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Fisher now starting RT?

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Good article but like always the Fisher haters will attack it and talk about how bad he is and that is the real reason they moved him.
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I thought the Chiefs would cut Fanaika on the second and final cutdowns to 53. It would have cost the Chiefs a little cap money, and they would have had to eat some crow. It did not happen, and I couldn't understand why not. The Chiefs added a G/T, and I thought they would release Fanaika, but again it did not happen. Several moves were made, and finally the Chiefs placed Paul Fanaika on the IR. He will be lost for the season. The Chiefs have the rights to Fanaika next year, but they do not have to pay him if he is not healthy. He did not look like he was an experienced NFL player this year. Maybe that is because he was hurt. Fanaika had an ankle injury in the 11th or 12th game for the Cardinals. He played hurt a few games, and missed three more. It is likely he was damaged goods. 


Fanaika was a practice team player for the majority of his career. He improved to the level of a starter at Seattle. Arizona picked him up, and he had 1 1/2 good years as a starter before he got hurt. I went back to look at some games from last season to see if Fanaika's ability was good enough to make him a starter. The answer is yes. He was good the first part of the season, and then got hurt. Other than a few plays, one in which he tripped and got bull rushed, and another where he whiffed on a stunt, he did a good job. He would have been better than any other player on the team at RG. When he got his ankle twisted, he was not able to anchor, and eventually could not play at all. I think the ankle is still the issue, and he may need surgery.


Here is the positive about this issue. The Chiefs kept Moses, which is hard to believe because I thought a team would surely pick him up. The Chiefs were able to put Fanaika on the IR for 2015, and that means the Chiefs will not be out an additional 1/3 of a mill. They have Fanaika locked up next year, so if he gets healthy, they have a RG. Finally, if it does not work out, they are under no obligation to keep him, and can cut him next season without hurting the cap. 


Fisher is a better RT than a LT, and Stephenson is a LT. Stephenson does not have the lead in his pants to play RT, but is more agile than Fisher, and has long arms. Stephenson looks better at LT than Fisher. This could be that Stephenson just did not want to play RT, and sucked at it, but I really think it has to do with his ability. Fisher hurt his shoulder and was not strong enough to play RT his rookie season. He also got beat inside, which was to his injured shoulder. I think he will adapt much quicker this time. 


The bigger issue may be at RG. LDT is the most physically capable player at that position, but he has only played for a few short years, and most of those were against subpar talent. He is smart, and seems to have good body coordination. If he can gain experience without getting our QB killed, he may be the better option. 

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It's probably because he could never play well enough to win back the job from Harris last year.

That and he was slated to be a back-up to Allen at RT until Allen got hurt.


So it's not really a "hot take".


Reid basically shut down Paylor and called him stupid for suggesting exactly what you said.


Harris started over Stephenson because one he was in the dog house for a 4 game suspension and rightfully so. Two, as much as people love to ignore it, having continuity on the line is important.


The Chiefs could of scooped a guy off the street who could of played LG better than the tire fire they had but stuck with it. People act like it's a mystifying thing.


You're not going to swap around your line up unless you need to out of injury.


What the depth chart looked like early in camp doesn't mean shit. Ldt was low on the rung and is now starting.


The narrative was that Fisher was drafted to play LT, was built up and propped to be the LT and now he is the RT.


I think you should see play comparable to Albert from him. If you don't, he was a colossal mistake.


This is his 3rd year, so he needs to play like a good tackle.

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I thought the Chiefs would cut Fanaika on the second and final cutdowns to 53. It would have cost the Chiefs a little cap money, and they would have had to eat some crow. It did not happen, and I couldn't understand why not. The Chiefs added a G/T, and I thought they would release Fanaika, but again it did not happen. Several moves were made, and finally the Chiefs placed Paul Fanaika on the IR. He will be lost for the season. The Chiefs have the rights to Fanaika next year, but they do not have to pay him if he is not healthy. He did not look like he was an experienced NFL player this year. Maybe that is because he was hurt. Fanaika had an ankle injury in the 11th or 12th game for the Cardinals. He played hurt a few games, and missed three more. It is likely he was damaged goods. 


Fanaika was a practice team player for the majority of his career. He improved to the level of a starter at Seattle. Arizona picked him up, and he had 1 1/2 good years as a starter before he got hurt. I went back to look at some games from last season to see if Fanaika's ability was good enough to make him a starter. The answer is yes. He was good the first part of the season, and then got hurt. Other than a few plays, one in which he tripped and got bull rushed, and another where he whiffed on a stunt, he did a good job. He would have been better than any other player on the team at RG. When he got his ankle twisted, he was not able to anchor, and eventually could not play at all. I think the ankle is still the issue, and he may need surgery.


