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Sean Smith suspended Three Games

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Who cares its a minor issue. NFL has made these things a joke and set themselves up for endless lawsuits. Why not take away the Titles? If he cheated then why keep the championships? Qbs, pitchers all try to do little things to compete. Who cares? Kraft is correct.

I'm not talking about this or this punishment. I'm talking to people have complained about Goodell deciding on the punishments himself. They signed the contract and the side of the way the procedure was going to go and they chose him as their leader. You think things would be all hunky-dory if he removed the title and said he cheated? He's damned if he does or damned if he doesn't. I believe they hid evidence and then said you don't have any evidence to convict me.

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Screw Brady and the Pats. They were told after spygate, the next time they got caught cheating, the punishment would be harsher. If they go ahead and take it to court, the league should tell Brady he isn't allowed to play until the case is settled and then drag it out as long as possible.

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No, I agree 100%. They have no evidence Brady did anything. ZERO...ZILCH...NONE.... Then, they give him the same suspension as Hardy????? 


I am fine with punishing the Pats but not Brady. They can't prove he did anything. 


Time for Goddell to be fired imo. 

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Lots of great NFL stories, like Berry, that could be discussed and marketed. Instead the NFL has created all this negative BS. I wont watch NFL programs at this time because this is about the only thing they are discussing.


Great Job NFL Marketing Wizards. Goodell is a Tyrant.

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No, I agree 100%. They have no evidence Brady did anything. ZERO...ZILCH...NONE.... Then, they give him the same suspension as Hardy?????


I am fine with punishing the Pats but not Brady. They can't prove he did anything.


Time for Goddell to be fired imo.

Brady took away the main evidence that they could possibly have against him of knowing the deflation by destroying his phone. So I don't feel bad for him at all. The no evidence argument is little to me when somebody destroys the evidence. Even heard somebody blasts the courts for convicting Hernandez because they didn't have video evidence or a confession. You have to understand the constraints certain people have and the fact that you can't let someone off because they removed the evidence.


One could say that there were other issues with proving that the balls were deflated, then why is it OK for the Pats to get fined?

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Brady took away the main evidence that they could possibly have against him by destroying his phone. So I don't feel bad for him at all. The no evidence argument is little to me when somebody destroys the evidence. Even hurt somebody blasts the courts for convicting Hernandez because they didn't have video evidence or a confession. You have to understand the constraints certain people have and the fact that you can't let someone off because they removed the evidence.

This is also a mistake by the NFL. Discussing this publicly. Nobody knows for sure what went on or for that matter should know. 

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As for those who claim that Brady's phone switch is routine, as he always does when he switches phones, he refused, before the destroying, to give the relevant texts to Wells when Wells was compiling his report, because no celebrity (or non-celebrity) would want the whole phone searched. This doesn't mean he's bad, it just means that one defense he could possibly have, is gone. Therefore, I'm going to assume against him, this isn't the government, so innocent before being proven guilty doesn't apply to my personal opinion. He could have saved the phone from routine destruction if he wanted to cooperate fully or avoid such assumptions.


Add on the fact that we don't know he actually destroyed all of his phones, just his word, his friend's, and plausible/likelihood that a celebrity knows that phones can be salvaged from garbage cans to retrieve personal information from fans. I just think that anything they have against Brady isn't weakened by it being routine and at best it's neutral, that he destroyed it.

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I just hope that there's an injunction for the first two games - let him beat the Steelers and Bills for us. :) Then, reduce it to one game so he can beat the Colts for us, even though they are winning the division anyway. Then, NFL appeals for the rest of the three games after that. ;)

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Guest okiechiefs1

Brady could have made this whole thing go away from the moment he was first asked about it. If he had something like yea I like the ball a little on the low side so I told him do to it and little more was taken out than should have been. Responsibilty is mine. He says something like that this probably isn't even an issue right now. Brady gets a slap on the wrist with no suspension and the nfl changes its policy on how game day balls are checked and its back to business as usualy for the nfl.


Instead its been deny deny deny and given the Pats pats history it just makes it look a lot worse than it really is. The way both sides have handled this has been a disaster.

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Brady took away the main evidence that they could possibly have against him of knowing the deflation by destroying his phone. So I don't feel bad for him at all. The no evidence argument is little to me when somebody destroys the evidence. Even heard somebody blasts the courts for convicting Hernandez because they didn't have video evidence or a confession. You have to understand the constraints certain people have and the fact that you can't let someone off because they removed the evidence.


One could say that there were other issues with proving that the balls were deflated, then why is it OK for the Pats to get fined?


That's not true and he explained it. He admits to not cooperating during the investigation but, why should he? I understand where he's coming from and I would say fuck them too if they wanted to see my personal phone. Your employer can't do that shit. Remember, this is his job. I think people forget that. 


