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Sean Smith suspended Three Games

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Idiot. And this is coming from a University of Utah fan. If he was going to plead guilty as he did, his attorney or agent should have gotten it resolved sooner. Maybe there was no plea bargain or deal from the prosecutor. Now, he's out $700K more and one more game.



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Please stop telling me how to feel. You dont get to do that! I dont feel sorry for myself. FYI....Few people get fired for DWI. Its unfortunately too common.This does not even hurt the player much. Just money of which they have plenty. IF KC loses I hope you are not complaining that the corner got beat. If KC loses and misses the playoffs by one game I hope you are not complaining the corner got beat. We have laws to handle these issues in court.

Then stop telling the NFL how to run their business.


As far as very few people getting fired for DUIs you my friend are out of touch. In my job and in other jobs closely related we would be fired. Anyone on PRP would be fired as well. Maybe people who are not responsible for lives or security of high value information, technology, or equipment may not be fired but others will be.


I won't complain about a loss due to Smith being out. KC knew about this months ago and if they didn't prepare for it then the fault lies with them.

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Really? Im not sure that is why. More likely its because Smith can be a free agent next year. A rookie filling in for a pro bowler is not a solution to the suspension.

Because PFF says or believes he should be a voted in pro bowler does not make him a pro bowler. So technically a rookie is not filling in for a pro bowler.
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This will be a test for the Chiefs. They have three tough games off the start. Houston, Denver, and Green Bay could put KC three games in the hole right from the start. Gaines improved, and it will be nice to see where he takes his game from last year. We will be affected by the loss of Smith, but it does not need to be a death sentence. 


The Chiefs have options. First, their first pick in the draft is quite possibly Sean Smith's replacement. I would expect teams to attack Marcus Peters. He has a history of getting burnt.  He also has a history of getting interceptions. It may work out that way. Fortunately, the first game is against Ryan Mallett, not Rodgers or Manning. The bad thing is those two come next. 


Other options remain. Sanders Commings has been injured every season of his career. He also demonstrated impressive skills before getting hurt. He may not even make the team, but if he can stay healthy, he has a chance of being very good. Jamell Fleming is similar to Gaines in that he came into the league with poor technique. He also is strong, fast, and very good in man coverage. Fleming can become a shut down corner. Finally, there is rookie Steven Nelson. Nelson is one of my favorite picks in the draft. He is more of a cover 2 player. He lacks ideal hips to stay with a receiver off the line of scrimmage. He can be very good in the right system, and the Chiefs will use him correctly. The Chiefs also have Marcus Cooper, who had impressive moments before last year. I don't think he makes this team, but he will probably stick on a team somewhere. The Chiefs may choose to keep him for the first three games, and let him go after they get Sean Smith back in game four.


The cupboards are not empty for the Chiefs. Losing Sean Smith for three games is not a god thing. It happened. Smith screwed up, and he knows the rules. The NFL has the right to make rules that protect its image. The players have the right to be employed, but they must agree to follow rules or suffer the consequences. These rules, as long as they are evenly executed, are not against employment law. 

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No. Smith is good, not 2 games good.

Smith has excelled in this defense because of the pressure. He is not quick enough to handle the underneath stuff, nor is he fast enough to take on a burner. However, his height creates issues for the opposing quarterback due to the trajectory the pass must make in order to be completed over him. 


He will be missed. If and when he moves on to another team, he will not be as good as he was in KC. He has benefited by being in this system with the cast of players around him. 

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Your completely missing my point. I think the NFL Policy is an overreach. Out legal system has severe penalties already in place.The NFL Policy is not needed.


Changing ones opinion is not important to me. Replacing a pro bowl player is not easy and even the best trams have the same issue. 

Fanatic...I didn't miss your point. You actually threw out a couple of points. One regarding how the NFL doles out punishment. And yes I ignored that point. I agree that how the NFL metes out its punishments is arbitrary and confusing at times. I hate it. What types of punishments I think they should use for certain offenses is irrelevant. I just want them to have standards and be consistent. 


I did choose to comment on your other point which was that the Chiefs are basically screwed for the season because of the suspension to Smith. I don't see it that way. First of all...there is no guarantee we win those games even if Smith had played. Just as there are no guarantees we lose because he won't. Would I rather have him in there? Of course...but as I stated, good teams will step up. If we can't win minus Smith than I don't think we are a very good team. My opinion.

