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Deflate Gate report


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The NFL has released the long-awaited DeflateGate report, and the short version of the findings by Ted Wells is that the Patriots seem to have done something funny here.

The full report was released moments ago, and in his summary, Wells writes that the irregularities in the balls used in the AFC Championship Game.

“For the reasons described in this Report, and after a comprehensive investigation, we have concluded that, in connection with the AFC Championship Game, it is more probable than not that New England Patriots personnel participated in violations of the Playing Rules and were involved in a deliberate effort to circumvent the rules,” Wells concluded. “In particular, we have concluded that it is more probable than not that Jim McNally [the Officials Locker Room attendant for the Patriots] and John Jastremski [an equipment assistant for the Patriots] participated in a deliberate effort to release air from Patriots game balls after the balls were examined by the referee.

“Based on the evidence, it also is our view that it is more probable than not that Tom Brady [the quarterback for the Patriots] was at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities of McNally and Jastremski involving the release of air from Patriots game balls.”

That’s a huge finding, particularly as it relates to Brady, who has previously avoided adding much fuel to the fire.

We’ll be going through the full report this afternoon and bringing you the latest on a complicated story.




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Talk about inequity.., How many time do these assholes have to get caught cheating before it goes beyond a slap on the wrist..,


The NFL should go Pete Rose on em and ban em from the Hall..,

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Tom Brady's lawyers are now threatening to sue the Commish, which is an excellent idea. Goodell is an idiot, and way over his head. He better have some hard evidence, or this is going to get messy. 


Furthermore, I cannot believe all those who thought Tom Brady should have handed over his cell phone or text messages. Those are owned by Brady, and the league has absolutely no say in what he does on his personal phone. They can ask, but they have no right to demand and Brady has no obligation to provide this to them. 


I think Brady will hold out on principal, and will win. There will be no games lost or any fines. 

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Tom Brady's lawyers are now threatening to sue the Commish, which is an excellent idea. Goodell is an idiot, and way over his head. He better have some hard evidence, or this is going to get messy. 


Furthermore, I cannot believe all those who thought Tom Brady should have handed over his cell phone or text messages. Those are owned by Brady, and the league has absolutely no say in what he does on his personal phone. They can ask, but they have no right to demand and Brady has no obligation to provide this to them. 


I think Brady will hold out on principal, and will win. There will be no games lost or any fines.


Let him sue then everything will come out, text messages, interviews with recently fired employees etc... if Brady or the Pats have something to hide it wont go to court. Looks like a game of chicken and the one with the most too lose will swerve first.
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I keep trying to care because they are a douche bag organization, but I just can't. I really can't care what the air pressure was in the balls. Let them put what ever they want in it. Who cares. It's like roughing the ball up. I am really glad this is the big story and not someone knocking their wife out or whipping their kid bloody. I will take deflate gate every day of the week.

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I think they cut a deal to get Brady a pass on his involvement and  reduction of his suspension.., I guess we'll see.., But I think Brady catches a break on this..,

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Of course he will get a break that's why the suspension was so high, it gives Goodell room to reduce the suspension. Had he given him 1 or 2 games then there wouldn't be any room for negotiating.


As far as his acceptance, I really don't think he had a leg to stand on. The equipment folks are part af the organization thus they did something wrong the organization pays. Besides it keeps an investigation out of their facility, who knows what else would have been found.

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Who cares if I run a red light or stop sign when there are no other cars. The reason it's an issue is because it's against the rules.

I guess my libertarian views think that you have too many rules.

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I am with Diehard....this is nothing more than a yawn.


I do like the fact the Pats lost a 1st rd pick.



A better punishment would have been multiple later round losses. The Pats have 5 1st round picks on their starting roster. One on offense and four on defense, the rest are later round picks or free agents.
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In pro soccer - the refs provide the ball...


In pro basketball - the refs provide the ball.


In pro baseball - the umps provide the balls. 


Why is football the only sport where the teams supply the balls? Because Every qb messes with the ball. It's a fucking joke.  Guys like Favre and Brad Johnson have had the balls to come out and say it. This is a crock of shit. In the end, Jim Irsay is a little bitch. That's all this is. 

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HA HA!!.., Your turn under the bus Tom..,





Bill Belichick never believed Tom Brady's story

Written By Kevin O'Brien Posted: 05/21/2015, 06:13pm

A Boston Herald sportswriter says that Robert Kraft only accepted the NFL’s punishment for the Deflate Gate scandal because Bill Belichick suspected Tom Brady was lying to him.

CBS Boston’s Michael Felger appeared on Sports Tonight and was of the opinion that neither Belichick or Kraft quite believed Brady was telling the truth about the alleged role he had in Delfate Gate.

After Kraft discussed matters with Belichick, they decided to concede defeat and accept the NFL’s punishment, albeit with great reluctance.

The Herlad’s Ron Borges, who also appeared on the show, corroborating Felger’s theory by adding that Belichick never believe Brady from the outset.

Borges said:

“Belichick never believed his story, from what I was told. Because they all know. Why do you think all those retired quarterbacks, the Troy Aikmans of the world — Troy Aikman is about as nice a guy as I’ve ever met in football — nobody’s backed [brady].

Nobody, not a single guy. Why do you think that is? Because they hate Brady? No. Because they’re not stupid. They know nothing’s done with those balls that the quarterback doesn’t want done.”

If this story proves true, Kraft’s acceptance of the league’s $1 million fine as well as the loss of draft picks in 2016 and 2017 was more a demonstration of their little faith in Brady, rather than an attempt to help him.

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