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Sorry to get so weird or awkward, but this seriously is the best board.


I participate in three boards, but this is the only board that is active without bitching at each other. (One is not very active and the other...) Very few trolls if any and if so, they come and go on their way whenever we start winning again.


We get upset after losses, criticize the players or coaches, but in the end, I know everyone here has a sense of humor, perspective on football vs. real life importance, objectivity to look at this TEAM game, and are genuinely excited but cautious to see us win.


Lately, even during our win streak, I've seen myself post less and less on other boards, resorting to just lurking, then skipping threads where I know the same ol' arguments are being spewed out, and it's gotten to the point where I don't see much point to go to one of the other ones. One I will still read because it's like this board lite. All good people.


Excuse me, I'm getting a little verklempt.

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