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Chiefs Window.....Expectations

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ONE of these years put together a package to move up and get a real QB. I've been watching the Chiefs for a looooooong time. We always settle for QBs. Look at the QBs that have won Super Bowls in the last 15 years. IT'S A QB LEAGUE! You can't touch them or their receivers. Oh wait, we drafted Blackledege in 1983 and remember how many people thought Croyle was going o be awesome. We're so deprived of a great QB, we don't even know what one is any more. It has to come from the top.

This franchise has definately always SETTLED...

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This is not the year for the Chiefs to draft a QB. They need ti build the infrastructure. They need some big uglies on the offensive line. Fix that, then get a WR, and maybe if Smith is not still the answer, then get a QB.

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This is not the year for the Chiefs to draft a QB. They need ti build the infrastructure. They need some big uglies on the offensive line. Fix that, then get a WR, and maybe if Smith is not still the answer, then get a QB.

Before injury, and had he come out a year early, Murray may have been the number 1 overall. We may already have our qb.

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I'm sure we'll get Kaepernick in a year or 2 when SF casts him off for the next best thing. That's how we do business at the QB position. All the current Coaches/GMs are in "win now" mode so they are going plug in best available. It's up to the organization to build for a championship. Look at the QBs that are in the playoffs. I'm not going to bash Smith again. He doing well in his life with the skills that he has. But how will we win a championship with QBs that other organizations don't even feel are good enogh to start?

"I'm not going to bash Smith again," but then you did. You can't help yourself.


Don't be surprised if the 49ers end up with a head coach that wants Kaepernick out. Kaepernick will never lead his team to a post-season again. He may have just played the last sixteen-start season of his career. He is at the epicenter of that team's total meltdown this year, and a lot of players resent that he is being paid like a franchise quarterback even though he doesn't facilitate their winning of games.

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"I'm not going to bash Smith again," but then you did. You can't help yourself.


Don't be surprised if the 49ers end up with a head coach that wants Kaepernick out. Kaepernick will never lead his team to a post-season again. He may have just played the last sixteen-start season of his career. He is at the epicenter of that team's total meltdown this year, and a lot of players resent that he is being paid like a franchise quarterback even though he doesn't facilitate their winning of games.

PhataL you sure are sensitive when it comes to Smith when I say "He is doing well in life with the skills he has" and you think I'm bashing him. I am starting to think you are one of his parents. Or brother. Or him.  ;)

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Before injury, and had he come out a year early, Murray may have been the number 1 overall. We may already have our qb.

That would be nice but seems like he's got a ways to go if Reid started Daniel over him. I would not mind going in to next with him as starter. I'm sure he can do as much as Smith did this past year. If it doesn't work out, get serious about drafting a legit QB the following year.

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That would be nice but seems like he's got a ways to go if Reid started Daniel over him. I would not mind going in to next with him as starter. I'm sure he can do as much as Smith did this past year. If it doesn't work out, get serious about drafting a legit QB the following year.

Here's where I am: I would give Smith this year and if it doesn't work out, get serious about drafting a quarterback early the next year. If there is no one worth it available next year in the draft, go with Murray and repeat. It might sound hasty to move on from Murray after one year, but by that time he will have had two years to develop.


I'm fine with picking a quarterback this year if Reid believes in him. I don't really want it to be a Dorsey pick. Of course, both choosing would be better.

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Here's where I am: I would give Smith this year and if it doesn't work out, get serious about drafting a quarterback early the next year. If there is no one worth it available next year in the draft, go with Murray and repeat. It might sound hasty to move on from Murray after one year, but by that time he will have had two years to develop.


I'm fine with picking a quarterback this year if Reid believes in him. I don't really want it to be a Dorsey pick. Of course, both choosing would be better.


Here's where I am: I would give Smith this year and if it doesn't work out, get serious about drafting a quarterback early the next year. If there is no one worth it available next year in the draft, go with Murray and repeat. It might sound hasty to move on from Murray after one year, but by that time he will have had two years to develop.


I'm fine with picking a quarterback this year if Reid believes in him. I don't really want it to be a Dorsey pick. Of course, both choosing would be better.

So Smith next year, then Murray the following year and if he doesn't work out another QB the year after? So we give Smith, who was drafted in 2005, 3 years total with us and Murray who was a rookie only one year to prove themselves?

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So Smith next year, then Murray the following year and if he doesn't work out another QB the year after? So we give Smith, who was drafted in 2005, 3 years total with us and Murray who was a rookie only one year to prove themselves?

You just said that you were going to give him one year and that was next year. You did say the following year.


I'm talking about two years of development and one year playing. And then it has to not work out for me to replace him. If he's making progress, that means he will be working out and have the next year, too.


I guess our disconnect is what we call working out. Murray working out after one year is less than Smith working out in three years here. I would expect more from Smith for it to work out with him. For it to work out with Murray, I expect less.

