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Jon Baldwin waived by the 49ers.

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Hey, Mongo.  I relate to you.  When I see your posts, I see myself.   Your sense of self-importance is matched only by my own.  I have gradually learned (fairly often) to recognize it in time not to indulge it, but I have a long way to go.  When I make fun of you for that, I am making fun of myself.  Just like me, you would end up happier trying to get over that.  This may seem like a debate tournament, but its really a football forum.


(See?  I resisted the urge to post the reply I originally wanted, which was "Can I bring my fly swatter"?  :lol:   )  I deserve congratulations for that...oops.  No I don't. :)

Nope you are mistaken.  No delusions here.  I'm an opinionated, good-humored fan of the Chiefs, same as any other.  I'm as well read on NFL football as anyone.  I take offense when being indicted as <insert insult here> because some things I post are unpopular.  I disconnect my passion for the team and look at things objectively.  Some don't and don't want to read it.


If Member X is going to post that the sky is dark-blue, I will challenge it when I see it as light-blue.   Especially if he calls me a self-important fool when I don't agree.


This is a chat forum in name only.  The only posts that engage the members are the debates.  It's the only reason this post is still relevant.  Any discussion of Jon Baldwin ended on page 1.

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Mongo, I can only speak for myself, but I suspect there are many others here who might agree with me. I respect your knowledge of the game of football generally and the Chiefs specifically. I also realize that, from your perspective, you are bringing an objective and realistic counterbalance to an overly zealous, and therefore overly optimistic group of Chiefs fans gathered here. I get it, really.


What I think perhaps you cannot empathize with is how the totality of your posts come across to others here. We are here because we love the Chiefs team and so naturally we enjoy it when they win more than when they lose. Because we want to enjoy our fandom, we CHOOSE to be optimistic and look on the bright side. That doesn't mean we never want to hear a negative opinion, but when one member is so consistently negative the vast majority of the time and that member posts so much more frequently than most other members, it becomes an annoyance like a dripping faucet. No one drip or post is really that much of a problem, but after a while, the cumulative effect is to set one's teeth on edge. At some point, the annoyance drives one over the edge and they explode, giving the appearance that they are over-reacting to one little drip.


I honestly don't think you are a guy who enjoys annoying people, so just give us a break out of the goodness of your heart. Give us a few more positive posts about the Chiefs, or at least fewer negative ones. Whaddya say? 

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Mongo, I can only speak for myself, but I suspect there are many others here who might agree with me. I respect your knowledge of the game of football generally and the Chiefs specifically. I also realize that, from your perspective, you are bringing an objective and realistic counterbalance to an overly zealous, and therefore overly optimistic group of Chiefs fans gathered here. I get it, really.


What I think perhaps you cannot empathize with is how the totality of your posts come across to others here. We are here because we love the Chiefs team and so naturally we enjoy it when they win more than when they lose. Because we want to enjoy our fandom, we CHOOSE to be optimistic and look on the bright side. That doesn't mean we never want to hear a negative opinion, but when one member is so consistently negative the vast majority of the time and that member posts so much more frequently than most other members, it becomes an annoyance like a dripping faucet. No one drip or post is really that much of a problem, but after a while, the cumulative effect is to set one's teeth on edge. At some point, the annoyance drives one over the edge and they explode, giving the appearance that they are over-reacting to one little drip.


I honestly don't think you are a guy who enjoys annoying people, so just give us a break out of the goodness of your heart. Give us a few more positive posts about the Chiefs, or at least fewer negative ones. Whaddya say? 

You're wasting your time, I think.  Those posts are for him, not for anyone else.  By displaying knowledge, which is substantial,  he feels good about himself.  Can't knock that.  Its especially important if one does not feel good about onself in other ways, such as job, marriage, shitty boss, troublesome kids, grief, loss, criticism, financial problems, substance abuse, physical appearance, etc.  There are a million things that plague all of  us, and feeling good about ourselves is really, really important.  Otherwise, we can treat anyone else decently.  Let's give him a break, and ourselves, too. I'm gonna stop. 

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Mongo, I can only speak for myself, but I suspect there are many others here who might agree with me. I respect your knowledge of the game of football generally and the Chiefs specifically. I also realize that, from your perspective, you are bringing an objective and realistic counterbalance to an overly zealous, and therefore overly optimistic group of Chiefs fans gathered here. I get it, really.


What I think perhaps you cannot empathize with is how the totality of your posts come across to others here. We are here because we love the Chiefs team and so naturally we enjoy it when they win more than when they lose. Because we want to enjoy our fandom, we CHOOSE to be optimistic and look on the bright side. That doesn't mean we never want to hear a negative opinion, but when one member is so consistently negative the vast majority of the time and that member posts so much more frequently than most other members, it becomes an annoyance like a dripping faucet. No one drip or post is really that much of a problem, but after a while, the cumulative effect is to set one's teeth on edge. At some point, the annoyance drives one over the edge and they explode, giving the appearance that they are over-reacting to one little drip.


