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GAME THREAD - Preseason Week 1 - Arizona Cardinals

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Just watched the game yesterday.


C. West looks better than Knile Davis as an all around rb. No wonder they ditched Cyrus Grey.

The breakdowns on 1st team offense and defense kinda scare the crap out of me.

Chiefs have incredible depth for the first time in nearly ever.

It's preseason and the Chiefs actually won. It seems that the Chiefs wins in preseason are very few and far between.

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Call it over analysis or just looking for negatives. Every time someone on the opposition does something good we look for a scape goat. Who was at fault. I think other players on the opposing teams make plays too. Give guys credit vs looking for blame. All are talented pros and a few are superstars.There are no perfect teams and no perfect players. Every team is one or two key injuries from having a strength become a weakness.


Watch a baseball game. Guy hits a home run and its because the pitcher missed his spot. Well if it was as easy as that then batting practice would be nothing but homers. 

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Two points. Chase is worth every penny. Second, I guess I had thought of Hamond and Williams as little guys. I didn't realize they were both six foot. Hammond is 6'1".


I guess we can say good bye to Hemmingway. Love the strength and speed, but you can't make the club when your sitting in the tub. So says DV.

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