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Joe Montana: 'Easy to figure out' who did deflate-gate

1410878883000-Dave%20Birkett.jpg By Dave Birkett, Detroit Free Press
Joe Montana not point finger at Tom Brady or Bill Belichick, but says somebody had to have done something


PHOENIX - The NFL says it's investigating and the New England Patriots say they didn't do it, but Hall-of-Fame quarterback Joe Montana said he knows who's responsible for deflate-gate.

"I mean, it's easy to figure out who did it," Montana told a small group reporters on radio row at Super Bowl XLIX today. "I mean, did Tom do it? No, but Tom likes the balls that way, obviously, or you wouldn't have 11 of them that way without him complaining because as a quarterback, you know how you like the balls. If it doesn't feel like that, something's wrong."

The Patriots are accused of intentionally under-inflating the footballs they used in their AFC championship game win over the Indianapolis Colts two weeks ago, when 11 of the 12 balls they used reportedly measured more than 2 pounds per square inch lighter than required by NFL rules.


Both Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and coach Bill Belichick have denied involvement in the controversy that has clouded this week's Super Bowl, and Montana hinted that someone else likely did their dirty work.


"The quarterbacks don't touch the footballs," Montana said. "If I ever want a ball a certain way, I don't do it myself. So somebody did it for him. But it's not that – I don't know why everybody's making a big deal of it trying to figure out who did it. It's pretty simple. If it was done, it was done for a reason and there's only one guy that does it. Nobody else cares what the ball feels like."


Patriots owner Robert Kraft took aim at the NFL for its leak-filled investigation when he arrived in Arizona for the Super Bowl earlier this week, and Montana said the whole controversy is "a stupid thing to even be talking about because they shouldn't have the rule anyway."


"If you want to see the game played with the best, everybody has a different grip, everybody likes a different feel," Montana said. "You know where it all began? The kickers. Where this rule came from were the kickers. The kickers many years ago did so much to the ball that it looked so differently that (the league) decided we're going to take (the kicking balls) right out of the box.


"Now if you look at the ball, they let you doctor the ball more than anything. The ball's not even the same color as it is when it comes out of the box, so what's the difference in the air pressure?"


A four-time Super Bowl champion, Montana said the feel of the football absolutely mattered to him when he played, and he said he and fellow Hall-of-Famer Troy Aikman laughed about the lengths the Patriots went to doctor Brady's footballs.

"Troy and I are in the back talking going, 'Dang, we weren't smart enough to think about air pressure,'" Montana said. "Cause he couldn't go in the rain he said, I go, 'And neither could I.' I said we should have thought about that earlier."


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Damn Patriots. Brady got suspended four games and now it gives the Steelers and Bills a better chance at a WC spot. We have to win our games to challenge Denver or win the division. Some might say, we need to win anyway and you can't rely on other teams losing, but the goal is to make the playoffs and anything can happen (though not all chances are equal.) One game means a good start for Steelers, a 10-6 maybe staying home, etc.


It's not all this (suspension), it just made it easier for others. Why couldn't the suspension be handed out after the last preseason game and appealed for two weeks? Then, the Pats would beat the Steelers and Bills and lose to whomever else (yes, the Colts would get a gimme :( ).

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By taking away the Pats first rounder and fourth, it took away one chance for the Pats to find the sit-on-the-bench-for-three-years replacement for Brady in the First Round, though they may want to wait anyway or get a diamond in the rough).

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Damn Patriots. Brady got suspended four games and now it gives the Steelers and Bills a better chance at a WC spot. We have to win our games to challenge Denver or win the division. Some might say, we need to win anyway and you can't rely on other teams losing, but the goal is to make the playoffs and anything can happen (though not all chances are equal.) One game means a good start for Steelers, a 10-6 maybe staying home, etc.


It's not all this (suspension), it just made it easier for others. Why couldn't the suspension be handed out after the last preseason game and appealed for two weeks? Then, the Pats would beat the Steelers and Bills and lose to whomever else (yes, the Colts would get a gimme :( ).

