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Berry Strong shirt question

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Anyone know how I can get one? Saw the Paul Rudd interview and cannot seem to find that shirt anywhere. The company that had them does not have the rights to them.

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I looked for one a couple of months ago and couldn't find one anywhere.

I'm in contact with my local chapter of the LLS to try and track one down. The LLS has the rights so we'll see if they can help. Wouldn't mind making a donation to snag a shirt.

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Sorry guys not trying to be an ass here (it just comes naturally) but come up with something original. Tired of the this strong or that strong, it's losing it's appeal.


You all are creative, make something original. Something that's not a knock off from Chuck Strong or Boston Strong or This and That Strong.



We aren't going to call the group down by endzone the Red Hole or the Chief's Pound.

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