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Parker and Fisher sucked tonight. They should move Fischer back to the right tackle. And Parker down to the 4th corner. Chris Owens is looking better.

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Get real on the Hardy is killing Fisher bullshit. The guy made two plays the entire first half against Fisher. One was on the run and another Fisher got himself out of position and held. The Ealy play was bad, but Hardy hasn't had Fisher's shit all half, by a long shot. As a matter of fact, I'd say Fisher has played quite well against one of the better defensive ends in the league.  I'm more concerned about how bad he looked against Ealy on one play than his entire body of work against Hardy.  I think people just like to complain about the most obvious position on the team, and yet the guy has played pretty well.


If you guys truly want to be concerned about the offensive line, how about you bitch about how fucking terrible Jeff Allen has been, getting his shit pushed in about every play, giving up far more pressures and hits than Fisher could hope to at this point. Zach Fulton hasn't looked good either. Knile Davis has been atrocious in pass protect. I'm really worried about the interior, and not the tackles at this point. If that interior doesn't get better, it won't matter how good the tackles play because Alex Smith will be firmly planted on his ass the entire season. I've routinely bitched at this regime about the need for good guard play in today's NFL and it is shining clearly through right now.  Neither guard has shown the ability to get out in space and block for a screen either. When your tackles are getting out in space better than your guards, then you have a big f'n problem.


My other concerns are as follows...

Sean Smith... I bitched last season that he was a huge problem and made Kendrick Lewis look bad more than once. Lewis had his faults, but I claimed, and was roasted for the belief that Smith let guys get deep on him far too often. Well, he's got a couple already tonight again and the Benjamin pass was 100% Sean Smith getting torched as usual.


Ron Parker... Once again Parker is proving he doesnt' belong on an NFL team, more or less starting in the NFL. He gives up position regularly and can't find the ball. Its like de ja vu of last week. Put a fork in him and move on already KC.


Sorensen... out of position in pass protection on a few plays. I don't think he can hack it covering tight ends. Without Berry, that defensive backfield gets sloppy quick.


Hemingway... hasn't did anything, can't get open. Not worth a roster spot if you ask me. I don't care how big a guy is or fast a guy is or how great his hands are if he can't get open.


The 2 on 2 swing passes... ugh quit calling that crap. We don't have a WR that can make a guy miss to get open, more or less make one miss in the open field. I'll go on later, that' my rant for now... haha


By the way, I did think Stephenson played okay minus the mental error. I also felt like Malcolm Bronson looked ok at FS in the good looks I could get. Hudson was ok amidst the shit pile around him. Fasano was solid, although I hoped to see Kelce with the first team.

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Oh, one more thing, the Chiefs should keep Succop.. he hits the ball better off the tee on kickoffs and they look the same on field goals. I don't like messing with good kicking, and a guy that can kick off well is important.

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Other things  that stood out....



I'm not impressed with the defensive front in the 2nd half sans perhaps Vance Walker. I saw most of them get washed out time and again against the run. I'm not sure how Nico Johnson stands a chance to make this team.


I'd like to see DeMarcus Van Dyke run against some ones. He looked okay, and looked better than Ron Parker. Gaines is going to take some time.


Overall, not impressed with most of the defense today.


Frankie Hammond absolutely needs to make this team.


Murray looks pretty solid. I didn't see any reason he shouldn't make the team.


The offensive interior doesn't have saviors except for the possibility of Ricky Henry, at least that's who I think I was looking at at LG tonight... Whoever it was looked stout. Linkenbach look good at RT. Rishaw Johnson sucked at RG, don't see how he's making the team at this point. Atrocious on the level of Jeff Allen. God forbid they were on the field simultaneously because we'll need a stretcher for the QB.


I didn't see much offensively from the WRs outside of Bowe and Hammond tonight, which is a big concern.

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Lots of concerns. Not standing on the ledge just yet but 2 games down and our 1st team offense has yet to score a TD. This after Andy Reid and staff focused on "finishing" all week. The penalties were just killers all night long. If there is one area that I am scared to death to watch during the regular season it's our db's. We will lead the league in defensive holding and PI calls unless something changes. As many times as we got flagged there were a couple plays the db's got away with...so it could have been even worse. That is why the pass rush is so vital. And yet I even question some of Sutton's blitz packages. I saw a few where the guy was lined up so far wide and then blitzing you could time it with a watch with no second hand. That's how long it takes to get there!


Fisher has to get better or it's not going to be pretty. Don't think he got owned all night but there are far too many good edge rushers in this league. He needs to use his feet better.


Kelce is a weapon...he needs to start to give AS another option. 


Keep Succop.


Receivers are not a good enough unit to make the Chiefs excel in the passing game.


Murray threw a bad pass behind the receiver for the pick. But I like his confidence and he had a few nice passes...one negated by a penalty. Did I mention how bad the penalties killed us tonight?

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Murray threw a bad pass behind the receiver for the pick. But I like his confidence and he had a few nice passes...one negated by a penalty. Did I mention how bad the penalties killed us tonight?


Jim Boger's crew is one of the worst in the NFL. This crew was way to flag happy , couldn't keep them in their pants. Felt like I was watching Ron Winters and his crew during their prime, awful officiating.

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