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Sean Smith suspended Three Games

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Suspended 2 games for the DUI, 1 additional game because he hit a pole....


This really pisses me off.  3 freaking games?  Does the NFL just draw numbers out of a hat when suspending people?  1 game suspension for hitting a pole?!?!?!  Cam Newton rolled his truck.....no suspension.  Ben Roethlisberger destroys his motorcycle by driving like a dumbass....no suspension.   


And at the end of the day it sounds like Greg Hardy beats his woman within an inch of her life and gets a 4 game suspension that will be appealed down even further to a 2 game. 


So in perspective....hit a pole...1 game....hit a woman...2 games....got it...

More perspective...beating a woman is 33% worse than getting a DUI in the eyes of the NFL...


I think the NFL intentionally inflates suspensions these days, knowing they will get appealed and can look like the good guy for cutting the suspension...


God forbid Jamaal Charles gets caught with illegal cable...that's probably a 6 gamer....

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I have stated this many times. Unlike baseball and basketball the NFL is only 16 games. Three games is punishment on the fans. Take the players money and let the legal process handle the additional pain. NFL is a Pathetic Dictatorship. KC had a shot against Denver and Green Bay. Likely losses now. Maybe fans should get a refund or free tickets.


Lots of folks will say if I did this I would loose my job. Maybe and maybe not. My point is I would not care and you dont have a huge fan base paying big prices and profits to see you do anything. Owners keep their enormous profits and the fans are punished.


Maybe the FANS should sue?

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Suspensions from games is the only way to punish the players. When will people learn, players will come and go so suspending one player allows another the opportunity to step up. Excuse me for saying this but screw the fans in regards to suspension. This isn't about fans rights but about player's obligations to keeping their noses clean.


Like many others have said if he had a normal job he would have probably been fired. I know the NFL is not a normal job, thus they have different penalties. Please stop feeling sorry for yourself the fan.

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Suspensions from games is the only way to punish the players. When will people learn, players will come and go so suspending one player allows another the opportunity to step up. Excuse me for saying this but screw the fans in regards to suspension. This isn't about fans rights but about player's obligations to keeping their noses clean.


Like many others have said if he had a normal job he would have probably been fired. I know the NFL is not a normal job, thus they have different penalties. Please stop feeling sorry for yourself the fan.

Please stop telling me how to feel. You dont get to do that! I dont feel sorry for myself. FYI....Few people get fired for DWI. Its unfortunately too common.This does not even hurt the player much. Just money of which they have plenty. IF KC loses I hope you are not complaining that the corner got beat. If KC loses and misses the playoffs by one game I hope you are not complaining the corner got beat. We have laws to handle these issues in court.

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Guest Okiechief1

Smith is top talent. Cant easily be replaced. Likely will cost us two wins.

If smith is the difference between us winning and losing those 2 games then the TEAM isn't nearly as good as we think it is.

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Guest Okiechief1

As far as the suspension blame Smith himself. He was the one that decided to drive after drinking knowing full well if caught what would happen. He was one that took the chance despite having the resources to either call a cab or or hire a driver for the night. At one time the NFL provided a driving service that all the player had to do was call and they would pick you up and get you home free of charge. He had options and still chose the worse one.


This suspension is squarely on Smith himself for being the dumbass that did it.

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If smith is the difference between us winning and losing those 2 games then the TEAM isn't nearly as good as we think it is.

Yes top Corners are a difference for every team. Otherwise why pay them. We are facing the two top QBs in the game. Huge difference.

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Guest Okiechief1

Yes top Corners are a difference for every team. Otherwise why pay them. We are facing the two top QBs in the game. Huge difference.

If JH, Hali and Poe can't get pressure and disrupt Manning then it won't matter much who we have back there as Manning will just stand back there and pick the secondary apart.


Losing Smith is a blow but my point is we have other players on this team that are capable of picking up the slack and taking over games. I've seen the offense extremely limit the number of opportunities the opposing offense by going on some long time consuming drives. I've also seen Alex step up his game when the D went to crap the second half of 13 when JH and Hali went out.


Not even close to conceding any game cause SS being out when I know as a team we have players that are capable of stepping up their game picking up the slack.

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Yes top Corners are a difference for every team. Otherwise why pay them. We are facing the two top QBs in the game. Huge difference.

Good teams have depth and they get someone to step in and step up...bad teams crumble. Guess we are a bad team then.


Oh and by the way...I heard someone running down the road yelling "The Sky Is Falling." I hate when that happens.

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Good teams have depth and they get someone to step in and step up...bad teams crumble. Guess we are a bad team then.


Oh and by the way...I heard someone running down the road yelling "The Sky Is Falling." I hate when that happens.

Your completely missing my point. I think the NFL Policy is an overreach. Out legal system has severe penalties already in place.The NFL Policy is not needed.


Changing ones opinion is not important to me. Replacing a pro bowl player is not easy and even the best trams have the same issue. 

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This was public knowledge for a very long time. This is why we drafted a corner. If you follow the chiefs, this isn't a surprise.

Really? Im not sure that is why. More likely its because Smith can be a free agent next year. A rookie filling in for a pro bowler is not a solution to the suspension. 

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Really? Im not sure that is why. More likely its because Smith can be a free agent next year. A rookie filling in for a pro bowler is not a solution to the suspension.

The chiefs knew the suspension was coming. I'm sure both are true. Needed a future corner.

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Guest robert garrett

there is no excuse for anyone driving drunk, ever. period..



however there are guidelines.. that the nfl has established.. this should of been a 2 game suspension..


but then again, who are they trying to punish.. in the end it is us.. they should be forced to play without pay.

but then again what do I know.. personallly anyone caught drinking and driving should be hung..


really my opinion on this.. especcially after my first and last dui.




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