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Please Help Mahomes if You Can

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My daughter did Oral Immunotherapy to treat her peanut allergy. Before treatment, she was contact/airborne reactive with an history of anaphylaxis, including two on airplanes. After treatment, her numbers dropped, and she has been able to eat anything she wants safely. I hope that Mahomes discovers it. I tried to share it to him and his wife on Twitter back when it came out, but I have no idea whether they know about it. if anyone has any way of letting him know, I would appreciate it. There is obviously their decision, but I would like them to know. Thousands of people have treated their food allergies and it works for any food, severity level and any sensitivity. My doctor has treated anywhere from six months to 66-years old. Those who are more severe or sensitive stand to benefit the most from treatment.

It has been in medical journals since 1908,  consistently in studies since 1984 (sporadically before then), and in private practice since 2005. They came out with the pharmaceutical version as well, but that starts higher and ends lower. The private practice one that has been out since 2005 goes to unlimited amounts. There are over 200 doctors in the country who offer it, but since there are obviously over 1000 allergist in the country, it might not be widely known. Dr. Jacobs in Missouri has the most experience in the state, but there are several others. It would be awesome if they did it and created publicity so that others who suffered the same can seek treatment.

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