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Looks like we looking for another WR after Rice goes full blown moron!

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45 minutes ago, kkuenn said:

Plenty of tweets on X showing this

I'll wait for al the facts to come out  before I go full blown SPFD about all this.

If true I hope it wasn't his and whomever it was takes the Fall

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8 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

I'll wait for al the facts to come out  before I go full blown SPFD about all this.

If true I hope it wasn't his and whomever it was takes the Fall

not sure why you would expect any of them to take the fall, they all left the scene of the crime. Not exactly stand up citizens.

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Leaving the scene to not be found for awhile could have something to do with hoping his test  comes back negative. I mentioned this worry in a post several pages ago. Leaving the scene and reckless driving would, and probaby will, result in a suspension.  Add in a scheduled substance in the vehicle would not look good for him or for his availability. I seem to recall that THC persists at some level for quite awhile, even 3 months in  hair sample. Our fate depends to some extent on how they test for it.  Since the Hunt family is from Texas, they may hold some sway, but I doubt it. It depends on the law in Texas for whether weed is included in "impared" driving. Grabbing for a bag of Doritos while driving 100 mph would not be wise.

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57 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

I'll wait for al the facts to come out  before I go full blown SPFD about all this.

If true I hope it wasn't his and whomever it was takes the Fall

Well, you know he will have a fall guy.

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2 hours ago, kkuenn said:

420 reasons say that he won't play if it was his.

Okay, my high school math is a little rusty, but if 10.8 grams were found wouldn't that convert to about 3/8 of an ounce?  Someone said Texas law requires 2+ ounces to be a felony.  Something just isn't adding up. 

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21 minutes ago, jetlord said:

Okay, my high school math is a little rusty, but if 10.8 grams were found wouldn't that convert to about 3/8 of an ounce?  Someone said Texas law requires 2+ ounces to be a felony.  Something just isn't adding up. 

Red Beard pointed out that the felony talk was fake news. At most, it would be a misdemeanor. 

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They can't tag him for DUI since he was not tested on the scene and there is no way to prove that.  Some form of constructive possession since the weed was in a car he rented, but could have belonged to anyone in the car.  A good lawyer would say that there is no way to prove it wasn't left in the car by the previous renter.  He will probably plea down to some form of reckless driving and/or leaving the scene and pay restitution.

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31 minutes ago, Joe_Chief said:

They can't tag him for DUI since he was not tested on the scene and there is no way to prove that.  Some form of constructive possession since the weed was in a car he rented, but could have belonged to anyone in the car.  A good lawyer would say that there is no way to prove it wasn't left in the car by the previous renter.  He will probably plea down to some form of reckless driving and/or leaving the scene and pay restitution.

 If his urine is positive, they could possibly prove DUI   Otherwise, 2 games.  4 if Goddell wakes up in a bad mood.

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While it was reported that 10.8 grams of marijuana were found in the Lamborghini that Rice was driving. The Dallas Morning News notes that Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot announced in 2019 that his office wouldn’t take first-time, low-level marijuana cases. However, each case is reviewed individually.



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56 minutes ago, kkuenn said:

While it was reported that 10.8 grams of marijuana were found in the Lamborghini that Rice was driving. The Dallas Morning News notes that Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot announced in 2019 that his office wouldn’t take first-time, low-level marijuana cases. However, each case is reviewed individually.



Jerry is probably ringing Creuzot’s phone about now, 😆.

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Kansas City Star

KC Chiefs’ Rashee Rice faces 8 charges after Dallas crash; arrest warrant issued

Dallas police issued an arrest warrant for Kansas City Chiefs receiver Rashee Rice on Wednesday in connection with a six-car freeway crash last month in that Texas city.

Rice faces eight charges in the case, according to a Wednesday afternoon news release from the Dallas Police Department. There are six counts of collision involving bodily injury, one count of collision involving serious bodily injury and one count of aggravated assault.

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They are going to do these charges tio show they are fair to all and plead it down. Thing is if he got nailed for them all he would be looking at serious time.


