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Eric Berry is cleared to play

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Go to Chiefs.Com and listen....


From what the Doctor, Reid and Berry himself said....the guy is going to play.


I found this to be a truly inspirational story all along....Now it is legendary.



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Go to Chiefs.Com and listen....


From what the Doctor, Reid and Berry himself said....the guy is going to play.


I found this to be a truly inspirational story all along....Now it is legendary.



I'm sure he will.  Whether he plays for one play or one game or a full season, he will play.  It is a great story and a testament to him. I'm pulling for him.

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He's lucky his veins were good enough that he didn't need a port.


That chemo for Hodgkins is rough.  In that article it sounded like he thought he was going to die.  Couldn't even get out of bed.  How he is going to actually play an actual game this soon is beyond me.  I have wondered if they brought him back to active status as a gesture of good will, allowing him to be paid for this season. The Chiefs are a class organization and would do that.  We'll see.  Could be that the doctors and his family want him to hear that roar when they announce his name coming out of the tunnel.


he did need a port but he had it removed between treatments so he could work out afterward. The man is a beast and has earned my undieing respect. I still dont think he's worth $8 mil per year but as a person he is wayyy up there. I am thankful that his DR's were not some mamby pamby bastards that did not see this man for what ie is and let him dictate what he was going to do insterad of just laying around between treatments and letting his muscles wither away

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