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Prospects You Don't Like and Why

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LOL, well I suppose that's true. Wasn't trying this time though...


I think you're crazy on DGB. If he came out next year he might go #1 overall. I haven't seen anyone jump like him since Randy Moss. He's a better route runner than Devante Parker for sure. I really think there's a 50% chance we take him at #18.

lol that's the most ridiculous thing you've said in a while. And I've seen every one of dgb's games. It's not even close with parker. DGB ran like 2 routes in college.

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lol that's the most ridiculous thing you've said in a while. And I've seen every one of dgb's games. It's not even close with parker. DGB ran like 2 routes in college.

Yep. I'm a Mizzou honk but DGB is VERY raw and is a major project. He could end up AJ Green or Jon Baldwin.

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Yep. I'm a Mizzou honk but DGB is VERY raw and is a major project. He could end up AJ Green or Jon Baldwin.

Pretty much. Besides parker is a good route runner and gets better separation in short and intermediate routes than Kevin white. Frankly I think he's probably the 2nd best wr prospect after cooper.

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Guest Mugsy

Parker is a terrible route runner. He is very sloppy on hitches, come backs, and hooks. Note that those are the routes we like to run the most. He also has the exact same release every time. He is probably the best deep threat in this class but he is not better than DGB imo

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Guest Mugsy

Gregory moved to the other side of the line once he knew he had no chance of beating Flowers.

He's a good pass blocker. He's just average at run blocking IMO. I was focusing on run blocking and when he's in space. Again, I like him in the second round

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Guest Mugsy

Btw, like Parker later in the first. Just not at 18. He might be the most overrated guy in the draft outside of mariotta.

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Parker is a terrible route runner. He is very sloppy on hitches, come backs, and hooks. Note that those are the routes we like to run the most. He also has the exact same release every time. He is probably the best deep threat in this class but he is not better than DGB imo

One of 2 things is happening here. Either you haven't actually watched parkers tape or you don't know how to tell if someone can run routes.

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One of 2 things is happening here. Either you haven't actually watched parkers tape or you don't know how to tell if someone can run routes.


I've probably watched Parker more than any the other prospect. He is terrible at running the routes I listed. You guys are the ones that need to re-watch. If it's not a deep route or a post, it's almost always a sloppy route. Like I said on Friday, he's the next guy I plan to break down and show what I don't like. It's like the Flowers film. I see things differently I guess. 

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Here you go. Watch this game and tell me how different his routes are than DGB's. He rarely runs a good route unless it's a post or a streak. I think he has one or two crossing routes that are pretty nice. However, one of them is designed to get him wide open. Other than that, it's bleh on the short routes. He really struggles to separate on slants. In fact, he struggles to get open period on slant routes if the corner isn't playing off. Last, he also pushes off regularly and constantly catches passes in the bread basket. Watch the Kentucky and Georgia film and tell me how different his routes are than DGB.. He runs that same shotgun screen that DGB runs over and over. The bottom line is that we don't run many of the routes he's good at.



vs. Kentucky




Now watch how much better DGB is against the same corner back.


DGB vs. Kentucky






vs. Georgia



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I doubt the nfl would care about DGB's off the field behavior if it wasn't for the bad publicity with the ray rice case. Hell, Winston raped a girl, the police tried to cover it up and botched the investigation so badly they couldn't prosecute... and he's going to be the first pick. Guess ray rice needs to rape someone before the nfl starts caring about that.



Everything I've read and seen on the case makes me think that Winston did not rape that girl and it was a bullshit call on her part to begin with. I'm not saying its impossible that he did do it, I'm just stating my review of the case information. If he's not a rapist, he's otherwise only made a couple other stupid mistakes. No, he's no saint either, but without the rape he's not off my board. He's also the best QB in this draft in my opinion. I think he pressed too much to make big plays in 2014 and if he ropes that in he'll be pretty damn good.

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Everything I've read and seen on the case makes me think that Winston did not rape that girl and it was a bullshit call on her part to begin with. I'm not saying its impossible that he did do it, I'm just stating my review of the case information. If he's not a rapist, he's otherwise only made a couple other stupid mistakes. No, he's no saint either, but without the rape he's not off my board. He's also the best QB in this draft in my opinion. I think he pressed too much to make big plays in 2014 and if he ropes that in he'll be pretty damn good.

that could be. Everything I've read has led me to the opposite conclusion. The prosecutor was pretty pissed with the way the cops handled this. Hell, they let him know he was under investigation so he could lawyer up before even speaking to him. Major nono.

