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Kill oakland

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you know NOBODY hates Oakland like I do. But the have nothing to lose and would love to beat us on a national stage. If ever there was a trap game for th Chiefs, this is the g a me.

It's time for someone to post the clip of Ben Davidson spearing Len Dawson.  That still gets my blood boiling. 


The Chiefs should win this one easily,  Carr looked terrible yesterday against the Chargers.  The only scary thing is that when KC plays OAK, the records go out the window.  Even in the worst years for the Chiefs when the Raiders were good, the games were always close and hard fought.  Nothing would be worse than for the Raiders to knock the Chiefs out of first place this week.  I do like the idea of having a few extra days to prepare for the Donks in Arrowhead.

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It's time for someone to post the clip of Ben Davidson spearing Len Dawson.  That still gets my blood boiling. 


Even in the worst years for the Chiefs when the Raiders were good, the games were always close and hard fought.  Nothing would be worse than for the Raiders to knock the Chiefs out of first place this week.

My blood still boils over that, too.  But these kids playing today weren't even born then.  They don't give a damn about anything but winning a game, and our guys are better than theirs.  I don't believe in being worried for its own sake, as if pessimism will help make it not happen that way.  Cold, hard, analysis tells me that Oakland will not at all be able to handle these Chiefs.  They have given up on this season. They have neither the personnel, the motivation, or the coaching to beat us Thursday night.  They will not be able to handle Alex Smith's game, Reid's planning, the running of JC, DAT, and KD, or the pass rush of Houston and Hali or any of it.  The only thing that could produce a loss for us is some kind of freak rash of turnovers, bad luck, and crooked officiating.  Reid will have us ready.

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Absolute wars.  Never has been any rivaly in football like it, with such true disdain, hatred, and excellence all wrapped up in one.  The Raiders were truly the epitome of nasty, mean, dirty, ugly, thuggish brutality, with no respect for the game, rules, or anything else.  They recruited thugs and trained them to be criminals who could play football at a high level and then unleashed them on all that was good and light.  They tried to injure opponents and end their careers under cover of pile ups and out of site of officials.  They had no place in their ugly hearts for decency, even though they were flat out good at football.


Yes, I think that was it at 1:43.  Thanks for the memories.


Exterminate them.  I will go to my grave hating the Raiders.  Even if their entire team is now made up of the most honorable people on earth, their legacy allows them no possible pathway but pain and sorrow until the end of time.

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You younger guys,  that don't need boner pills perhaps,  must really wonder why Bil and Jet and Pop and I and Maui and a few others have so much animosity directed against what is now such a hapless franchise.   The Chiefs and Raiders were the best two teams in professional football....yes I mean the BEST two teams...from 1968 to 1971.  And they were evenly matched.   Everything Bil said about the Raiders is true.   The meanest, nastiest, cheatingest,  toughest opponent I have ever seen and I saw the 1975 Steelers.   Oakland throught he likes of Willie Brown and George Atkinson invented the bump and run pass defense which meant you could beat the living shit out of Otis Taylor all the way down the field.


The Davidson spear stands out.   I was at the game.   Back in 1969 or 70 I think.   Always remember it because Dawson had called his own number and 3rd and 9.  He got the first down which surprised shit out of everyone.   Davidson always faced Jim Tyrer of the Chiefs,  their best offensive player,  and he usually got the best of Davidson but on this play after the whistle had blown,  we had the first down and were going to win the game.  After the whistle Davidson comes flying in elbows up and spears Lenny.   Otis Taylor jumped across the LOS and ripped off Davidsons helmet then punched him right in the face.  BAM!  The benches emptied.   I saw Lenny and Ed Podolak head for the sidelines.   They were smart players.   The rest were involved in a wild melee.   Stram tried to break it up but finally it took police dogs and tons of security to bring things under control.   Referees said it was continuous action penalty and Davidson and Taylor ejected.  BUT....we had to go back and replay 3rd down.   We didn't make it this time.   Jerrel Wilson shanked the punt and Lamonica took them down the field.   Just outside our 40 George Blanda steps in and kicks a winning field goal.  Again the stands erupt.  I saw guys going after the police dogs this time.   Somehow the Raiders managed to sneak out of town.


