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Huge Gap Between Houston and Chiefs

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“Huge” gap exists between Chiefs, Justin Houston
Posted by Mike Florio on August 5, 2014, 4:28 PM EDT




Linebacker Justin Houston was sufficiently upset with the lack of a new contract to skip the offseason program.  But he showed up for training camp, realizing that the best way to get paid is to complete the final year of his rookie deal.


The Chiefs rewarded Houston for honoring his current obligations by offering a new contract.  Houston didn’t like it.  Per a league source, a “huge” gap current exists between the team’s offer and Houston’s demands.


It’s unclear whether that gap will be closed before the season ends and the Chiefs have to decide whether to use the franchise tag.  If they don’t work out new deals with Houston and Alex Smith, they’ll have to choose between them.  Maybe the Chiefs will choose neither.


The team’s ultimate position on Houston will depend on the development of rookie Dee Ford.  Currently, Ford is listed as the second-string right outside linebacker, behind Tamba Hali.






I hate to say it but I saw this coming. LOLBers don't get paid as much as ROLBers. He still has a lot to prove. I think he gets franchised next year and then maybe he gets a contract.

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I agree. I don't think either goes anywhere over the next two years.


They were saying on the radio we need to chose between them. Does the new CBA not have both Franchise and Transition players? Used to be it took 2 firsts to get steal a franchise player and a first and third for a transition player.

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The Chiefs are apparently not playing this without using their leverage....



1. They have a viable replacement for each guy.  (Daniel and Dee Ford)


2. They have  the Franchise Tag


3. The guy that is willing to sign for a reasonable deal will probably get signed first.  The guy who doesn't sign will either get the tag or go in a different direction.  In other words, you want long term stability and security, be reasonable and we get a deal done.


Dorsey is a breath of fresh air in my opinion.



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The Chiefs are apparently not playing this without using their leverage....



1. They have a viable replacement for each guy. (Daniel and Dee Ford)


2. They have the Franchise Tag


3. The guy that is willing to sign for a reasonable deal will probably get signed first. The guy who doesn't sign will either get the tag or go in a different direction. In other words, you want long term stability and security, be reasonable and we get a deal done.


Dorsey is a breath of fresh air in my opinion.



Tyler bray or murray

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Why wouldn't he be? 


He is one snap away from being the starter as we speak.



That doesn't make him viable.  Chiefs' fans above all else should know that, based on the dreck to have played starting QB since Trent Green.  Chase Daniel is not significantly better than any of them -- at a hefty price tag.

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Hi Wilkie, I am not  aguing Chase Daniel is comparable to Alex Smith unless I missed something?


Alex Smith is a proven NFL starter and playoff game winner.


That said, Dorsey and Reid are paying Daniel quite a bit of money to be a "viable starter" and based on his performance in the San Diego Game he looked fairly "viable" to me. 


Its a new season and I sure hope Tyler Bray beats Daniel out for the back up role, but looking at the dept chart today....Its Chase Daniel.



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Some said the exact same thing about Rich Gannon and it did not turn out  to be true.


Lenny Dawson was in a very similar situation before he arrived at KC.


Great QB's are not dependent on the system, but quite a few Super Bowl Winning QB's were not great.  They just happened to be with the right coach and the right players at the right time.



Daniel looked pretty solid in Reid's system last year so put me in the "still worth giving Daniel a chance camp".



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Some said the exact same thing about Rich Gannon and it did not turn out  to be true.


Lenny Dawson was in a very similar situation before he arrived at KC.


Great QB's are not dependent on the system, but quite a few Super Bowl Winning QB's were not great.  They just happened to be with the right coach and the right players at the right time.



Daniel looked pretty solid in Reid's system last year so put me in the "still worth giving Daniel a chance camp".



Good luck with that.

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Let me know when you come up with a better option.



Than what?  He's a backup QB.  There's nothing wrong with that.  Last year he did what a BKQB is supposed to do.  Come in and play well enough to win a game or two, then sit ur ass down on the bench.  Unfortunately all too many are easily seduced into thinking the BKQB can be more.  


Anyway, Murray or Bray hopefully are better options.

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Really, who are they?  You must be referring to someone else?


All I said was "Daniel is worth giving a chance".







You used the term "viable".  I took that to mean "could be a starter".  


An example of the "seduced" would be any of the many people on this board who ripped me when I said the Matt Cassel trade was foolish, at the time it occurred, not after the fact.  I was constantly reminded how great he was in a relief appearance for Tom Brady and told them the same thing I'm saying about Chase Daniel.

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I think Daniel showed again last night that he is capable of what the Chiefs expect from him. If Alex went down, he could step in and the Chiefs would still have a shot to win games with him - the very definition of a back-up QB. That is not to say that if Alex went down for good (God forbid!), Daniel would be the starter the next year.


If Bray continues to develop mentally (mastering the new tasks of play calling in the huddle, making the right reads and decisions), he may very well be the QBOTF. Reid likes him a lot and he has the physical tools (size and skills), for sure. Murray, being a steal draft pick, may develop and either challenge for that role or be a great trade bait. I think we carry 4 QBs this season.

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