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Just my humble opinion is that everyone needs to lose or be away from their favorite team for awhile to realize what is really important. I missed out on watching or really being able to follow the Chief's for three years. After getting back to the states I was more forgiving, had a better understanding, and I believe was a better Chief's fan for it.

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I think a much better argument can be made that KC has in the past  signed the WRONG Free Agents, Hired the Wrong Coaches and Drafted the wrong Players.




I think WINNING is the Key to getting the truly great free agents.



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I think a much better argument can be made that KC has in the past  signed the WRONG Free Agents, Hired the Wrong Coaches and Drafted the wrong Players.




I think WINNING is the Key to getting the truly great free agents.



And, if you handle first part well enough you don't necessarily have to worry about getting great FA.  

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I think a much better argument can be made that KC has in the past  signed the WRONG Free Agents, Hired the Wrong Coaches and Drafted the wrong Players.




I think WINNING is the Key to getting the truly great free agents.



Winning is A key, but not the only one.  I don't think your first point is valid across the board.  Some of them were bad decisions, just like any team.  But remember, Marty was great.  Did he win a SB?  No.  There is a lot of randomness to it, also.  Injuries at the wrong time.  Guessing on the wrong QB to draft, when nobody really knew for sure.  Missing a field goal for no particular reason. 


It takes knowledge, skill, hard work, and sometimes just serendipity.  Getting lucky.  Other teams getting unlucky or having injuries at just the right time.  There is a lot of pure randomness to it.  But Marty was a good coach.   So was Vermeil.  We just did not have the best QB at either of those times.  Assuming that all such things as luck even out over time, the only systematic bias would be where a top mid-career FA wants to play.  A top late 20's or early 30's guy who wants to ride his own talent and achievement to whatever boyhood dream most meets his chance for fulfillment. 

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Sure, I agree with all of those points. 


Maybe I read your post wrong, but I understood you to be saying that black players have a bias to not stay in KC for a number of reasons.


Unless I am missing something, I thought the Chiefs were a great franchise for players of all races?


I think the lack of winning championships and the lack of a Strategic Vision were the real issues?


and again, I think Dorsey and Reid are doing fine in this area...



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Sure, I agree with all of those points. 


Maybe I read your post wrong, but I understood you to be saying that black players have a bias to not stay in KC for a number of reasons.


Unless I am missing something, I thought the Chiefs were a great franchise for players of all races?


I think the lack of winning championships and the lack of a Strategic Vision were the real issues?


and again, I think Dorsey and Reid are doing fine in this area...



C'mon, West.  Don't twist my words.  I was talking about the city, not the team.  I don't know if you are aware of it, but based on the way neighborhoods have been set up, KC had the highest rate of de facto segregation in the United States as late as the 1970's.  It is such a loaded issue, that it cannot come to any good to argue it.  But KC is not, and never has been, a paradise for people of color.  Young men of color who make millions of dollars per year cannot buy the home of their dreams and live how they want in KC without being isolated within white neighborhoods.  And even if that does not bother them, they or their families are often looked at with suspicion if seen in these areas or constantly questioned by police and asked for ID.  This is the reality of our land.   This is not just KC, but everywhere. But it is worse some towns than others, and KC is no island of enlightenment by any stretch. A 29 year old, big, NFL athlete with dark skin, not wearing a uniform and a helmet and walking his dog on a suburban sidewalk is treated with enormous suspicion in our land.  You have to ask some of your black friends what I mean by that.  It is better in some cities than others, and to think that this does not have a bearing on where they wish to play is naive or ostrich-like.  If you think that this does not have a bearing on where people want to live or sign a contract to play, think about this and imagine:  


In case you are interested, this recent article prompted by a recent episode in a nice suburban right across the state:



Some people have this kind of concern at the top of their minds all the time, and to think it does not have some bearing on where people want to live is simply not in touch with a lot of people's reality.

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You don't have to tell me. I was born and grew up there. It is close to me (about 60 miles), and both of my sons are jazz musicians there. I love the place. It is absolutely awesome. But I am not 28. I'm not black. I'm not cold intolerant or heat intolerant. I do not crave being near an ocean. I don't have a spouse who needs to find a high paying job in the arts or media. What you and I love and want is not necessarily what Justin Houston or Brandon Albert wants. Some players love cities of 3 or 5 million people and constant action and nearby mountains. Some people love fountains and barbecue more than life itself. Some couild not care less. Some want to be able to buy a million dollar home in a nice neighborhood and still be black and not feel isolated socially. Do you understand? Players who have established themselves as stars tend to be in their upper twenties, have lots of money, and a high percentage are black. They would take the same amount of money elsewhere to live in a city they have always dreamed of living in. The reason we will win a championship less often than most of the other 31 NFL cities, is because we lose stars in mid to late career during free agency more than most of the other NFL cities do. Some lose more than we do and will catch lightining in a bottle and compete for a championship less often that we do. But most don't. That is the difference for us, and why we get close and no cigar so often, in my opinion.


