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What would make you happy tonight?

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Anyone think Dorsey has his eye on cuts and his hand on the phone?

Absolutely.  They will pick up some veteran OL help on the waiver wire to strengthen the depth and add experience.  Right now, the OL situation looks dire.  But these guys are WAAAAAY too young to expect much.  They have a lot of solid picks and talent, but it was always explained to me that it takes 3-5 years to reach your potential if you play OL.  I'm concerned for this year.  In the long haul, I think we'll be all right. 

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Really, the cuts won't be all that difficult to make this year. Outside of WR, and perhaps QB (which I really don't think is that difficult to determine), I think they already know who makes this team. 

At most position groups I agree. Hard to say about receivers and dbs. Couple weeks ago Kyle Williams looked like a good bet. Tonight he dropped an easy one. Most talk up Hemingway but the dude can't stay healthy. Dressler is gone for sure but out of this group: Hemingway, Hammond, Williams, Jenkins, Wilson...who do you keep? Assuming Bowe and Avery are #1 and #2 and DAT is listed as a running back.


Jenkins was a beast early in training camp but has all but disappeared. He along with every name I didn't list will likely be gone don't you think?

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Define long haul please.

I stil think we are going to be in the running beginning in 2015 and for quite a number of years beyond that.  When the average starting OL averages almost 27 years old, and ours is just over 23, we are going to have problems.  Even so, it doesn't help to be missing our star RB and best WR.  Those brutal first five games are almost all going to be played without Stephenson at RT now.  We could easily be 0-5.  I just hope Smith doesn't get hurt in the meantime. 


I don't recall Fisher messing up much this time.  That, at least, is a good sign.


You know, everyone, that with a very good pass rush, good TE's, Jamal Charles, a better FB, etc.  we should be able to end up with an 8-8 season, the way I see it.  After that, we are off to the races.  That is what I mean by long haul.  As the OL matures, Smith will likely give way to Bray.  A lot of people besides the Chiefs think he has a franchise arm.  I hope he has a franchise brain.

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Smith didn't play well tonight, but look at these:






I see quick throws in each of them.   First one he was locked on, second one was a play action, and the third looks like he instantly looked at the rush.  Yeah there's some other blame there, but 1 and 3 he could of done something with, at least an incomplete.201

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I stil think we are going to be in the running beginning in 2015 and for quite a number of years beyond that.  When the average starting OL averages almost 27 years old, and ours is just over 23, we are going to have problems.  Even so, it doesn't help to be missing our star RB and best WR.  Those brutal first five games are almost all going to be played without Stephenson at RT now.  We could easily be 0-5.  I just hope Smith doesn't get hurt in the meantime. 


I don't recall Fisher messing up much this time.  That, at least, is a good sign.


You know, everyone, that with a very good pass rush, good TE's, Jamal Charles, a better FB, etc.  we should be able to end up with an 8-8 season, the way I see it.  After that, we are off to the races.  That is what I mean by long haul.  As the OL matures, Smith will likely give way to Bray.  A lot of people besides the Chiefs think he has a franchise arm.  I hope he has a franchise brain.

I stil think we are going to be in the running beginning in 2015 and for quite a number of years beyond that.  When the average starting OL averages almost 27 years old, and ours is just over 23, we are going to have problems.  Even so, it doesn't help to be missing our star RB and best WR.  Those brutal first five games are almost all going to be played without Stephenson at RT now.  We could easily be 0-5.  I just hope Smith doesn't get hurt in the meantime. 


I don't recall Fisher messing up much this time.  That, at least, is a good sign.


You know, everyone, that with a very good pass rush, good TE's, Jamal Charles, a better FB, etc.  we should be able to end up with an 8-8 season, the way I see it.  After that, we are off to the races.  That is what I mean by long haul.  As the OL matures, Smith will likely give way to Bray.  A lot of people besides the Chiefs think he has a franchise arm.  I hope he has a franchise brain.

7 and 9 Bil. BRANDON ALBERT was a huge loss for us
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7 and 9 Bil. BRANDON ALBERT was a huge loss for us

Remember in Alberts early years he gave up a but load of sacks.


Edited: Just looked it up, in his second year at left tackle he gave up 9 sacks, fifth highest in the league that year. Give Fisher time, if he doesn't work out I am sure this regime won't think twice on replacing him.


I'm not saying they don't need help just saying we should be patient.

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I'm not saying they don't need help just saying we should be patient.

Oh god...here we go again with the whole we need to be patient thing. Honestly, that's all I ever hear about the Chiefs, be patient, be patient. Year after year after year, always the same story.

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Smith may be the sacrificial lamb this season. Fisher looks like a middle schooler playing a varsity game. He really lacks the technique. This is not about him recovering from an injury. This is about his total lack of discipline to learn how the game is played. Branden Albert was bad the first two years. He had to learn how to play LT when he was LG in college. Converting him to LT took about 3 years, but he still was ahead of the pace that Fisher is currently on. Fisher is one more season away from officially being designated as a bust. 


