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It's time.....

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for Alex Smith to earn his money.

True, time to take a step further, but he's 14/15th paid QB, not even counting Eli and Luck who are about to jump him in pay. I'm talking about per year pay, will be bottom half paid when Manning and Luck extend.




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Alex Smith took a beating behind a swiss cheese line last year. To single him out for criticism because he didn't earn his paycheck is silly IMO. Did Fisher or McGlynn earn their paychecks? Did Bowe or Avery? 


Alex Smith still had a QB rating almost identical to Phillip RIvers...same amount of yards as Russell Wilson and just one less TD than Matthew Stafford did. Do I think he can do more? Of course....but some folks talk as if he is the equivalent of Tyler Palko. Under Smith we have 20 wins in 2 seasons. 

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Alex Smith is not perfect. He needs to hit on those intermediate and long passes. He has to come through in the clutch. He has to stay composed in the pocket. For this to happen, WRs need to run the right route and get open, and the OL has to provide a modicum of protection longer than last season.  


The Chiefs could be Super Bowl team this year. Every team in the NFL starts with zero losses. The Chiefs displayed some good things in preseason. They were the only undefeated team in preseason. However, their first team was getting beat at Arizona until they pulled their starter, and preseason games don't count. 


There are a lot of naysayers in the mass media who want to bag on Alex for having a weak arm, and not delivering in the clutch. There was one idiot who said the Chiefs were not deep in talent. He also said their secondary was untested, and inexperienced. We would all point out that this clown didn't even have the diligence to check the names on the roster to make sure he got all the names right. However, in the end it all comes down to this... Can the Chiefs win on Sunday? The first test is at Houston. Houston is not a good offensive team, but they are loaded on Defense. Their strengths play into our weaknesses. Fans can say all they want, but if the Chiefs lose to the Texans it will give the idiots with the ink more to write about. 

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it will give the idiots with the ink more to write about.

They are going to say what they want to anyway. The Chiefs win we will hear how JJ Watt is great but Foster was out, new set of WRs, and a new QB. The Chiefs lose we will hear see we told you.


Just admit it everyone KC is a team the media loves to talk bad about, no matter what.

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Guest Okiechief1

They are going to say what they want to anyway. The Chiefs win we will hear how JJ Watt is great but Foster was out, new set of WRs, and a new QB. The Chiefs lose we will hear see we told you.


Just admit it everyone KC is a team the media loves to talk bad about, no matter what.

When the Chiefs do well the media gives them positive attention. Reids first year their was quite a bit of positive nationally. Chiefs haven't exactly done their part in giving the media anything positive to talk about though.


Since 2000 we've won the division twice made the playoffs just 4 times and haven't gone to the playoffs in back to back years in 20 years and we all know the 20 plus year drought of no playoff wins.


Start getting to the playoffs and winning consistently and the narrative will change.

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When the Chiefs do well the media gives them positive attention. Reids first year their was quite a bit of positive nationally. Chiefs haven't exactly done their part in giving the media anything positive to talk about though.


Since 2000 we've won the division twice made the playoffs just 4 times and haven't gone to the playoffs in back to back years in 20 years and we all know the 20 plus year drought of no playoff wins.


Start getting to the playoffs and winning consistently and the narrative will change.

Reid's first year was full of "weak schedule" and backup quarterbacks. If you listen to everybody, you're going to hear positive and negative.

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Sorry to disagree with you but only certain outlets seem to spread the wealth in regards to positive media coverage. An example of this is CBS always dogs the Chiefs but the NFL Network tends to praise them more often. Just saw where many of the post season predictions from the NFL Network site just said KC will won the AFC West. I guess it depends on who you watch and listen to. I tend to listen more to the NFL Network folks then the other networks that have sports as their side jobs.

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...for everyone to acknowledge that Alex Smith has earned every dime of his money since the day he first donned a Chiefs uniform!

That's the truth. Give him an O-line and legitimate receivers and a few years of continuity in a system.  He's never had that. If he did, he is probably capable of winning a Superbowl. He has all those pieces now except for the line, which is an unknown. If that turns out OK, then we can find out what Smith really is.

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They are going to say what they want to anyway. The Chiefs win we will hear how JJ Watt is great but Foster was out, new set of WRs, and a new QB. The Chiefs lose we will hear see we told you.