I honestly don't think you are a guy who enjoys annoying people, so just give us a break out of the goodness of your heart. Give us a few more positive posts about the Chiefs, or at least fewer negative ones. Whaddya say?


Wow. Extremely thoughtful and we'll put. I agree and have blown up and made an ass of myself because the self righteousness got under my skin. But that's my problem, not his. I think that we should all remember we are mostly stating opinions and not facts. And I have met some people who were arrogant and offensive on here that turned out to be people I really liked when I met them in person. BroncoStud and OmahaColt come to mind.

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Mongo, I can only speak for myself, but I suspect there are many others here who might agree with me. I respect your knowledge of the game of football generally and the Chiefs specifically. I also realize that, from your perspective, you are bringing an objective and realistic counterbalance to an overly zealous, and therefore overly optimistic group of Chiefs fans gathered here. I get it, really.


What I think perhaps you cannot empathize with is how the totality of your posts come across to others here. We are here because we love the Chiefs team and so naturally we enjoy it when they win more than when they lose. Because we want to enjoy our fandom, we CHOOSE to be optimistic and look on the bright side. That doesn't mean we never want to hear a negative opinion, but when one member is so consistently negative the vast majority of the time and that member posts so much more frequently than most other members, it becomes an annoyance like a dripping faucet. No one drip or post is really that much of a problem, but after a while, the cumulative effect is to set one's teeth on edge. At some point, the annoyance drives one over the edge and they explode, giving the appearance that they are over-reacting to one little drip.


I honestly don't think you are a guy who enjoys annoying people, so just give us a break out of the goodness of your heart. Give us a few more positive posts about the Chiefs, or at least fewer negative ones. Whaddya say? 

Start a post about Jamaal Charles or Justin Houston, or DJ, or Dontari Poe.  Or go old school and we'll talk DT or Gonzo.  I'm in.


The post will fall of the board in days and anything positive I posted will be forgotten the second I post anything critical.  Guaranteed!


Judging by what I've read thus far, there is very little to be positive about right now. Let me see.  Alex Smith wasn't killed!  There ya go!

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Start a post about Jamaal Charles or Justin Houston, or DJ, or Dontari Poe. Or go old school and we'll talk DT or Gonzo. I'm in.


The post will fall of the board in days and anything positive I posted will be forgotten the second I post anything critical. Guaranteed!


Judging by what I've read thus far, there is very little to be positive about right now. Let me see. Alex Smith wasn't killed! There ya go!

It really doesn't look good right now.

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I haven't seen the game yet. Was it as bad as it sounds?

Red zone picks.

Busted OLINE

And the one consistent of the past 10 years, a completed bomb over the top..

Swear to god, we lead the universe in plays over 25 allowed in the last 10-15 years. And I'm willing to bet it's by a landslide.


Why can't we find a defensive co. Who can stop the big plays?

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Very little to be positive about right now.  I agree.  You could turn out to be right about everything.  Please, just don't die of a persecution complex before you are able to enjoy it.

There's little to enjoy about a 7 win season.

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Could be.. However, the Gado thread had a life of its own. This one is likely to die a lot sooner. 

If you look carefully, there are at least three screen names.  This is not one person, I don't think. I think it is automated.  A spam bot.  Mike has to block these names and install some kind of software that prevents this going forward. 

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If you look carefully, there are at least three screen names.  This is not one person, I don't think. I think it is automated.  A spam bot.  Mike has to block these names and install some kind of software that prevents this going forward. 

Yes, I agree, but I think it is one concerted effort from a single individual causing the problems. Needs to be fixed. The solution for now is if everyone of us just commented on four or five posts. That would lower the spambot posts to the second page. It wouldn't be hard if everyone chipped in. 

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Yes, I agree, but I think it is one concerted effort from a single individual causing the problems. Needs to be fixed. The solution for now is if everyone of us just commented on four or five posts. That would lower the spambot posts to the second page. It wouldn't be hard if everyone chipped in. 


Yes, I agree, but I think it is one concerted effort from a single individual causing the problems. Needs to be fixed. The solution for now is if everyone of us just commented on four or five posts. That would lower the spambot posts to the second page. It wouldn't be hard if everyone chipped in. 

I dunno, Eraser.  The last one like that resulted in three new spam posts within about a three minute period.  There is no way to keep up with that.  The best thing would be to comment on one of those spam posts with an embedded bot that destroys their little operation. 

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I dunno, Eraser.  The last one like that resulted in three new spam posts within about a three minute period.  There is no way to keep up with that.  The best thing would be to comment on one of those spam posts with an embedded bot that destroys their little operation. 

I could be wrong, because I don't know much about this stuff, but that suggestion would seem to be a gigantic burden for everyone and probably could not keep up with an automated program by three orders of magnitude. 

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