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We dont gaet the media attention we crave. We cannot beat an 0 and l0 football team on a national stage in prime time television. We Always Choke in these night time games. And whats worse...it was the Raiders. And it was not a flike. They beat us.

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We dont gaet the media attention we crave. We cannot beat an 0 and l0 football team on a national stage in prime time television. We Always Choke in these night time games. And whats worse...it was the Raiders. And it was not a flike. They beat us.

They really BEAT us.  Their O line killed our D line.  Their D line annihilated our O line.  We still nearly squeaked it out because of a concussion to Murray.  To be fair, it is a lot easier on four days rest if you are at home than if you have to travel two time zones.  And a rain downpour pretty much evens things out for any two opponents.  But Smith was not sharp.  The receivers stunk up the place.  They were able to bring up an extra guy to stop Charles, because they knew we couldn't throw in that rain.  Once the rain stopped, we almost beat them anyway.  Give credit to Carr.  He is very, very good.  We just couldn't stop their 3rd down conversions when it counted like we have been able to do with everyone else.


I think a good weather game would have been another Chiefs victory, but as it turned out, it was trap game just as you predicted and which I dismissed. 

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Chiefs are alone at the top of a very undistinguished list. They have now lost 4 games to teams that were at least 0-10. next closest teams have only lost 2.

They got their ass kicked. really turns the heat up for the Sunday night game. I'm gonna go open another beer.

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We dont gaet the media attention we crave. We cannot beat an 0 and l0 football team on a national stage in prime time television. We Always Choke in these night time games. And whats worse...it was the Raiders. And it was not a flike. They beat us.

I think all regimes are different, that there is no such thing as institutional memory. Do they have trap games? Yes. Does very decent team? Yes.


Do you think that it is something specific to the air in KC...or maybe the uniforms? I know you are pissed, and so am I. But Oakland had lost 10 and were desperate. The Chiefs were depleted emotionally after beating the world champs and had to travel two time zones with really only two days prep. They lost in a driving rain and still almost won but for a bogus pass interference on Parker that all tape reviews clearly showed was offensive pass interference. Get a grip, Wilks.

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We dont gaet the media attention we crave. We cannot beat an 0 and l0 football team on a national stage in prime time television. We Always Choke in these night time games. And whats worse...it was the Raiders. And it was not a flike. They beat us.

Really, national stage, you can only watch it if you subscribe to the NFL network or live in one of the two teams markets so its not really on the national stage. I refuse to pay for NFL Network just so I can watch a Thursday Night game. As far as not beating an 0-10 team, Wilkie you have been around long enough to know that any given Sunday or in this case any given Thursday any team can win any game.


In my opinion, Thursday night games need to go away. The visitors only have 2 days to rest and prepare for the game, home team will always have the advantage with that extra (non-travel day). 7 out of the 11 Thursday night games have been won by the home team. One last thing like West coast teams going to the East Coast and playing the early game, Central time zone teams going to the West coast and playing a late game usually don't fare very well. Think about it most games for the Chiefs start around 12-3, now start a game at 7 or 8 CST it throws their clocks off. I know people will scoff at that notion but talk to anyone who travels a lot they know how hard it is to shift their mental clocks.


These aren't excuses they are facts, now is that why they lost the game the other night not entirely but when you are off your game every little advantage you give the opponent makes it harder to win.

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I thought it was just me and wishful thanking. So it was offensive pass interference or at best should have been a non call.

Its a tradition in Oakland.  At least one strategically placed wrong call that helps the Raiders.  If it didn't happen, there would be something awry in the alignment of the planets.

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