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Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda's (Worst Sports Moments)

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Worst Moments for me as a sports fan. (Only including on-field things, so no DT or Belcher.)


1. Either of the Jazz losses to the Bulls, I'd like to at least to have lost in seven. I know none of you are Jazz fans, so you probably don't share it with me.

2. Joe Montana getting knocked out in the playoffs - that one had potential.

3. Bowe not bothering to get his feet in-bounds like he said he could have, third string RB letting up on a run-to-the-endzone play, Smith's fumble being an inch away from out of bounds. I know it was just the WC Round, not Divisional, but it was so recent it stings. Wanted to get that first win in a long time out of the way.

4. Kyle Williams fumbling twice. Lower on list because it's not the Chiefs and not the SB. But higher than others because it was a Conference Championship Game.

5. 2003 Playoffs. Older than I was in 1993, so I remember it better, but was just out of high school. Less involved. No punts.

6. We Want Carr game, watched as a Smith fan, not Niners fan, so that one was bad, but it wasn't Chiefs.

7. St. Louis Smith concussion game - bad memory at Buffalo Wild Wings (won't go there again) but good that we got him, IMO. Aligns my fandom with my team.


Blowouts are terrible, but they don't sting to me. I should have included the Cassell/Winston thing, but even having gone to USC, I didn't feel that strongly.

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-Lynn Elliott

-Don Denkinger

-Magic tests positive for HIV.

-Super Joe getting KO'ed in Buffalo

-Joe Delaney drowning, the guy is a Super Hero to me

-Percy Snow and the "scooter"....sure fire Hall of Famer let down by a Vespa.( sarcasm)

-Drafting Todd Blackledge over any other QB that year...

-Jack Steadman....man o man

-anything involving the Celtics winning anything of value.





the worst moment was the day the Greatest LB in the Game drove to fast to the Airport....God Bless you DT.

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- Death of DT

- Belcher murder suicide

- Todd Haley hiring and stay

- Drafting Turk McBride over Ryan Kalil in the 2nd round

- Both playoff losses to Colts

- Lin Elliot miss

- Montana getting knocked out in Buffalo


- Terrance Edwards drops a wide open pass on 4th and 8 against Florida. Georgia loses the game 20-13 but, wins the SEC and the Sugar Bowl finishing the season 12-1. They just missed out on the National Championship.

- Aaron Murray leads an 85 yard drive with 68 seconds to go in the SEC Championship against Alabama only to fall short on the five yard line as time runs out.

- David Polluck breaks his neck in Cincinnati ending his football career.

- AJ  Green suspended first four games of season for signing autographs ending UGA's national championship hopes. 


- Eugene Robinson solicits an undercover cop for prostitution the night before the Superbowl and distracts the whole team. Everyone in Atlanta was so excited....

- David Justice doesn't step on third base in the 1991 World Series.

- Otis Nixon is suspended for the entire 1991 World Series for snorting coke.

- Deion Sanders leaves Atlanta as a Free Agent


-Michael Jordan quits basketball for baseball

-Bo Jackson breaks leg and ends career

-Warren Sapp and Darren Sharper turn out to be douche bags

-Zidane head butts a guy and gets red carded in World Cup final basically giving France no chance

- Maradona and the Hand of God


#1 - coaching my son's little league team to a 12-0 season only to lose in the first round of the playoffs this year!

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Blowing a 28 point lead against the Colts in second half of 2013 first rounf playoffs.


Stenerud missing 31 yard field goal against Dolphins on Xmas that would have put us back inthe Superbowl 1971.


Post possesion non call Davidson hitting Dawson after the whistle. Blanda kicks 50 yard fg resulting inKC finishing second behind Oakland and no playoffs.


Dave Krieg Hail Mary pass to Paul Skanski after Derrick Thomas just missed Krieg resulting ina TD and loss for KC.

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  • Stenerud missing a, for him, quite make-able field goal followed by Garo Yepremian making a field goal to win the Christmas Day playoff game. I have no doubt the Chiefs would have beaten the Cowboys in the Super Bowl that year.
  • Tom Osborne going for two, and the Huskers missing it, losing the 1983 National Championship by that much
  • Lin Elliot
  • The 2003 playoff game. If we would have had even a mediocre defense that day, the Chiefs would have won.
  • Pittsburgh Pirates, the best team in baseball, losing the playoffs in 1991 because their all star outfield (Bonds, Bonilla, Van Slyke) who had been killing it all year, suddenly forgot how to hit when they reached the post season. 
  • The ugly, ugly playoff game in Buffalo when Montana had his concussion. 
  • Several games in 2003 when the defense made journeyman, 3rd string RBs look like Jim Brown

I left out DT and Joe Delaney because they happened off field, but they were both, of course, far worse blows. Delaney especially was just surreal. It took several days to even come to grips with it. He was a local guy who went to high school a few miles from me. Just brutal. 

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