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Maybe some one can go through the list of QB's this franchise has drafted and tried to develop over the years?


The list is long and very, very painful....

KC is due to "get a little lucky" with a QB.....we only seem to get lucky with OLB's and RB's.



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ONE of these years put together a package to move up and get a real QB. I've been watching the Chiefs for a looooooong time. We always settle for QBs. Look at the QBs that have won Super Bowls in the last 15 years. IT'S A QB LEAGUE! You can't touch them or their receivers. Oh wait, we drafted Blackledege in 1983 and remember how many people thought Croyle was going o be awesome. We're so deprived of a great QB, we don't even know what one is any more. It has to come from the top. 

Yep, once you finally get that good QB, your team had a real chance to win a superbowl, you know your team will contend year in and year out for post season play, and in the end, thats all you can ask get to the play offs consistently and who knows what can happen.   Squeaking in once every 4 years, just doesnt cut it for me anymore.  


   My Chiefs blinders have been off for about 3 years, im 38 years old now, they cant pull this bullshit with me anymore and expect me to be all Rah rah rah.

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Chiefs really don't have a shot at a QB this year that will likely matter. Winston, if he can grow up, is insanely talented and maybe he falls because of all of the off the field stuff. I have a hard time fathoming Mariota not going #1 overall. I don't see the Chiefs selling the farm to move up to get a player under Dorsey's guidance.

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Chiefs really don't have a shot at a QB this year that will likely matter. Winston, if he can grow up, is insanely talented and maybe he falls because of all of the off the field stuff. I have a hard time fathoming Mariota not going #1 overall. I don't see the Chiefs selling the farm to move up to get a player under Dorsey's guidance.

What's your take on Murray. At one time he may have been a number one overall if not for injury?

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I'm not going to bash Smith again. He doing well in his life with the skills that he has. But how will we win a championship with QBs that other organizations don't even feel are good enogh to start?

"I'm not going to bash Smith again," but then you did. You can't help yourself.


Don't be surprised if the 49ers end up with a head coach that wants Kaepernick out. Kaepernick will never lead his team to a post-season again. He may have just played the last sixteen-start season of his career. He is at the epicenter of that team's total meltdown this year, and a lot of players resent that he is being paid like a franchise quarterback even though he doesn't facilitate their winning of games.


PhataL you sure are sensitive when it comes to Smith when I say "He is doing well in life with the skills he has" and you think I'm bashing him. I am starting to think you are one of his parents. Or brother. Or him.  ;)

Your line basically translated to 'Alex Smith is at best the 32nd-best quarterback in the league'. The 49ers let the superior quarterback go in trade, and Smith's career will last long after Kaepernick's career comes to an end. And meanwhile, some Chiefs fans are still complaining about how they have acquired so many quarterbacks in trade rather than drafting and grooming their own. There's a reason for that: They're hard to find.


I have no relationship to Alex Smith. My attachment to the debate concerning Smith has everything to do with the principle that he is the poster child for capable quarterbacks that are would-be Super Bowl winners and MVP's if only they landed in a circumstance where their offensive line could pick up a blitz, their receivers could catch catchable passes, and their defense could stop an opposing offense from scoring 45 points in a game where the quarterback gave up only one turnover.

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5 quarterbacks who are in the playoffs this year have already won a super bowl. 2 that are not have already won 2 Super Bowls. They have all had different o-lines, WRs, defenses and they're back. If we continue to blame and replace other positions around mediocre QBs we will always be mediocre or less. Has anything in the past led anybody to feel any different. We have not won a Super Bowl since 1970!! The overwhelming odds are that an organization needs an elite QB these days with all of the pansy rules against the defense.

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5 quarterbacks who are in the playoffs this year have already won a super bowl. 2 that are not have already won 2 Super Bowls. They have all had different o-lines, WRs, defenses and they're back. If we continue to blame and replace other positions around mediocre QBs we will always be mediocre or less. Has anything in the past led anybody to feel any different. We have not won a Super Bowl since 1970!! The overwhelming odds are that an organization needs an elite QB these days with all of the pansy rules against the defense.

I agree to an extent when you are talking about perennial contenders, but when have we had the rest and a mediocre QB sunk us? We're usually missing a few of the rest and had a mediocre QB. If you don't believe Smith is the guy to win it, why not fix the rest, too and draft a QB early at some point, this or next year.


You make good arguments to get a great QB, even at a risk and cost, but there's little to no argument to not get great talent elsewhere while building. Is Mariota trade-upable or is that untouchable for Tampa Bay? Where will Winston fall? Will he pan out more than a WR/OL would for Smith or the next QB?


Where are we going to get this guy? Next year? Murray? Tank?

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What I am saying is I'd like the who's, the what's, the when's, not just the, "get a great quarterback and take a risk somewhere." What do we do in between, how long is the process, who is offering their picks in a trade up?


