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Is Daniels like the Rich Gannon situation?

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That's a decent list.

Peyton is likely in his last year. I would not make that trade.

Flacco is close. I might take Flacco.

Romo is a choker. No way I make that trade.

Bridge water has done nothing.

Newton, no.

Brees is old, but handles pressure well and may have 2-3 years left. I would do that.

Palmer is on borrowed time.

Rivers is not much of a leader, but maybe.

Ryan is not better IMO.

Eli is not impressive at all to me.

I will agree with the rest except not include Mariota or Foles.

Rivers is all leader. Heart of that team for sure. I live in the San Diego area.

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Cutler with a lightning bolt. Great arm. No doubt. I completely respect his skills. But...I am not sure that I would share a fox hole with "worst day ever" Rivers.


No doubt the talent..cutler...but I will believe he can carry a team when I see it. He has commanded hands down some of the most talented teams in the West and they under achieved.


I can't bust on that opinion though. Those guys and Romo have ridiculous talent.

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And they still started him over Alex Smith.


Of course people don't like Kaep, he isn't the type of person stuffy old white people like.


People are having quick revisionist history over one season where his line was banged up and his coaches were busy wondering when they were getting fired because the owner and GM are dumb.

I really hate it when the chief defense for Kaepernick is that he isn't white. Why do I have to talk about his ethnicity when his throwing mechanics are not NFL caliber, his footwork is not NFL caliber, his accuracy is not NFL caliber, his decision-making is not NFL caliber, and really the only things about him that are NFL caliber are his throwing velocity and his foot speed. You cheapened your argument by resorting to playing the race card. Big time.


As for "revisionist history", Kaepernick is like those big-name IPO's that hit the stock market on Day One, and everyone wants to get behind them because of their potential, and not long thereafter it is found out that the company behind the IPO has a service or good no one actually wants. I've never in my life observed a quarterback getting credit for things he hadn't actually done yet to the extent that Kaepernick did from 2012 onward. 2015 has been the first year in which evaluations of Kaepernick were not couched in terms such as "when he gets it" or "potential" or "upside", and there were games last year that Kaepernick single-handedly choked away that his defense had pretty much won for him. Kaepernick doesn't get extra credit for playing with a crummy supporting cast or crummy coaching because Smith did better with the same coaching and an equally crummy supporting cast when you factor for experience. Smith broke in that offense from line to receiver before it was taken from him and handed to Kaepernick.


And if Jim Harbaugh made the move to Kaepernick because he wanted to play the best player, why are so many of the players on the 2012 roster ex-49ers? Jim Harbaugh's egocentric move created a schism in the locker room that ultimately shredded the team, and that was why Jed York sided with Trent Baalke when the staff situation came to a head. And why weren't there many offensive coordinators lining up to coach the 49ers in 2015? Because they were going to have to risk their careers on an unproven commodity in Kaepernick or a reclamation project in Gabbert. Kaepernick will be out of the league before Smith, which should tell you everything about how Kaepernick rates as an NFL quarterback.

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I really hate it when the chief defense for Kaepernick is that he isn't white. Why do I have to talk about his ethnicity when his throwing mechanics are not NFL caliber, his footwork is not NFL caliber, his accuracy is not NFL caliber, his decision-making is not NFL caliber, and really the only things about him that are NFL caliber are his throwing velocity and his foot speed. You cheapened your argument by resorting to playing the race card. Big time.


As for "revisionist history", Kaepernick is like those big-name IPO's that hit the stock market on Day One, and everyone wants to get behind them because of their potential, and not long thereafter it is found out that the company behind the IPO has a service or good no one actually wants. I've never in my life observed a quarterback getting credit for things he hadn't actually done yet to the extent that Kaepernick did from 2012 onward. 2015 has been the first year in which evaluations of Kaepernick were not couched in terms such as "when he gets it" or "potential" or "upside", and there were games last year that Kaepernick single-handedly choked away that his defense had pretty much won for him. Kaepernick doesn't get extra credit for playing with a crummy supporting cast or crummy coaching because Smith did better with the same coaching and an equally crummy supporting cast when you factor for experience. Smith broke in that offense from line to receiver before it was taken from him and handed to Kaepernick.


And if Jim Harbaugh made the move to Kaepernick because he wanted to play the best player, why are so many of the players on the 2012 roster ex-49ers? Jim Harbaugh's egocentric move created a schism in the locker room that ultimately shredded the team, and that was why Jed York sided with Trent Baalke when the staff situation came to a head. And why weren't there many offensive coordinators lining up to coach the 49ers in 2015? Because they were going to have to risk their careers on an unproven commodity in Kaepernick or a reclamation project in Gabbert. Kaepernick will be out of the league before Smith, which should tell you everything about how Kaepernick rates as an NFL quarterback.

