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Why Do You Watch?

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I wanted to ask everyone why they watch the Chiefs. Do people watch hoping for a payoff at the end if we win Super Bowl? Do you watch it because it's entertaining? Do you watch it because you believe? Do you watch it so you can vent? Do you watch because you're addicted?


I watch because it is something to actively root for, to think of possibilities. I don't really care how unrealistic those possibilities are. Obviously, I do want them to be realistic and it to come to fruition, but doesn't really stop me from being optimistic. I feel sports are not important enough to me to be pessimistic. I don't ever feel sense of accomplishment for being right if I'm pessimistic.


But I do have to say that it takes a toll and sometimes you feel foolish. But that to me is part of it. Emotional rollercoaster is part of it. If I were to try to be totally realistic or pessimistic, there would be no roller coaster and I want to feel a bit of that, what's the point?


Obviously, you put up with roller coaster because you feel you will get the thrill or it'll get high to where you want to go, but if it doesn't, I try to look back from the future and see if I would've enjoyed it more by being realistic.


Would you? I do think it is practical, if you don't think they're going to win, to not spend your money on it. But if you're going to follow it, don't be blind, but don't take the fun out of it either.

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I watch because I like the feeling I get when the Chiefs win. I love the team, the colors, the environment surrounding Chiefs football, KC in general, and it's part of growing up with parents and family from KC.


I'm not a positive person, in fact I can be very negative when it comes to sports and such even though I know it's not worth it.


Sometimes, I wonder if I watch the Chiefs only to root against the Broncos because the only thing better than the Chiefs winning is seeing the Broncos lose. Not to mention seeing their fans wimpering.

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The truth is that it is more than entertainment.   I feel like I have a personal investment in the outcome.  Some of us oldies knew these older players personally.  See Denny Dawson on Channel 9,   Johnny Robinson at a used car lot,  Bobby Bell on the line at FORD in Claycuomo.   Yes that's what you call an investment in our community.   Kansas City...the fountains,  the stores,  Swope Park, the plaza......the Chiefs and Royals....this is my heritage.  This is what I root for..


When I got somewhat older and the Steelers were winning everything I never came to my senses.   Nor during the 49ers reign.  I was still rooting for the likes of Bill Kenney, Stephone Paige and Carlos Carson.    Its inbred I think.

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They are who I am. They are not flashy, they have their ups and downs, they have good ole fashion roots and I believe the care for their community and those who support them.


Wilkie I remember meeting several of the Chiefs picking up their laundry at the Bandbox cleaners off of 50 by Zardas dairy in Raytown. You dont see too many players picking up their own laundry now days.

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I watch because i love sports, played them when i was growing up (not anymore, my left knee is done).  I have ever since i was about 6 years old when my Uncle introduced me to football.    I hope one day they will somehow win a damned play off game. Not even asking for a Superbowl with this franchise i realize that that would be a bit greedy.

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This is actually a pretty good thread.  I have been a fan of the Chiefs since 1966.   Before that I paid little attention to the AFL and was not a Dallas Texans fan.  But starting in 1966 the Chiefs got Mike Garrett from USC and the man was electric.    Once hooked on the Hank Stram moving pocket and triple stacked defense,  the whole process was part of my life.   My journalism professor at KU in 1966 was Tom Headrick who was also the play by play announcer for the Chiefs.   Tom took me to the old KCMO broadcasting booth and I got to share time on Sunday afternoons with Bill Grigsby who in turn got me access after games to the Chiefs lockeroom.  I was Bill Grigsby's go for  more or less until Jack Steadman threw me out.   But I never got over the passionate love affair with the Chiefs.   The Chiefs were part of the KC community and embraced the people in KC.   Yes we would seem them at the cleaners or in Italian Gardens or on the Plaza.    What a fun time.   Never got over it.

