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Hmm rookie pay scale, how exactly are the Chiefs cheap by picking the best CB in the draft versus the 4th or 5th best WR in the draft?

I think he's talking about not signing Sean Smith or Houston, but instead drafting a rookie scale guy. Having said that, he doesn't make any sense with his cheap talk.


We have a salary cap that includes a minimum and a maximum amount you can spend every year. If we were cheap and did not sign the maximum, that means we have a higher minimum the next year. We have to spend the money, as I don't think that they really get to keep the money they don't spend (meaning they eventually have to pay it). It's all book-keeping.


If you are cheap on your star players and they leave, you have to overpay your nonstar players. Or you need to spread it out to everybody. You can't just on underpay everybody because your cheap. You have to meet the threshold of the salary cap.


What difference would it make to Hunt if they paid one player what they deserve and isn't cheap if that meant that they save money elsewhere because of the cap? They are spending over all the same amount. I don't get how you can be cheap then.

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Talent wise he is all that and a barrell of monkeys.. really the full picture of what you would like to see in a corner.. including the headcase.. because corners are just wired different.. Again, if Andy and company can get over his mostly minor character issues as compared to some others in this draft, whom some people wanted with this pick.. I can as well..

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I was on the fence with this pick. One moment I saw the talent, and the next I looked at his issues at college. I am not in the position to see this as are John Dorsey and Andy Reid. Coming into this draft I was willing to give them a bye with just about anything they did. I believe John deserves that kind of credit. He knows talent. I am confident the coaching staff looked into this situation fully. Especially now that I have heard Andy Reid, I feel this was a one off thing. 


Looking at pure talent, Marcus Peters is probably the best Corner in the draft. He would have been a top ten pick in this or most any other draft. You seldom find a guy of that caliber this late in the draft. So, if it works the Chiefs will have strengthened a crucial part of their defense. Considering that this is Sean Smith's contract season, I would think it makes a ton of sense. 


I had the Chiefs falling back to 23 in order to pick Agholor. That wouldn't have worked out since Nelson Agholor went at 20. I thought the Lions would want to move up to get one of the two running backs. They both got drafted before any of that made sense. It just would not have worked. 


There are going to be some very good players on the board when the Chiefs pick tomorrow. I can clearly see several teams that I believe have made mistakes on players by drafting for position rather than best player on the board. That just leaves more on the table for those teams that know what they are doing. 


Funny thing is the Chiefs got the kid from Oakland, and Denver got the kid from KC. We will see how all that works out. Right now, I think the Chiefs got the better end of the stick. 

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I hope we get Lockett tomorrow. 


I also like this pick.    Especially the comment about neutralizing Peyton Manning. 


With our pass rush and a corner like this, opposing quarterbacks will NOT look forward to playing the Chiefs beginning in 2016, or maybe earlier?  His off field issues were with a disciplinary and hot-headed coach who badgers college level players into doing it his way by screaming at them and berating them. Peters has too much pride in his own abilities to take that shit.   Andy and his staff are the opposite.  I am not worried about his "issues."  I look forward to having a CB who is nasty and merciless and intimidates receivers. You have to have a few "bad boys" out there.  I'll bet Ford and Houston are ecstatic. Their sacks will only go up for several years.


Reid will get an OG and WR in rounds two and three, and his coaching staff will make them into solid starters.  The rest of them will be for depth and for special teams.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dorsey says the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Chiefs?src=hash">#Chiefs</a> had one call to move up and three calls to move down. “I know what they were calling to get up for,” Dorsey said.</p>— Terez A. Paylor (@TerezPaylor) <a href="https://twitter.com/TerezPaylor/status/593983872485838849">May 1, 2015</a></blockquote>

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It was there if the Chiefs wanted. They had offers to move up or down. Clearly, they got their man. 

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Don't know what you think of Kiper's opinion but he said Peters was a top 10-15 talent but was pushed down due to the off field issues. I'm slowly finding out that this guy has a temper...which if you can fuel a person's nasty side into the right direction. Look out!

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Don't know what you think of Kiper's opinion but he said Peters was a top 10-15 talent but was pushed down due to the off field issues. I'm slowly finding out that this guy has a temper...which if you can fuel a person's nasty side into the right direction. Look out!

A smart player can also exploit that temper problem, and beat him. He needs to learn how to control his noggin. 

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Seems like a high risk pick.  Could be another Dale Carter who was also a little unstable or could be a complete loss.  I wasn't for the pick but have to trust that the staff thinks that Peters can be tamed.  CB is a need with or without Smith just like ILB is a need with or without LJ.  Can't complain about the choice if Peters grows up..  


It was disappointing that Anthony went so early, but there are still three ILB and maybe one will fall to #49.  Lots of WRs left and hopefully some help in the line.

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It's the safe route...a la Clark ****. Money over winning...keep feeding the idiots with blind faith and empty promises.

What does drafting a cornerback instead of a player from another position have to do with money? What were you looking for?

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I've looked around at a number of the early 1st round draft grades handed out....and frankly I am scared.


5 of the 6 places I looked gave the Chiefs an "A". the other gave them a C+. Pete Prisco who generally hates everything the Chiefs do...gave them an "A" and raved about how much he liked the pick. Something is seriously wrong.

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I've looked around at a number of the early 1st round draft grades handed out....and frankly I am scared.


5 of the 6 places I looked gave the Chiefs an "A". the other gave them a C+. Pete Prisco who generally hates everything the Chiefs do...gave them an "A" and raved about how much he liked the pick. Something is seriously wrong.

We will not know for a few years. If he can find a way to harness his temper, then we have a steal. If not... it may be seen very differently in a few years. 

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It's the safe route...a la Clark cunt. Money over winning...keep feeding the idiots with blind faith and empty promises.

Its a NEEDED pick. The way the NFL is now days 2 corners is not enough, you need 3.  Yes, down the line he will replace Smith, but he's also going to be playing 85 percent of the snaps, maybe even more.


  I dont like the way the Chiefs organization has been ran and everyone here knows i talk alot of shit about the Chiefs at times, but this was a great fucking pick.

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I've looked around at a number of the early 1st round draft grades handed out....and frankly I am scared.


5 of the 6 places I looked gave the Chiefs an "A". the other gave them a C+. Pete Prisco who generally hates everything the Chiefs do...gave them an "A" and raved about how much he liked the pick. Something is seriously wrong.

An "A" quality player who could easily become an "F" if he doesn't control his emotions.

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Dale Carter analogy is spot on.


Reid and Dorsey like the kid and say that the off the field stuff is manageable....


I have heard people say Peters is the best Cover Corner to come out in several years....


Chiefs got a player and I think we will love him once we see him on the field.


A Star CB with Swagger...



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