I think you should understand roster changes as the roster playing with Alex Smith was different from the last year of Harbaugh. Kaepernick gets some slack because typically young starters get some slack. There's a difference between understanding flaws with a kid entering his third full year as the starter and a vet that's been playing for over a decade.


If Alex was 25, he'd get a lot more slack. He's over 30 and development time is over unless you're an Alex loyalist. The whole point of this direction was to bypass the curve.


Also race has really not a lot to do with it outside of stuffy old white people don't understand urban culture anymore. It's just how it is and it has nothing to do with the fact that Kaepernick has an olive complexion. Stuffy old white guys seem to be pretty appalled with how Gronk spends his offseason and he's white.


People seem to get wacky and throw out he's using a da race card more than it actually is used. It's an incorrect assessment far too many times.

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Often overlooked: Jim Tomsula's career record as an NFL Head Coach is 1-0. Alex Smith was the starting quarterback.

And? He's going to get socked this year and only got the job because Adam Gase decided he would rather coach a QB who does not give a shit than deal with a self-destructive team.


He voluntarily took a lesser job.

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Ironically, in that game, Smith's offense outscored Manning's offense per offensive drive. Philosophically you're correct, but technically you're totally wrong.

Philosophically and technically I am right. Alex Smith had chances to win it and didn't get it done in 4 quarters.


You must be one of the tourist 49er fans.


And to cap things off I'll just leave this stat here: "You are just 11-41-1 in your career when the opposing team scores 20 points or more."

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A large anount of people will never like Kaepernick because he wears a flat cap, tshirt, headphones and has a bunch of bad looking tats instead of being a clean cut cosby sweater wearer. He's a "thug" or a "hip hop guy"


Not sure where you got that idea West, as that's not the case. Typically teams don't agree to mutually part ways with their coach if they want to keep them.


Baalke wanted him gone before last season ever began as he wanted total control.


The Oline isn't looking good for a lot of teams because it's fn preseason and blocking schemes really aren't in place.


This narrative where you need a top Oline to do anything is ridiculous and people fall for it year after year.


Smith had solid lines in SF and couldn't get it done. He had a solid line in 2013 and couldn't get it done. Oh right, receivers. He had Vernon Davis and Crabtree and couldn't get it done. Oh and Gore.

No they don't like him because he's cocky and has no reason to be. He did nothing special with a team that Smith should have taken to the SB, remember the two muffed punts in the NFC Championship game.


Yes Kap is a decent QB but he is not cerebral enough. He still believes that he has to make the play and old fashion or not passing is still the main job of a QB.


Scramble first QBs have never won a SB. Most who COULD run did so as a 2nd or 3rd option. Elway didn't win a SB until he understood this, Young won SB due to his receiving corps and all around good team. Kap is immature and really acts like he doesn't care. He will be lucky if he stays in the leag7e as a starter for 10 years. Three down seven to go.

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And to cap things off I'll just leave this stat here: "You are just 11-41-1 in your career when the opposing team scores 20 points or more."

And now we get the cherry-picking splits routine. Why "20", and not "30" or "10"? Why is it "team" instead of "Offense and Special Teams"? Just stop, man.


Colin Kaepernick's wins were inflated by the support of one of the league's best supporting casts and coaching staffs, and Alex Smith's losses were inflated by the lack thereof. It's a team game, and Colin Kaepernick's weaknesses are of the sort that prevent him from making the whole better than the sum of its parts. The same accusation cannot be made of Alex Smith's game.

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No, my above post doesn't mean that any failures by Kaepernick is excused fully because of his team leaving, as that same reasoning only helped Smith a bit when he first started in the league (but is still used against him) and hasn't helped much for our 2-14 team (no one excuses our end of 2013 because of turnover or prior bad year). Kaepernick's strengths are positives and weaknesses are negatives, as for every QB. We should look at him independently from his team, though people didn't do that much when he started. Make chicken soup from chicken shit. Make chicken parmigiana from chicken soup. Just do the best with what you have, whether that is good or bad to start from.

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If the O-Line does not get it together, the Chiefs will need Chase this year.



True.  In fact, you just reminded us of Mike LIvingston, and Dawson, though not as mobile as Smith and definitely more injury prone, was protected by the Redwood Forest.  Yes, we will definitely need Chase this year, unless we are extremely lucky.  Look how many times AS has had to scramble already.

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True.  In fact, you just reminded us of Mike LIvingston, and Dawson, though not as mobile as Smith and definitely more injury prone, was protected by the Redwood Forest.  Yes, we will definitely need Chase this year, unless we are extremely lucky.  Look how many times AS has had to scramble already.

smith nearly got his head taken off on the first play against the seabags..

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