us down the road.  Still a lot more time to for the younger guys to step up and develop some rapport with Mahomes so its not time to panic.   Hope they get things cleaned up soon though, that was an ugly game. 

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