But it only added to the legacy.  My favorite Raider to Hate was Darryl Lamonica with Marv Hubbard right behind him.  No fan of Upshaw or Davidson or Atkinson either.  Raider week were the two biggest weeks of the football season.   Much much much more intense than Broncos week is now.  Nobody dominated.  Nobody ever knew who was going to win.  Almost every game was picked even money.   But I hated em and it is hard not to feel a sense of satisfaction today when we beat em.


The Raiders will always have a special place in my heart.   Or maybe a little lower than my heart and a little bit behind.

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The top 3 on my Raider shit list are Davidson, Lester (the molester) Hayes and Jack Tatum.., Tatum was just a criminal..,

He was.  Thugs, all of them.  The names mentioned still raise my blood pressure.  I was also at that game.  Who knows?  Maybe I sat next to Wilke and didn't know it.  When I got back to KC in May, 1969 from four years in New Orleans, I went to every home game for years starting that year we won the Super Bowl.  Hooked ever since.  And hooked on my utter hatred of the Raiders.   My dad and uncle-in-law, who was an original Red Coat member (there were about 40 of them who came out on the field before each game), had 4 season tickets, and I went to all of them with them at Municipal Stadium.  I had been a fan since 1967 from a distance while living in N.O. after they got to the first SB and lost to Green Bay.  The weird thing is that I was in the Saints band in 1967 and the year before, in 1966, when the Saints played in Tulane Stadium before the SuperDome was built. It was a big jazz band that played during time outs. So,   I was theoretically a member of the Saints organization, but my heart was with the Chiefs, having grown up in KC.  Archie Manning was the QB of the Saints.  Now, even his sons, Peyton and Eli, are old.  Archie was terrific but the team sucked big time.  It was so refreshing to get back to KC when the Chiefs were simply the best in all of football. 

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Count me among the old guard who grew up with the old AFL...Otis Taylor was my favorite Chief. I hated the Raiders with a passion (and still do). I am enjoying the possibility of Oakland going 0-16 as much as I am seeing the Chiefs winning. I hate the Raiders so much that if it were the last week of the season and the Chiefs could get into the playoffs if the Raiders beat their opponent...I would still root for the Raiders to lose. I don't want anything from those punks. The only bad thing about Oakland's winless season is that we haven't contributed to it. That will be rectified on Thursday.

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These games are almost always too close for comfort, often times with the underdog pulling an upset. 


We are clearly the better team in all 3 phases, but Carr is a gunslinger and has the green light to chuck it deep. That's the only shot they have is if the kid connects on a few bombs. If we can get to him with the rush, game over.


I think we get him for a couple of INTs and put them away pretty handily.

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These games are almost always too close for comfort, often times with the underdog pulling an upset.


We are clearly the better team in all 3 phases, but Carr is a gunslinger and has the green light to chuck it deep. That's the only shot they have is if the kid connects on a few bombs. If we can get to him with the rush, game over.


I think we get him for a couple of INTs and put them away pretty handily.

He's actually a quick release short route guy. That's how they kept the chargers from scoring. Keep away. They can't block long enough for him to get deep right now. We definitely need a takeaway. Raiders will be fired up for national TV.


Sporano is a moron. Mcglass is healthy and he's not even using him right. He should force feed him. But he doesn't.

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He's actually a quick release short route guy. That's how they kept the chargers from scoring. Keep away. They can't block long enough for him to get deep right now. We definitely need a takeaway. Raiders will be fired up for national TV.


Soprano is a moron. Mcglass is healthy and he's not even using him right. He should force feed him. But he doesn't.

Exactly.  The only way he can win is by doing something he cannot really do well or has not been asked to do.  And I don't think our pass rush will give him that kind of time, anyway.

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