You're looking at the glass half-empty. If the Patriots don't win the AFC East in part due to Brady's suspension, I would expect the Bills to be the team to upset them. Are you really thinking that the Bills can do better than 10-6? Teams in the AFC North are going to struggle to produce a 11-5 record because the division is so competitive. That leaves the AFC Indianapolis Division and the AFC West.


I really feel that the Brady ban makes a bye week seeding more attainable for the Chiefs, as they might end up with one of the AFC's best records because their Top 10 quarterback is playing all 16 games this year (barring another sliced spleen).

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At most he will miss 2 games. They gave him 4 to make the masses happy, knowing Brady would appeal then they could reduce it to 2. So they split the first 2 and they are on par with last year's record.


1 mill to a multi-billion dollar organization is chump change. If the suspension holds up NE makes this up in saved salary.


Losing a 1st and 4th is no big deal since NE doesn't do much with their 1st pick m9st of the time anyway.

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  • 3 months later...

As an old curmudgeon, I say that most of the problems among humans are the result of either not making rules of acceptable behavior or of allowing powerful people to ignore them or get off scott free.  This is as true for children as for adults.  You do the crime, you do the time.  You don't get a hand slap and a disapproving word.  You pay a real price. If that isn't done, then things continue to fall apart for everyone.  Judges letting rapists and pedophiles and wife beaters get suspended sentences and "home supervision" or probation, leaving their victims in harms way again, should get that judge a jail sentence.  I am totally in favor of the Patriots getting a big, big penalty for this, or all teams will start doing it, and fans will lose confidence in the integrity of the game, itself.

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Can't stand the Pats or Brady.  That being said, who gives a damn.  Millions of dollars and hours upon hours of time were wasted over nothing.  I guess it just goes to show that people are sore losers.  He beat their ass because he is better when it counts.  The air pressure did not matter when we kicked the shit out of them last year and it probably didn't matter when they kicked the shit out of the Colts.  Whiners!!!!

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Can't stand the Pats or Brady.  That being said, who gives a damn.  Millions of dollars and hours upon hours of time were wasted over nothing.  I guess it just goes to show that people are sore losers.  He beat their ass because he is better when it counts.  The air pressure did not matter when we kicked the shit out of them last year and it probably didn't matter when they kicked the shit out of the Colts.  Whiners!!!!

I give a damn, because I am a fan and want the game played by the rules or not at all.  I disagree totally, John.

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Nothing to gain and everything to lose. What an idiot. NOw instead of the start of the season we will have the press focus on this crap.


In a statement, Roger Goodell confirmed the NFL will appeal Judge Richard Berman's decision to nullify Tom Brady's four-game suspension.

Related: Tom Brady

This would be great. The appeal could put an injunction for the first game and therefore Brady plays against the Steelers and hurts their wild-card chances and then the appeals court lowers his suspension to three games and that helps our second seed prospects. I say three, not four, games because I want him to beat the Colts.

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Can't stand the Pats or Brady. That being said, who gives a damn. Millions of dollars and hours upon hours of time were wasted over nothing. I guess it just goes to show that people are sore losers. He beat their ass because he is better when it counts. The air pressure did not matter when we kicked the shit out of them last year and it probably didn't matter when they kicked the shit out of the Colts. Whiners!!!!

Why do people not get this? It's not about whether what he did had any effect on the game. It's not. When you cheat and then you win by a lot, you just cheated for no reason but you should still get punishment for cheating. It's like how Nixon was going to win despite Watergate, do you not try to get him in trouble for Watergate?


Or Brady didn't cheat and shouldn't be punished. It has never been about that Colts game. By the way, I hate the Colts. I feel they tanked for Luck and even though you can say who can blame them, I do. Why not? My blaming anyone never hurt nobody. ;)

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Can't stand the Pats or Brady. That being said, who gives a damn. Millions of dollars and hours upon hours of time were wasted over nothing. I guess it just goes to show that people are sore losers. He beat their ass because he is better when it counts. The air pressure did not matter when we kicked the shit out of them last year and it probably didn't matter when they kicked the shit out of the Colts. Whiners!!!!

Who cares how much money or time was spent, was it yours? Besides, if you're worried about money and time the judge just opened the door for a lot more waste of both. From now on every judgment made by the NFL will clog up our legal system versus it being handled internally like it has been for years.
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