"I also disagree with yesterdays narrative surrounding my cellphone. I replaced my broken Samsung phone with a new iPhone 6 AFTER my attorneys made it clear to the NFL that my actual phone device would not be subjected to investigation under ANY circumstances. As a member of a union, I was under no obligation to set a new precedent going forward, nor was I made aware at any time during Mr. Wells investigation, that failing to subject my cell phone to investigation would result in ANY discipline."
"Most importantly, I have never written, texted, emailed to anybody at anytime, anything related to football air pressure before this issue was raised at the AFC Championship game in January. To suggest that I destroyed a phone to avoid giving the NFL information it requested is completely wrong."




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So the issue for me is NFL Overreach and not really Smith or Brady. Both are examples , there are more, of Dictatorship Approach by the NFL. Its created so much negative news. And Negative , unfortunately, sells for media hype. Not sure how this benefits the NFL goal of Angelic Player Perception? Im ready to listen to real football game analysis and all we get is NFL BS.

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That's not true and he explained it. He admits to not cooperating during the investigation but, why should he? I understand where he's coming from and I would say fuck them too if they wanted to see my personal phone. Your employer can't do that shit. Remember, this is his job. I think people forget that.





As long as we're going by what people said, Wells said that he only asked for a printout of relevant texts. If there were no relevant texts, he should've just said there weren't, instead of just refusing to cooperate. He could've just produced the same texts that the ball boys produced.


I understand him saying, "why should I cooperate?," however, when there is a public perception that he's guilty because he didn't produce it, the "why" is obvious. Especially, if he "never texted anything about the air pressure of the footballs." He's not going to defend his case in public, the arbitration is over. As far as public perception goes, he's trying to defend himself there where he could have defended himself by just saying he told Wells he didn't have any texts. In other words, that he cooperated. He could've just added the few texts that the ballboy produced. Refusing just on principle, doesn't always help you.


Again, I can't just go based upon what he said to say that what I said was wrong. If we are talking just about what one says, I would listen to Wells, too. It doesn't make sense for anyone who never texted anything relevant to the case to not produce anything when the investigator only asked for texts relevant to the case. It would be easier and more prudent to just say there weren't any texts or just produce the limited text the ball boys produced. Again, I understand that you can claim I'm not obligated, I'm talking about was easier to justify that won't hurt your case, if there are no texts that incriminate.


Besides, even if I agreed that he shouldn't have to hand over his phone or a copy of his texts that are relevant, I still don't see how that would mean that there was no evidence against him. That is the bug outcry from the public that there wasn't any evidence. There was no way for the NFL to know they didn't have all the evidence if one thing that could provide evidence was refused. If he didn't have any, it was so simple to just say he didn't have any.


His response above should have been, I did cooperate, I told him I didn't have any relevant texts. The reason being is that he wasn't obligated to hand over his phone, just a copy of his texts that were relevant. There's plausible deniability in that.

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They asked me to cooperate.


I told them I wouldn't.


Therefore, it's unreasonable to infer that furthering my lack of cooperation by routinely destroying my phone in an ongoing case that I kept open by appealing (no clue it could help my appeal or public perception) was improper when it could have removed all the questions of my lack of cooperation, because damnit, I did not have to cooperate!


And, take my word, just like Wells would have had to do if I had told him, that I did not have any texts besides the ones the ball boys provided.


Sarcasm over.


He didn't have to and so he didn't, that doesn't make me believe him. And if what he had was exonerating, he cut off his nose to spite his face for a principle when he could have cleared himself. Or there were texts, which I could see there being none. If I were doing something wrong, I certainly wouldn't text about it.


The suspension was from lack of cooperation, not footballs, so I'm not even claiming that the texts had anything, just that it would have been better to cooperate, even if by golly he didn't have to. Cooperation isn't a blank check that he has to do anything asked, but copies of relevant texts or statement under oath (or not,I suppose) to Wells during his investigation that there weren't any texts would suffice for me. Although, it wouldn't prove anything, just take away the argument that he wasn't cooperating.

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Ok, I take it back. Put him back in there for the Steelers game!






I think deflating the footballs should lead to him being suspended against: Cowboys, Redskins, Giants, Eagles, and Titans. Those teams aren't threats to our playoff chances but could hurt the Patriots' chances of a bye in case we play well enough to contend for it.

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And so it begins. NFL Dictators on the ropes?


Bleacher Report's Jason Cole reported Cowboys DE Greg Hardy is considering an appeal of his four-game suspension in the wake of Tom Brady's appeal win.
Hardy saw his 10-game suspension reduced to four games in July, but he still feels hard done after being forced to sit out all but one game last year. Brady's win in federal court could give Hardy the confidence to seek out a similar result. If Hardy can earn a stay, the Cowboys' defensive line will be a position of strength entering the season.

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The only thing Sean Smith would get from appealing now would be his paycheck.


He can't push in an appeal with the league, get a ruling on it, appeal to a court and get a ruling or at least an injunction before his suspension is over.


He should of appealed and he wasn't smart to just ride it out. That probably cost him any shot of getting a new deal here IMO

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Nothing to gain and everything to lose. What an idiot. NOw instead of the start of the season we will have the press focus on this crap. 


In a statement, Roger Goodell confirmed the NFL will appeal Judge Richard Berman's decision to nullify Tom Brady's four-game suspension.
Related: Tom Brady

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