Allen looked better at RT than he has ever looked at LG. That may be the spot for him. The Chiefs really need to find a Guard, and hope for the lights to come on for Fisher. 

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Oh god...here we go again with the whole we need to be patient thing. Honestly, that's all I ever hear about the Chiefs, be patient, be patient. Year after year after year, always the same story.

Especially draft picks. Fisher was a number 1 overall!!

He should be balling.

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Oh god...here we go again with the whole we need to be patient thing. Honestly, that's all I ever hear about the Chiefs, be patient, be patient. Year after year after year, always the same story.

Nobody is forcing you to stay loyal to the team nor are they saying that you shouldn't be pissed about the way they play. All I said was be patient with Fisher, its his first year playing at left tackle and many in here expect him to be all pro.

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Especially draft picks. Fisher was a number 1 overall!!

He should be balling.

There have been 3 OT taking #1 since 1936, Pace, Long, and Fisher. One could say that there really was no true #1 talent in 2013 especially at OL, WR, CB, and QB which are positions the Chiefs need a true play-maker at.


Since 2000 there have been 10 QBs taken number 1 overall, which QB in 2013 was worth a #1 pick? There wasn't any.

Since 2000 there have been 2 OTs taken number 1 overall, on draft day 2013 which other OT was really worth a #1 pick and please don't say Joeckel seeing that he play most of the season at RT and then got hurt when he moved to LT. In other words Joeckel and Fisher are at the same point in their career. We have know clue how he is going to perform at LT.

Since 2000 there have been 3 DEs taken number 1 overall, which DE in 2013 was worth a #1 pick? There wasn't any.


Bottom line, Fisher was the best person for the Chiefs at that time. In hindsight we might come back in a few years and say that the Chiefs should have gotten player X or player Y but on draft day nobody saw player X or player Y as a first pick talent.


By the way I didn't want the Chiefs to pick Fisher but they did and I am going to take the wait and see approach, at least until his 3rd year since that was the time frame Albert came around.

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There have been 3 OT taking #1 since 1936, Pace, Long, and Fisher. One could say that there really was no true #1 talent in 2013 especially at OL, WR, CB, and QB which are positions the Chiefs need a true play-maker at.


Since 2000 there have been 10 QBs taken number 1 overall, which QB in 2013 was worth a #1 pick? There wasn't any.

Since 2000 there have been 2 OTs taken number 1 overall, on draft day 2013 which other OT was really worth a #1 pick and please don't say Joeckel seeing that he play most of the season at RT and then got hurt when he moved to LT. In other words Joeckel and Fisher are at the same point in their career. We have know clue how he is going to perform at LT.

Since 2000 there have been 3 DEs taken number 1 overall, which DE in 2013 was worth a #1 pick? There wasn't any.


Bottom line, Fisher was the best person for the Chiefs at that time. In hindsight we might come back in a few years and say that the Chiefs should have gotten player X or player Y but on draft day nobody saw player X or player Y as a first pick talent.


By the way I didn't want the Chiefs to pick Fisher but they did and I am going to take the wait and see approach, at least until his 3rd year since that was the time frame Albert came around.

It really was a crappy draft to be picking number one, wasn't it?  I liked Star Lotuleilei, which didn't fill a need, persay.  I really love the thought of moving Poe around the line.  Star could have played the nose.  I wanted Joeckel if they were Hell bent on an OT.  You just can't miss on R1.01 and get away with it.  


The rest of the OL is another story.  Yuck! 

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7 and 9 Bil. BRANDON ALBERT was a huge loss for us

It was a big loss as far as 2014 goes.  With our schedule and the number of very young players, it may be that the front office figured this was the year to get some cap room back, let the guys develop, and then use our 14 draft choices next winter to stock up.  I truly believe that Dorsey and Reid are going to make this club much stronger with those 14 choices.  They can even afford to trade some of them away for some expensive veteran who can strengthen our secondary greatly.  14 choices puts us in the catbird seat, money-wise and draft-wise, and the loss of Albert and Flowers might be looked at in a couple of years as a small price to pay for what we built. 


If we end up 8-8 with our weaknesses, get a lot of those young guys experience, improve ourselves financially, and have 14 draft choices...well, these guys will look like geniuses to all the self-proclaimed analysts who will have the benefit of hindsight.  I still think this is going to be a fascinating year and fun to watch, if not maddening and frustrating a lot of times.  This is the time to see who the real fans are.  I don't mind it at all.  We shouldn't have gone 9-0 last year.  It was an aberration.  But we are on a path to greatness.  I actually believe that.  I am willing to stick my neck out on that.

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I usually make my prediction after the 3rd preseason game and I know that a healthy Charles & Berry will make a difference.. Mmy gut tells me 7-9


 that was atrocious and gave me little hope except to think they might have a couple a budding stars coming into the line up. I just hope they can come up before our older stars burn out & or get hurt.



 People this is not the year, but let 2015 come and we best be in the Super Bowl conversation or this will just be another sad saga of the history of the KC Chiefs.. with a pat on the back & a "nice try"  and  "OH Wait Look we found These guys, they'll turn the Chiefs  comical existence around."



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