Collision involving injury charges carry a maximum of five years in prison. Collision involving serious bodily injury, a third-degree felony, carries a maximum punishment of 10 years in prison. And aggravated assault, which is a second-degree felony, is punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

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I don't know how much he can plea down aggravated assault, although aggravated assault sounds like a stretch to me, just to scare the shit out of him. I don't know that a prosecutor could actually get a conviction on aggravated assault in this case.  That part might get thrown out.  Maybe the D.A. thinks that leaving it in could raise the penalty the judge hands out for the other charges.  Those others would likely result in probation and/or fines (hopefully just fines).  I am amazed the charges don't include leaving the scene of an accident. It depends on Texas law. There is likely enough time for the NFL to find out if the aggravated assault charge is going to actually stick.  The NFL is likely to wait until knowing that before handing out a suspension. I'm guessing 8 games, maybe more. Omenihu's 8 game suspension was for something that seems far less than Rice's episode.  He really is lucky he didn't kill someone.

What the Chiefs organization does is anyone's guess. They might just figure it is too disruptive to even wait and will simply tell him bye bye.

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2 hours ago, Fmbl2187 said:

I don't know how much he can plea down aggravated assault, although aggravated assault sounds like a stretch to me, just to scare the shit out of him. I don't know that a prosecutor could actually get a conviction on aggravated assault in this case.  That part might get thrown out.  Maybe the D.A. thinks that leaving it in could raise the penalty the judge hands out for the other charges.  Those others would likely result in probation and/or fines (hopefully just fines).  I am amazed the charges don't include leaving the scene of an accident. It depends on Texas law. There is likely enough time for the NFL to find out if the aggravated assault charge is going to actually stick.  The NFL is likely to wait until knowing that before handing out a suspension. I'm guessing 8 games, maybe more. Omenihu's 8 game suspension was for something that seems far less than Rice's episode.  He really is lucky he didn't kill someone.

What the Chiefs organization does is anyone's guess. They might just figure it is too disruptive to even wait and will simply tell him bye bye.

The aggravated assault charge is least likely to stick.  There was no intent present.  This is just a case of throwing every possible charge at someone to see what sticks.  We had a case up here that involved one death.  The defendant was charged with 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, manslaughter, and a litany of other charges. It's a procedural move used by law enforcement to make sure that something sticks.  Legal carpet bombing.

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3 hours ago, Fmbl2187 said:

I don't know how much he can plea down aggravated assault, although aggravated assault sounds like a stretch to me, just to scare the shit out of him. I don't know that a prosecutor could actually get a conviction on aggravated assault in this case.  That part might get thrown out.  Maybe the D.A. thinks that leaving it in could raise the penalty the judge hands out for the other charges.  Those others would likely result in probation and/or fines (hopefully just fines).  I am amazed the charges don't include leaving the scene of an accident. It depends on Texas law. There is likely enough time for the NFL to find out if the aggravated assault charge is going to actually stick.  The NFL is likely to wait until knowing that before handing out a suspension. I'm guessing 8 games, maybe more. Omenihu's 8 game suspension was for something that seems far less than Rice's episode.  He really is lucky he didn't kill someone.

What the Chiefs organization does is anyone's guess. They might just figure it is too disruptive to even wait and will simply tell him bye bye.

The NFL seemingly takes gambling on the games or using PEDs more seriously than other violations.  Of course, domestic violence is near the top of the list for getting suspended.  My guess would be that by the time the legal system does its thing in Texas, Rice will be well into this season.  Maybe he can speed the process by pleading guilty and bargaining down to big fines, suspended license, and possibly probation.  The league will take their time and Rice could be suspended for games next season.  Again a guess, but four games seems typical. 

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11 hours ago, Joe_Chief said:

The aggravated assault charge is least likely to stick.  There was no intent present.  This is just a case of throwing every possible charge at someone to see what sticks.  We had a case up here that involved one death.  The defendant was charged with 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, manslaughter, and a litany of other charges. It's a procedural move used by law enforcement to make sure that something sticks.  Legal carpet bombing.

That's how I see it, too.  I was trying to figure out intent and just can't see it.  Just a bargaining chip in the plea deal.

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Well, I know one thing..

He better hope that he doesn't get cut cause this is about to cost him his entire rookie contract. After the court cost, attorney fees, civil suits, and insurance company lawsuits, he will have to moonlight in the offeseason to make ends meet. (And he deserves every bit of the pain he's about to feel)

Just like someone posted earlier, I hope the young man learns from it.


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