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I watch the Chiefs for several reasons. in no particular order.. I like to feel that I am part of something bigger, a member of a group who I can identify with. The old "us VS them" thing. The Sea of Red. The bond you feel with family, friends and even total strangers as we all hope for a win on the field. The bitter taste of defeat and the oh so lovely sweet nectar of victory. Pride in wearing CHIEFS red. The feeling you get at Arrowhead when you have 76,000 brothers and sisters. Yes I need my "enemies" so I watch for the Broncos, Chargers and Raiders. May they all burn!! Planning the BBQ for the big game with my brother and uncle. Gloating when things go the Chiefs way.. desperately looking for excuses when it don't. I think it is mostly because I LOVE football and like most everyone here the anticipation that "this is the year" may just become a reality...Happy New Year to all of you and....GO CHIEFS!!!

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guess you can be a fan in many different ways. Root for the local team if you have one, root for the team your Dad rooted for, root for the team you have at -3, or root against teams for a variety of reasons.

I became a football fan in the mid-50's when they started televising NFL games in KC. We would get the Bears one weekend and the Chicago Cardinals the next. I became a Bears fan watching guys like Bill George, Willie Gallemore, J.C. Caroline, Doug Atkins, Ed Sprinkle, Rick Casares, et al. Then the Texans moved to town in 1963 fresh off an AFL title. It was an easy transition to becoming a Chiefs fan. And they didn't disappoint. The Chiefs had some great players already and their draft in '63 may have been one of the best in NFL history. So the table was set for years to come and I became Chiefs fan for life.

Why do I watch? because I can't do anything else.

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Home town team. Winning is not a requirement, but it sure is nice when it happens. It is nice to watch the human drama play out with two teams you don't love. But when you love one of them, it takes the game to a whole new "us agaist them level".


Take a game this exciting and put personal pride on the outcome? Nothing in sports is more fun than that.

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Been a Chiefs fan for almost 50 yrs.., Its almost like being married.., The longer the commitment the less likely you are to dissolve it.., There's good and there's bad, and she may not be as good looking as my neighbor's hot wife, but she's mine goddammit.., Divorce just isn't an option..,


Unless she packs up and moves out and its not the Kansas City Chiefs anymore, then all bets are off.., Don't see that happening tho..,

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Been a Chiefs fan for almost 50 yrs.., Its almost like being married.., The longer the commitment the less likely you are to dissolve it.., There's good and there's bad, and she may not be as good looking as my neighbor's hot wife, but she's mine goddammit.., Divorce just isn't an option..,


Unless she packs up and moves out and its not the Kansas City Chiefs anymore, then all bets are off.., Don't see that happening tho..,

This happened to me. i used to be a rams fan in the 80's as a kid and very very early 90's i think i made the switch about 92.  I loved Derrick Thomas though, so i followed the Chiefs from 91, because of him, but once the talk about the Rams were leaving L.A, then i said F it, might as well just Switch over to the Chiefs, my team is leaving. lol   I couldnt like a california team by then.  In the 80's the Rams used to get demolished by Montana and the Niners so my hatred ran deeep for them and the same for the Raiders.  Only other team was the Chargers, and well NAH. lol


 IM stuck now. unless they are no longer the Chiefs im here til the end. haha

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Born in Kansas City? Then that's your team, right? My fandom was solidified during the glory years of the 90's where I lived and died with the Chiefs. I was hooked. When Super Joe came and the Chiefs had that incredible 93 season I thought for sure the Chiefs could win it all. Been some lean years since. Still a fan but no longer do I let the losses hurt as much. The 2000s have been humbling.

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Born in Kansas City? Then that's your team, right? My fandom was solidified during the glory years of the 90's where I lived and died with the Chiefs. I was hooked. When Super Joe came and the Chiefs had that incredible 93 season I thought for sure the Chiefs could win it all. Been some lean years since. Still a fan but no longer do I let the losses hurt as much. The 2000s have been humbling.

The 1970s were the worst
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-Been some lean years since. Still a fan but no longer do I let the losses hurt as much. g.

This was me for the last 4 years or so, but i cant lie that 2013 play off game sucked really really bad.  That loss hurt the worst out of my sports fandom in my 38 years alive!  It was brutal.

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