Just admit it everyone KC is a team the media loves to talk bad about, no matter what.

I think that is right, but only because KC is a "small market" team.  It is all about marketing money when it comes to the media.  They make more money if there is more interest in the teams from large cities.  Those teams need to be hyped.  These writers are under marching orders from their higher-ups.

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Listening to talking heads its unproductive for me. Its like watching the negative talk shows. Bunch of people with agendas looking for ratings. I avoid it as much as possible. Thats why I hang out here?  ;)


I got rid of my satellite service and don't miss it. I really don't miss watching the NFL Network, and them constantly talking about certain teams. I haven't really been following the Chiefs or football that much, and it's been refreshing. I still love the Chiefs, but it doesn't consume me like it used to. I'm having a much better time just coming on this forum and picking and choosing what I want to listen to online. 

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I got rid of my satellite service and don't miss it. I really don't miss watching the NFL Network, and them constantly talking about certain teams. I haven't really been following the Chiefs or football that much, and it's been refreshing. I still love the Chiefs, but it doesn't consume me like it used to. I'm having a much better time just coming on this forum and picking and choosing what I want to listen to online. 

Me too. Exactly. That noise is unhealthy.

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It's really weird how there is such a difference of opinion on the Chiefs this upcoming season. 6 of 13 NFL analysts that picked all the division winners have KC winning the AFC West. And then there are others who think KC is an average team at best.


I think this speaks to the fact that the Chiefs are a Jekyl and Hyde type of team. The type that can beat both Super Bowl teams and in the same year lose your home opener to a 2 win team and lose to an 0-10 team. If there is one thing that does not describe Kansas City...it's consistency (except for consistently losing playoff games perhaps). It is my hope that Reid and Dorsey are changing that. But there is still a lot to prove...not just to the media but to the fans as well.

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It's really weird how there is such a difference of opinion on the Chiefs this upcoming season. 6 of 13 NFL analysts that picked all the division winners have KC winning the AFC West. And then there are others who think KC is an average team at best.


I think this speaks to the fact that the Chiefs are a Jekyl and Hyde type of team. The type that can beat both Super Bowl teams and in the same year lose your home opener to a 2 win team and lose to an 0-10 team. If there is one thing that does not describe Kansas City...it's consistency (except for consistently losing playoff games perhaps). It is my hope that Reid and Dorsey are changing that. But there is still a lot to prove...not just to the media but to the fans as well.

Everybody is an analyst. If they put their money where their analysis is they would be broke. Its about viewers and readers not reality.

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Everybody is an analyst. If they put their money where their analysis is they would be broke. Its about viewers and readers not reality.

Well not everybody is paid to be an analyst. There is a distinct difference between say a John Clayton and Jason LaCanfora and somebody on Bleacher Report. These guys want readers/viewers...I agree 100%. So they can't just give some vanilla, middling opinion. They have to bring it. But that doesn't mean they don't believe what they are saying to be true. I assume that NFL analyst is most of these guys' full time job. They aren't doing accountant work on the side to make ends meet. Given that this is their profession you would think their analysis would be a little more thorough. There are weeks Pete Prisco can't even pick 50% of the winners. He gets paid for that mess? Where do I sign up?

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Well not everybody is paid to be an analyst. There is a distinct difference between say a John Clayton and Jason LaCanfora and somebody on Bleacher Report. These guys want readers/viewers...I agree 100%. So they can't just give some vanilla, middling opinion. They have to bring it. But that doesn't mean they don't believe what they are saying to be true. I assume that NFL analyst is most of these guys' full time job. They aren't doing accountant work on the side to make ends meet. Given that this is their profession you would think their analysis would be a little more thorough. There are weeks Pete Prisco can't even pick 50% of the winners. He gets paid for that mess? Where do I sign up?

I agree. Just because someone is an analyst does not mean they are good. Like every profession. 20% are really good and the other 80% not so good. Being a doctor does not automatically assure your diagnosis is correct. 

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I agree. Just because someone is an analyst does not mean they are good. Like every profession. 20% are really good and the other 80% not so good. Being a doctor does not automatically assure your diagnosis is correct. 

They're not paid to be accurate, they're paid to be entertaining and a little controversial.  Attention, and viewers, trumps knowledge every time.

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