Here is the positive about this issue. The Chiefs kept Moses, which is hard to believe because I thought a team would surely pick him up. The Chiefs were able to put Fanaika on the IR for 2015, and that means the Chiefs will not be out an additional 1/3 of a mill. They have Fanaika locked up next year, so if he gets healthy, they have a RG. Finally, if it does not work out, they are under no obligation to keep him, and can cut him next season without hurting the cap. 


Fisher is a better RT than a LT, and Stephenson is a LT. Stephenson does not have the lead in his pants to play RT, but is more agile than Fisher, and has long arms. Stephenson looks better at LT than Fisher. This could be that Stephenson just did not want to play RT, and sucked at it, but I really think it has to do with his ability. Fisher hurt his shoulder and was not strong enough to play RT his rookie season. He also got beat inside, which was to his injured shoulder. I think he will adapt much quicker this time. 


The bigger issue may be at RG. LDT is the most physically capable player at that position, but he has only played for a few short years, and most of those were against subpar talent. He is smart, and seems to have good body coordination. If he can gain experience without getting our QB killed, he may be the better option.

damn E..well done..


great points..As well as analysis. And you live in The great Commonwealth of Kentucky!..


feel like I ought to mail you a quarter just for reading this and caring!


all jokes aside I agree..RG might go bad..and quickly this Sunday..JJ Watt lining up right over the very young LDT..


we'll know right quick how the offense will work..or not work at all...


of course Jeff Allen may be a half time sub of things get really bad..



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Stephenson was in the doghouse because of PEDS and he stayed there because he had issues with maturity. The continuity of the line played a part too, but if he had it together Reid would have inserted him into the lineup immediately. 


Donald Stephenson is three days younger than my daughter. It takes people varying time to mature. Some people never do. To expect a young man in our society today to suddenly become mature is unreasonable. We live in a different society than our parents, and their parents before them. Maturation is delayed for the vast majority of young adults. 


This is a contract season. I am not completely sold on the idea Stephenson has made a complete transformation. I hope he has, but I plan to wait and see. We can look to Eddie Kennison, who is now a standout individual by all accounts. He was blessed with 4.28 speed in the 40, and had good size. He probably would tell you he was immature early in his career. After he quit on Denver, Kennison signed with the Chiefs, his fifth team in six years. Kennison grew up, and began to act like the man he was supposed to be. Life threw Eddie Kennison a series of curve balls, and he turned his life around 180 degrees. 


I hope Donald Stephenson has matured. Reid said he had made some changes since last year. His talent and size was never in question. The only thing holding back Donald Stephenson was himself. If he has moved on then he could be very good in this league. He will turn 27 years old in a three weeks. He could easily have six or seven good years ahead if he has turned the corner. 


Better late than never. 

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Yes Stephenson is very talented and the suspension last year was what set him back. Here he is given another chance and I'm sure we'll see him succeed.


Fisher having suffered a minor setback injury will play the position that will make the Chiefs most successful and for now the coaches believe its RT. It's that simple

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Could this be about Stephenson set of Fisher? I heard Stephenson wasn't very good on the right. Maybe he sabotaged it on the right so he get to the left? Just kidding.

The thought had crossed my mind too. I don't know that it is too far removed from reality. Stephenson, before he blocked me, and then blocked my other Twitter account, had made statements that he was a LT only, This was some time ago. I am still blocked, so I have no idea if he has changed his tune. He made a series of comments that made you want to shake your head. 

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It makes more sense why Stephenson didn't play last year if he is only good at LT. I am glad they had guts to put the best line on the field. I hate when a guy plays a position because he is paid to play there. I remember other coaches that would not waiver.

Or is it desperation? 100% turnover from game one last year. New guys or changed positions. Waited to the week prior to the first game to decide. Scary.

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Im hoping KC wins the toss and defers. Let those new OL guys start with good field position.

I agree. But the reason I think it'd be best to defer would be because we'd begin the first series of the second half. If we can score the last of the first-half and the first of the second, it should be much easier to win the game.

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Makes perfect sense to me. Fisher is one hell of a talent, and has continously improved.


we cant have a swinging door on the right side, if we want to run that direction.. so rather than a very good left side.. and an atrocious right side.. Reid splits his two best lineman one on each side of the ball...


one is a guard the other a tackle... the Gaurd will help the guy who can only play left tackle..

the guy who can play left tackle, left gaurd, right gaurd and Right tackle plays on the right side..


and we end up with something resembling a decent line..



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