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Smith has excelled in this defense because of the pressure. He is not quick enough to handle the underneath stuff, nor is he fast enough to take on a burner. However, his height creates issues for the opposing quarterback due to the trajectory the pass must make in order to be completed over him. 


He will be missed. If and when he moves on to another team, he will not be as good as he was in KC. He has benefited by being in this system with the cast of players around him. 

Agreed....look at Brandon Carr.

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But there is Flowers looking good in SD and they really dont have a great pass rush. Funny how we tend to find reasons guys had success when they are leaving. Its always the system or coaching or scheme or supporting cast. Smith shut down his side of the field last year. Could that have given guys an extra second to rush the passer? Could that have given Sutton the confidence to stay with pressure vs dropping in coverage? Could that have given the safety a shorter field? It goes on and on  and on. I know one thing for sure....Parker looked like crap at corner even with that pass rush. So did Cooper.

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Fanatic...I didn't miss your point. You actually threw out a couple of points. One regarding how the NFL doles out punishment. And yes I ignored that point. I agree that how the NFL metes out its punishments is arbitrary and confusing at times. I hate it. What types of punishments I think they should use for certain offenses is irrelevant. I just want them to have standards and be consistent. 


I did choose to comment on your other point which was that the Chiefs are basically screwed for the season because of the suspension to Smith. I don't see it that way. First of all...there is no guarantee we win those games even if Smith had played. Just as there are no guarantees we lose because he won't. Would I rather have him in there? Of course...but as I stated, good teams will step up. If we can't win minus Smith than I don't think we are a very good team. My opinion.

I never said the season is over. Simple point is the NFL is over reaching on discipline. The fans are punished. Smith may well be replaced by a great rookie and we never look back. My comment on potential losses was simply stating its easy to say Oh Well thats the way it is. Will anyone feel the same if Manning & Rogers beat that corner all day long? I hope that is not the case..



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Guest Okiechief1

Him getting a game for hitting a pole is stupid. Smith also had the chance to not receive any suspension and only a 50,000 dollar fine. All he had to was get it taken care of before November 1st and he still would have been under the old drug policy which the punishment was 2 game checks and no suspension. The league made it known to the players that they had until then to take care of any pending matters and they would still be under the old drug policy. After November 1st the new policy goes into effect which for a DUI is a 750,000 fine and a suspension. New drug policy is something the players agreed to.


The DUI suspension is in line with the new policy the pole. suspension is stupid as hell though. Smith isn't appealing any of it either.

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Him getting a game for hitting a pole is stupid. Smith also had the chance to not receive any suspension and only a 50,000 dollar fine. All he had to was get it taken care of before November 1st and he still would have been under the old drug policy which the punishment was 2 game checks and no suspension. The league made it known to the players that they had until then to take care of any pending matters and they would still be under the old drug policy. After November 1st the new policy goes into effect which for a DUI is a 750,000 fine and a suspension. New drug policy is something the players agreed to.


The DUI suspension is in line with the new policy the pole. suspension is stupid as hell though. Smith isn't appealing any of it either.



thats the stupid part.so that must really make him stuuuuuupid

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I think Smith is a top 10 CB. And he has played like it. Yes, a knuckle head for this, but otherwise he has been a decent guy. I know the common opinion is that people who drink and drive should be have their world ripped apart. I don't disagree about harsh punishment, but I am personally way more harsh on a guy that smacks a woman or shoots his friend I the face . Yes, you don't put innocent people (uninvolved people I should say) in danger, but you intentionally caused harm to another human being. That to me is way worse than being a knuckle head and Maki g stupid decisions.


If I accidently target practice and it glances off of something, I am a knuckle head for putting a target in front of a rock and should be prosecuted for it. If I intentionally point my gun at a other person and shoot them in the leg, I am a psychopath. That's the difference in my mind. Ray Rice did not put an uninvolved person at risk, but you will never convince me that a DUI is any where close to that. I don't care about lose my job vs not lose my job.


It is knuckle head vs psychopath. Smith is just a k uckle head.

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thats the stupid part.so that must really make him stuuuuuupid

If there weren't a deadline for appealing, I would suggest not appealing until Monday after Game 1 so he would miss the Texans and Bengals games instead of our first three or win a reduction to his suspension. Maybe even suspension for the first two but being there for Monday Night Football.