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that could be. Everything I've read has led me to the opposite conclusion. The prosecutor was pretty pissed with the way the cops handled this. Hell, they let him know he was under investigation so he could lawyer up before even speaking to him. Major nono.

Depending on when they suspected him and when they told him, that's what they are supposed to do, even if he's not under arrest, they have that right and should be told. It's not like it was a general public nuisance charge where anyone could be making the noise, he was a specific suspect with a specific accuser of a specific crime. That's a suspect to me and regardless of legal technicalities, as far as crying foul, he should be told under that context. Now, there may or may not be legal reasons why he must have been told, depending on facts I don't know (like when they told him, how far they were in the process, etc.)


Having said all that, he could be guilty and that's for anyone to determine if the consequences is just one man's opinion like on here (not the court of law).

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Why waste a 2nd on a "backup OT" as you say?


Waste? I guess I have different expectations from second round picks than you do. A quality back up in the second round who might develop into something one day is good with me.

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My opinion (as a knuckle head that watches very little college ball) is that the terms clunky, slow and brutish scare the hell out of me with the fluidity of some of the pass rushers out there.


At the same time you can't Coach a guy to be 6-6, 330. I respect both sides. It is no easy task evaluating college talent to project to the next level.


I am in awe of you guys. Very fascinating reading for us football geeks that don't follow the college game like the pro's. Thank you guys so much for the insight and football content in an ocean of Basketball and Baseball media coverage.

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Ereck Flowers had zero sacks allowed 2015, just two holds both vs Arkansas St. and only three pressures against top 25 teams.


He's a pretty good pass blocker and a technician imo. I have mentioned that many times. I was focusing on the other parts of his game.

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He's a pretty good pass blocker and a technician imo. I have mentioned that many times. I was focusing on the other parts of his game.

Just curious, Mugsy.  If the Chiefs do go O-line in the first round, how do you rank the prospects?  The question is based on the fact that there's not a lot of other positions worth #18 at positions of need.  Maybe if they do trade down, getting the ILB wouldn't be so much of a reach but I don't see Kevin Johnson as their first round pick.

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Just curious, Mugsy.  If the Chiefs do go O-line in the first round, how do you rank the prospects?  The question is based on the fact that there's not a lot of other positions worth #18 at positions of need.  Maybe if they do trade down, getting the ILB wouldn't be so much of a reach but I don't see Kevin Johnson as their first round pick.


The only ones I really like in the first are Schreff, Collins, and Erving. I see Schreff and Collins as guards. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Dorsey and Reid like Clemmings or Humphries and take one of those guys. Personally, I like Collins and Erving the best. I like maulers and they are the only real maulers with nasty mean streaks that warrant being taken at #18 imo.


My #1 choice for our first round pick is Danny Shelton, DT, Washington. I think he could drop that far. NTs usually don't go top 10. Teams usually go for play makers or offensive tackles. If Chicago is switching to a 3-4, they need an edge rusher more than anything. They can get a NT in the second round. People keep comparing Shelton to Wilfork and he went at #21. Poe and Ngata didn't go in the Top 10 either. Imagine Poe and Sheldon in that nickel set where we only have two down linemen. I bet we would run that formation more than any other if we could get him.


Kevin Johnson is definitely a possibility imo. He fits the mold of what they like in a nickel corner and they obviously haven't found the one they are looking for yet. After the top 10-15 picks, there isn't a lot of difference in talent from #24-50 imo.

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Over weeks, many have drifted toward position of need while the team brass still insist they will draft BPA.  I am as guilty as anyone.  How can we not drift that way, when all we have to read is sports press gurus and desktop quarterbacks expressing their opinions about what we NEED? If they draft a RB in the first round, it establishes the regime's consistency and veracity.


No one can project a few years forward.  Everyone wants to win the Superbowl NOW, because of the half-century drought.  So do I.  But it is quite possible that having the best RB after Jamaal nears the end of his career will allow the signing in FA or trading for the positions of need and doing so from a positon of strength in other areas.  I have no idea.  The philosophy of BPA is a viable one.  Getting the BPA out of every single one of 10 selections will go farther toward strengthening the overall roster than any other single thing, no?

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