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Bowe suspended!!!!!!!!!

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Suspended for littering and defective equipment---guess the league set the precedent that it doesnt matter if your charges get dropped in court, you will still be suspended.


Seriously, why let this play out in court? It is obviously pointless. 


Unless he failed a drug test, which we have no account of him doing....This is BS

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Its hard to be positive about this season. Opposing Teams will be all over Charles and it may be difficult to sustain drives. The defense may be on the field way too long.

They are always on Charles. He's always been the offense. I'm concerned Zero about Charles.

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Guest rwchiefs

Suspended for littering and defective equipment---guess the league set the precedent that it doesnt matter if your charges get dropped in court, you will still be suspended.


Seriously, why let this play out in court? It is obviously pointless. 


Unless he failed a drug test, which we have no account of him doing....This is BS

And Ray Rice gets only 1 more game for beating the shit out of his now wife

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Yes Mongo, I can't post links on this computer but it's for real. There is a lot of speculation he'll be cut soon but I think they'll wait until after the season.


I've heard some of the same speculation on Sirius NFL radio this morning.


I agree that they'll probably keep him around for this season.


But if he has another sub-par year, I think it's bye-bye Bowe.

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Guest Chiefsfan63

Yes Mongo, I can't post links on this computer but it's for real. There is a lot of speculation he'll be cut soon but I think they'll wait until after the season.

Read what it says, it says that paying Bowe his 10.75 mil this year is in jeopardy not his entire contract.

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I've heard some of the same speculation on Sirius NFL radio this morning.


I agree that they'll probably keep him around for this season.


But if he has another sub-par year, I think it's bye-bye Bowe.

That was true regardless of any escape clause

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So many people complain that the Chief's can't draw good free agents nor can they keep good players. Part of that is due to pay, another part is due to winning, but another part is how an organization takes care and supports their players. Look at Baltimore and SF for an example. If Ray Lewis or Rice or Aldon Smith had been in KC fans would have ran them out of town. Or is it different because they have played at a higher level? If thats the case then you would be a bunch of hypocrites.

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One game for littering. Two games for knocking your wife cold. The NFL is a joke.

Bowe was already in the Substance abuse program- this is his THIRD violation.


1st violation gets you in the program- no one knows about except the team and the player

2nd Violation gets you 4 games

3rd violation gets you one year


because Bowe didnt piss hot and MJ was found in his car, he got 1 game vs a year.

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Bowe was already in the Substance abuse program- this is his THIRD violation.


1st violation gets you in the program- no one knows about except the team and the player

2nd Violation gets you 4 games

3rd violation gets you one year


because Bowe didnt piss hot and MJ was found in his car, he got 1 game vs a year.

I think there is a difference between PED and happy, happy, joy-joy stuff.  DBo's first offense was for PEDs.

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