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Would you cut him to sign Mathis?


Smith is gone after this year. We have four other CBs who have started and two rookies we drafted.


If we cut Smith we'd definitely be able to pay Mathis.


I like Smith but he's really only had one great year...


I would think about it for sure...

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Would you cut him to sign Mathis?


Smith is gone after this year. We have four other CBs who have started and two rookies we drafted.


If we cut Smith we'd definitely be able to pay Mathis.


I like Smith but he's really only had one great year...


I would think about it for sure...

No way. Except for Gaines those other CB were awful. Even with a good pass rush they were not good. Cant count on rookies either. Smith was almost a shutdown guy.

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No, I would not cut Smith. It is amazing what they have done with that back field, but Smith is elite and no body else is even above average. Let's see if Gaines continues to get better and Peters avoids getting 40 PIs first.


Smith's hit will be off our back next year when we are trying to sign Poe, Mathis will be hitting us even worse next year than this.


I don't think they feel Mathis is worth the money. Neither do I.

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Absolutely. Chiefs should play the game with the Unclear  NFL Appeal Process and do whatever they can to have Smith on the field the first three games. A suspension later in the season gives them time to get the rookies some experience and beating Manning at Home is A Must!!!!!!! We beat Denver in game two and I like our chances of winning the AFC West. A loss makes it unlikely.

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Absolutely. Chiefs should play the game with the Unclear NFL Appeal Process and do whatever they can to have Smith on the field the first three games. A suspension later in the season gives them time to get the rookies some experience and beating Manning at Home is A Must!!!!!!! We beat Denver in game two and I like our chances of winning the AFC West. A loss makes it unlikely.

This is sort of like how Dwayne Bowe never appealed his suspension when he wasn't found guilty and it was his friends' pot. We just took it. Maybe we're just taking it because we want to host a Super Bowl later, just like we took the "home" London game. Don't challenge the NFL, even on seemingly given options.

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Patriots owner Robert Kraft released a statement Wednesday, saying the "decision" by the NFL to uphold Tom Brady's four-game suspension is "unfathomable to me."
Known to be tight with commissioner Roger Goodell, Kraft unloaded on the league. "Six months removed from the AFC Championship game, the league still has no hard evidence of anybody doing anything to tamper with the psi level of footballs," he said. "The league’s handling of this entire process has been extremely frustrating and disconcerting. ... there are those in the league office who are more determined to prove that they were right rather than admit any culpability ... Back in May, I had to make a difficult decision that I now regret. I tried to do what I thought was right. I chose not to take legal action. I wanted to return the focus to football. ... I was willing to accept the harshest penalty in the history of the NFL for an alleged ball violation because I believed it would help exonerate Tom. ... I was wrong to put my faith in the league."



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Whenever my boss tries to punish me, I cry foul because he is the judge jury and executioner. There's no possible way that a boss should be able to punish their employees. It has to go to a third-party, always. When an umbrella company hands down punishments to its smaller companies, they should cry foul, too. And when there isn't a specific mention of my very specific act in my contract, they should've had a specific mention of what the penalty would be.


Sarcasm, of course.

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Whenever my boss tries to punish me, I cry foul because he is the judge jury and executioner. There's no possible way that a boss should be able to punish their employees. It has to go to a third-party, always. When an umbrella company hands down punishments to its smaller companies, they should cry foul, too. And when there isn't a specific mention of my very specific act in my contract, they should've had a specific mention of what the penalty would be.


Sarcasm, of course.

Who cares its a minor issue. NFL has made these things a joke and set themselves up for endless lawsuits. Why not take away the Titles? If he cheated then why keep the championships? Qbs, pitchers all try to do little things to compete. Who cares? Kraft is correct.

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Yes I understand that Goodell is head of the owners, not the players, and that there are 32 teams entered into a contract for anti-competitive rules. So I understand people who claim that they should have a third-party, but then again, I feel that they voted this guy and in him having that power. They can always leave and start their own league. I don't care how hard that is, that is an option and they won't do it and they will just complain about the contract they entered into.


On a bit of a tangent, but it bugs me when people like Adrian Peterson will complain about NFL contracts. He says that they will not honor their contracts. They do honor their contracts. The contract says that they can cut them and they do it. That is an exercise of the options in their contract. Leverage works in contracts and if you don't have it, you don't get it. Sign the contract or don't, start your own league or don't.

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