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Fair Contract for Justin Houston

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The Justin Houston Watch has begun.


After not being able to come to agreement with Houston last offseason, the Chiefs now have a little over two months to either figure out a new contract for Houston or designate him as a franchise player. It is believed Houston is aiming for a maximum contract since he’s coming off a rookie deal that was based on him being a third round pick. And if Spotrac is correct, Houston is about to get paid very well after coming off a 22-sack season.



Spotrac broke down the situation this morning in a post and gave their final prediction. Here’s what they came up with.

Houston has increased productivity in every season, rounding off 2014 with one of the better seasons in NFL history. He’ll be highly sought should he hit the market – but all signs point to the Chiefs doing anything possible to not let that happen. Our base value of $13.665M per season ranks him as the 4th highest average paid defensive end, and the top paid outside lineback in football.


When factoring in our prime percentages, our final prediction becomes:
6 years, $92,670,276.


Yeah, that’s some serious cash.


The average annual value would put Houston’s deal around $15.5 million with just under $49 million of the $92.67 million coming to him as guaranteed cash.


This would make his total value less than J.J. Watt and Mario Williams, but give him the second highest true guaranteed money value behind Watt. Seems like a fair deal.



Should the Chiefs choose to franchise Houston they would be taking on a one-year, $16.5 (estimated) million cap hit.


So dealing with this issue now is probably in the best interest of the Chiefs.


Figuring out the Chiefs’ salary cap number is a little difficult because the NFL hasn’t set the actual cap number for the 2015 season.

Conservative estimates have the cap number at $140 million – a number the Chiefs are presently over – but some reports suggest the cap could go as high as $150 million


We’ve discussed some of the players who could end up getting the axe from the Chiefs this offseason and those players would open up plenty of room for the Chiefs to add Houston, free agent center Rodney Hudson, and a free agent or two.

Kansas City offered Houston an extension last off-season but Houston balked at the numbers, choosing to play out the rest of his contract and prove his value. I’ll say that risk paid of rather well. John Dorsey must now decide if he wants to pay Houston at his peak value or if he wants to flip Houston for a large package of draft picks.

It’s going to be a fascinating offseason for the Chiefs, and a rich one for Houston.

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he's young and locking him down for six years  would be nice. Hard to get over that  almost $100M marker but you gotta pay if you want to play. He'll get it & if not from here  somewhere..


Hard for me to say he's top 2 altho I certainly will entertain the argument but a top 5 I think would be justifiable. Its a passing league & when on D if your not sacking the QB you best be  a shut down corner.

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"Pay the man his money"


Agree west. He is a good run stopper and very very good in coverage.


JJ watt

And then there are:



Earl Thomas

Patrick Willis

Navarro bowman

I thought a healthy bowman was the nfl's best defender until watt went ballistic this year.

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Pay the man. Yes, we will have to jettison some talent. I would not hesitate to release Bowe and Berry to keep him. Not saying the numbers work, but just saying. Signing 11 picks will eat some cap I am sure, but you HAVE to. He can rush the passer and cover as well as anyone in the league. What a pick up in round 3. Wow. Special, special player.

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Pay the man. Yes, we will have to jettison some talent. I would not hesitate to release Bowe and Berry to keep him. Not saying the numbers work, but just saying. Signing 11 picks will eat some cap I am sure, but you HAVE to. He can rush the passer and cover as well as anyone in the league. What a pick up in round 3. Wow. Special, special player.

Well, he was touted as a first rounder until he hit the lettuce a little hard.

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They're smoking fucking crack to predict 49 million guaranteed. The highest guarantee for a defensive player in the NFL is like 27 million. No fucking way he's getting 49 guaranteed, none. As for 6 years, 92 million, that's not too far off in my opinion, but seems a tad high.

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Guaranteed cash is the number one priority of both the agent and the player as the NFL really comes down to "Not For Long"....


....Justin Houston will fight for every penny of it  and  the Chiefs will do everything they can to lower the number.



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The Chiefs may have to pay him $100 M over 6 years. That seems to be the price. Not long ago, the Chiefs had the opportunity to get Houston done cheaper. His agent wanted much more than the Chiefs thought he was worth. They decided to get Jamaal and Alex done. In hindsight, that may have been the wrong thing to do. 


If that is the greatest mistake John Dorsey is to make, then I can live with that. They may want to franchise him this year, since he is riding high off of a record performance. It will be difficult to match what he did next  time. So, they may be able to defray some of the costs, lower their exposure to risk, and push the commitment to when there is a better cap situation. The Chiefs will argue Houston is an OLB, and should cost $11.4 M, and the Houston camp will counter he is more like a DE, which means he should earn $13.1 M in 2015. 


Whether Houston wins, and gets paid as a DE is small potatoes compared to how much the Chiefs will have to ante up for his services under a long term contract. He will be paid $17 M over 6 years if the Chiefs are successful in getting a deal completed. There is a whole lot that can be done with 4 to 5 M bucks. It may mean the difference between cutting Hudson and having Kush as the starting center, or giving their best offensive lineman a long term deal. 

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I'm all for the Franchise tag but one has to wonder if  he does put up  another year like lasts ..will he even want to play for the Chiefs? then what?? Best get the deal done while there is some good blood left.


 Your right E Dorsey sure did screw the pooch not getting him signed last year. It might of been the right thing to do getting Charles taken care of but he is declining. Smith? Who the hell knows what he's doing but signing Houston woulda be a move for the ages. Aint hindsight a bitch?

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I'm all for the Franchise tag but one has to wonder if he does put up another year like lasts ..will he even want to play for the Chiefs? then what?? Best get the deal done while there is some good blood left.


Your right E Dorsey sure did screw the pooch not getting him signed last year. It might of been the right thing to do getting Charles taken care of but he is declining. Smith? Who the hell knows what he's doing but signing Houston woulda be a move for the ages. Aint hindsight a bitch?

I think it was foresight, too, but I'm just a lay man, so what do I know?

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