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Chiefs vs Steelers Game Thread

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they can't call anything left..old man Harrison is killing likenbutt and fisher

Throwing to the left is more difficult anyway. So having a balance would be best except for when you do think that Fisher's going to hold Harrison, then overstacking one side can help. The key is Fisher. I suppose Smith could have dropped back farther and then run left but it wouldn't have done anything. And if you designed it to drop back further because of Fisher, then don't call that play.

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Bowe needs to make that catch that's all on him!

Too bad Smith couldn't have waited a half a millisecond later because then he could maybe use his body. But I do think that he doesn't use his body enough anyway so I don't know.


Bowe tends to run too close to the sideline. If he had been a little bit inside could he have shielded off the defense of the pass?

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