Also, I'd like to know what makes you feel that Reid isn't already looking? That he doesn't already have a plan? I always hear these complaints and don't really know where they're coming from this quickly. I know that it's been a long long long time since Chiefs as a franchise have gotten a quarterback early, but it really has only been two years with Dorsey and we've been pretty active at looking at quarterbacks and didn't feel that the ones that we passed on were worth it.


What if the guy we would have taken just to take one early last year and then a better guy comes along this or next year? Wouldn't it be better to have Ford and that next guy than two QBs? Where's the gripe? Is it impatience or distrust?


Reid and Dorsey is being patient because Smith is a QB that can give us that ability to be patient, not reaching. We build the team for that time. One could argue that Smith is too successful to get that quarterback because the draft pick is always too low, but I don't really get the criticism for management for not tanking. I hear too many complaints about every loss to expect them to tank. Even if that would long-term help.

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I agree to an extent when you are talking about perennial contenders, but when have we had the rest and a mediocre QB sunk us? We're usually missing a few of the rest and had a mediocre QB.  

1995 Bono sunk us (along with a disastrous kicker)


1997 Grbac sunk us.


Both cases, the defense was there and the O-line was there.  Maybe the WRs weren't all pro, but that wasn't the issue.  I would have loved to have seen the present  Alex Smith at QB in those two years.

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5 quarterbacks who are in the playoffs this year have already won a super bowl. 2 that are not have already won 2 Super Bowls. They have all had different o-lines, WRs, defenses and they're back. If we continue to blame and replace other positions around mediocre QBs we will always be mediocre or less. Has anything in the past led anybody to feel any different. We have not won a Super Bowl since 1970!! The overwhelming odds are that an organization needs an elite QB these days with all of the pansy rules against the defense.

Four of those five quarterbacks to have won a Super Bowl in a previous year are the only player on their roster. The fifth is Chuck Norris, who by league rule was required to be listed separately by his team as quarterback, defensive tackle, and cornerback, and so technically counts as three players.[/sarcasm]


I suppose if a team isn't in the playoffs, it automatically means that the quarterback is one of the most interchangeable parts of their team. Drew Brees, Philip Rivers, Eli Manning, Matt Ryan, and Alex Smith should all expect intense pressure come training camp. Drew Brees might have already played his last game in the NFL.[/sarcasm]


Aaron Rodgers: 1-3 in the post-season since 2011; in the playoffs every season

Peyton Manning: 2-2 in the post-season since 2011; in the playoffs each season in which he started all 16 games

Tom Brady: 4-3 in the post-season since 2011; in the playoffs every season

Andrew Luck: 1-2 in the post-season since entering the league in 2012

Tony Romo: Making his first post-season appearances since the 2009 season

Matthew Stafford: 0-2 in the post-season since 2011; missed the playoffs in 2012 and 2013

Ben Roethlisberger: 0-2 in the post-season since 2011; missed the playoffs in 2012 and 2013

Joe Flacco: 5-1 in the post-season since 2011; missed the playoffs in 2013

Russell Wilson: 4-1 in the post-season since entering the league in 2012

Cam Newton: 1-2 in the post-season since 2011; missed the playoffs in 2011 and 2012

Andy Dalton: 0-4 in the post-season since 2011; in the playoffs every season

Ryan Lindley: 0-1 in the post-season; backup quarterback with 1-5 record as a starter in the regular season


Yeah, I see a pattern here: None of the quarterbacks worthy of being considered a top-ten quarterback have won a Super Bowl in the past three years. The argument that you need a top quarterback to win in the Super Bowl is irrelevant: If Joe Flacco can win a Super Bowl, anyone (except Ryan Lindley) can win a Super Bowl.

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What's your take on Murray. At one time he may have been a number one overall if not for injury?


I really liked Aaron Murray coming out. I had him pegged as at least a 2nd round pick before the injury. I felt like he was a perfect fit for a WCO-type team like Reid runs. We'll see, but I did really like the selection of Murray. He needs some work, but I felt like he was fairly accurate and made decent reads. He's got plenty of arm for this offense. I felt he needed the most work reading NFL level defenses. He had a good coach and played in a pro-style offense, which is going to help. We'll see. I still don't think KC should stop drafting QBs though. You don't bank on a 5th round pick panning out, even if I felt he should've went higher.

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You open or close your window in the regular season. NO's window was supposedly open last off-season and they didn't make the playoffs. Conversely, nobody had Dallas rolling through the regular season they way they did. After that, nobody would have been surprised if they had beaten GB and Seattle to get to the SB.


Teams are built in the off-season, playoff teams are forged in the regular season. Bottom line, if we can fix our glaring OL, downfield passing issues (WR and QB), and stay relatively healthy, we cruise into the playoffs and are legit contenders.

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