But I would not trade being a Chiefs fan for anything. I would rather enjoy being contenders less often and still be around here. What I don't like is constantly reading disparaging and angry remarks from fans who don't get and will not accept circumstances. It kind of throws a wet dishrag on the rest of us and our appreciation for what we have.

Are you saying KC is racially tense? African Americans don't like KC?

Little confused

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Are you saying KC is racially tense? African Americans don't like KC?

Little confused

No. I can't say that, because I am not in the know on that.   I'm saying what I wrote.  KC is about 18% black and has a very small community of high income blacks.  It is not tense as far as I know, but a young black male who makes 1-3 million dollars per year, like the stars of an NFL team nearing the end of their contract make, is pretty isolated socially, unlike they would be in bigger cosmopolitan cities with broader racial diversity like  the big cities on the coasts, where they are less socially isolated and can live in a community with more diversity.  That makes many other NFL cities slightly more attractive for them.  That would likely make it harder for us to keep that type of player for the same money.  Projecting that makes it likely that we lose more players of that caliber to free agency than the teams from bigger cities or cities with more attractive features for that age group, like ocean, mountains, or tourist draws. 


I didn't intend to stir up controversy but merely point out a slight disadvantage that the Chiefs have in building the strongest rosters compared to teams in the biggest cities or in tourist destinations, a disadvantage that is based on things that most of us never think about or write about on these pages and are taboo to discuss in the national sports press.  But I am confident that there is an effect.  I am also confident that no one will either be able to, or inclined to, back me up on this opinion.  It all started because of the whining abut how long it has been since we won a championship and how poorly run we must be as a franchise and how we never seem to make it to the top and then have to re-build again.  I think there is an unspoken effect based on what I wrote that no one wants to acknowledge, but I believe it is real for some of these kids.  Just my belief, but iti is logical.

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Bil can speak for himself obviously.  I will say this:  As a man of 48 years I’d probably appreciate the city of KC more than I did when I first visited in 1993.  It was hardly an exciting city to me at 27.  I had fun tho, but I wasn’t planning to live there either. 

The city is not likely to attract young men 22-28 for its exciting nightlife, unless a lot’s chgd since 1993.  It’s a midsize city in the middle of the US.  A bigtime FA with options is coming here because:

-          The Chiefs are overpaying;

-          KC is a proven, consistent Super Bowl competitor;

-          He has a local connection; and/or

-          He has a connection to the team (coach, close friend)

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Bil can speak for himself obviously.  I will say this:  As a man of 48 years I’d probably appreciate the city of KC more than I did when I first visited in 1993.  It was hardly an exciting city to me at 27.  I had fun tho, but I wasn’t planning to live there either. 

The city is not likely to attract young men 22-28 for its exciting nightlife, unless a lot’s chgd since 1993.  It’s a midsize city in the middle of the US.  A bigtime FA with options is coming here because:

-          The Chiefs are overpaying;

-          KC is a proven, consistent Super Bowl competitor;

-          He has a local connection; and/or

-          He has a connection to the team (coach, close friend)

Perfect.   Or....also maybe a girlfriend here.


(Or a boyfriend as the case may be :lol: )

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Generally, free agents are looking to score financially....If they can score and go to a contender, its all gravy.



That is YOUR "generally".  Obviously, its important.  But money is the not necessarily the main thing for everyone, especially to a 28 year old who is already well paid no matter where he goes.

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The number one thing players look at (if money is the same) is the opportunity. After that, they look at the city. Most players may prefer warmer climates and places to have fun. That is why Miami seems to be a hot spot. Some guys like places like KC because of the hunting and fishing areas nearby. However, all of this comes secondary to the opportunity. 

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I don't think this will work, because these several people are not real people.  This is an automated spam bot.  All the bumps in the world are not going to help.  Only spam bot removal software will help.  I'd chip in to help Mike pay for that.

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The number one thing players look at (if money is the same) is the opportunity. After that, they look at the city. Most players may prefer warmer climates and places to have fun. That is why Miami seems to be a hot spot. Some guys like places like KC because of the hunting and fishing areas nearby. However, all of this comes secondary to the opportunity.


If it were me and I was picked to play in the NFL...Id play in Detrit, Cleveland, Buffalo or Hawthorne, California. Most guys on this board would.
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I don't think this will work, because these several people are not real people.  This is an automated spam bot.  All the bumps in the world are not going to help.  Only spam bot removal software will help.  I'd chip in to help Mike pay for that.



Boss is on Vacation right now so for the time being its something we'll need to put up with

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