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Ron "Toast" Parker

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This man needs to seriously NEVER take a snap at corner again.  I don't know whether to blame him more for the loss yesterday or Sutton for allowing him to constantly lose games for us.  He was thrashed against the Titans (but in his defense EVERYONE was), he Single handedly cost us the San Francisco game, he played well for seven weeks when he was MOVED TO SAFETY, then has followed up with two absolutely awful games back at corner vs. Seattle and Oakland.  I'm not just talking about the PI call.  I would like someone to seriously find out how much of the Oakland pass offense was a result of his poor play. 


Just like Cooper did last year, Manning is going to take one look at the tape and realize his gameplan....THROW THE BALL AT WHOEVER RON PARKER IS COVERING EVERY DAMN PLAY. 


I understand that both Fleming and Owens were out with injury, but at the very least rotate Cooper, Abdulah, and Parker at the CB position. 


Don't get me wrong...I fully understand that its a team sport and not the only reason the Chiefs have lost the games they have lost....but the fact is that he is NOT a good player.  One good game against the Bills where he was primarily playing safety shouldn't save him.


My biggest fear is that this glaring hole will keep the Chiefs from drafting a WR in the 1st round next season...

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Parker had some bad plays, and some good plays. He is learning to play cb, but he is better at S. I agree with Wilkie on this. 


The refs blew a bunch of calls that did not help. One, the call on Abdullah was wrong. From the ref's perspective it looked like Abdullah interfered, but the receiver actually caused the penalty, and if one was to be called it should have been offensive interference. Two, the celebration on the next to last play. It doesn't matter that a time out was called. More than one player celebrating together should be called a 15 yard penalty. Those were the most onerous. There were others. 


Reid should have thrown the flag on the fourth down play for  the Raiders. The Raider player rolled to a first down. It was clearly not a first down.


Then this .. 




Knile took it left and followed the Center. Bad read?

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Fleming was hurt. Otherwise, Parker would have played his natural position. He didn't play as bad as many here seem to think. He had some good plays. It was an imperfect start for the guy. Still, Carr didn't end up with 400 yards passing. He didn't even end up with 300 yards. No, Derek Carr ended the game with 174 yards passing and a mediocre 75.2 rating. 

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