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Tonight We Find Out Who The Chiefs Really Are.

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This is a pivotal game and a defining moment. Yes many will say its only week 2. Many will say its not a must win. I would disagree. Falling behind Denver and losing to them at home will set the tone for another so-so season. A win and this team steps up to the next level and unlimited expectations.


I hope to see a similar offensive strategy to last week. Smith can Manning the Broncos. Short quick passes. Honestly throw the ball first and run later. Featuring Charles from the get go could be the recipe for three and outs. Use the short passes to eventually open up the running game.


The Chiefs need this win way more than Denver. My view: MUST WIN


Note: I view Elway as the real issue. Guy killed us at QB and like it or not is a very goon talent evaluator and Executive. 


Disclaimer: My opinion is based on a fanatics perspective not insider info or quality analysis.

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Winning this game would change my season prediction of 2-2 starting the season. I would then have to predict 3-1 and hope for 4-0. If we lose, I'd predict 2-2 and hope for 3-1.


If we had lost to the Texans, I'd have changed my prediction to 1-3 in hopes for 2-2 and fear of 0-4. Houston, and I can say this after the fact, didn't improve like I thought they would from last year given an offseason to gameplan against us. They might eventually, but they should have been there last week, even if still a loss to us.

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I will be sitting at a table at Buffalo Wild Wings, roughly half will be Bronco fans, and half good guys. I will have to behave if that is possible. The regional physician recruitment director, regional finance director, and head of security at our hospital were invited by my wife. 


I think the Chiefs will dispense with the Broncos tonight, but it could go the other way. My head says the Chiefs have a big advantage playing at home, and though the teams look fairly equal, I give the nod due to Smith over Manning. I think Manning is on his last leg, and should not have returned. 


If the Chiefs' corners put pressure on Denver's receivers, and get in the face of Manning, I don't think Manning can beat them. 

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I will be sitting at a table at Buffalo Wild Wings, roughly half will be Bronco fans, and half good guys. I will have to behave if that is possible. The regional physician recruitment director, regional finance director, and head of security at our hospital were invited by my wife. 


I think the Chiefs will dispense with the Broncos tonight, but it could go the other way. My head says the Chiefs have a big advantage playing at home, and though the teams look fairly equal, I give the nod due to Smith over Manning. I think Manning is on his last leg, and should not have returned. 


If the Chiefs' corners put pressure on Denver's receivers, and get in the face of Manning, I don't think Manning can beat them. 


I'm never going to watch a Chiefs game there. I've only had bad things happen to my teams, from fluke losses, major injuries, etc. Never again. But I will go on a non-team game night.

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I hope to see a similar offensive strategy to last week. Smith can Manning the Broncos. Short quick passes. Honestly throw the ball first and run later. Featuring Charles from the get go could be the recipe for three and outs. Use the short passes to eventually open up the running game.


YES!!! Spreading the defense has been wrongly believed to just be vertical. It's not. If you take a defense that believes you will run, it's much harder to push them back to defend the deep pass. That takes games upon games or a system/QB change and for the QB change, it still takes games upon games. Spreading it horizontally doesn't help the passing as much, but when it does, it's quicker and opens up the run game because the defense isn't between the hashmarks the whole time.

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I am still convinced that it is only week two and this game is no more important than any one of the screaming 15.


While I want KC to make a statement and dominate first and foremost, I would take a win any way we can get it.


That said,


- I think the game is important because it will be a GREAT test for our Offense as Denver probably has the 2nd Best Defense in the AFC.


-I think the game is also very important for our Defense because it offers the opportunity for this UNIT to prove it IS THE BEST Defense in the NFL.



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If we follow the same script playing against Denver as we have the last six years,  we will get our ass handed to us.   This is our best chance to knock them off.  We have the tools to do.  But we must contain Ware and Miller and don't throw in Talib's area.  We MUST stop the run this time.  If the stories we hear about Manning are true,  and I am skeptical of them,  then we have to force Manning to beat us.

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If we follow the same script playing against Denver as we have the last six years, we will get our ass handed to us. This is our best chance to knock them off. We have the tools to do. But we must contain Ware and Miller and don't throw in Talib's area. We MUST stop the run this time. If the stories we hear about Manning are true, and I am skeptical of them, then we have to force Manning to beat us.

We have to force Manning to not beat us, by not letting the rest of the team beat us.

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Excellent Article on this





Small Sample of the Article


So this is now a team brimming with personnel, positive vibes and all sorts of possibilities. The only thing it doesn't have is the credibility that comes with shedding a monkey that has been perched on its back for far too long. That fact could change dramatically on Thursday night, in front of a raucous crowd at Arrowhead Stadium.

It might only be Week 2, but this is the moment when we learn if the Chiefs actually are for real.

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Show me Chiefs. Show me you are up for it. I don't want to see us get behind and offer up some last minute drive that ends in failure. Make them have to come from behind...put the pressure on them to keep up. Show me how this year is different.


This is the Show Me State. Chiefs are ready !

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Lots of anticipation here at the OT household. I agree that this is a must win game not for  the win/loss record but for respect of the city  & franchise as a whole. After our family having season tickets for over 40 years there are countless times I have seen the fans lather themselves into a frenzy, yell their lungs out till the voices are no more only to be left limp and exhausted by failure of the Chiefs to play like a champion. Denver is our nemesis..not Chokeland..those times are now gone. To beat the best in our Division  at home is what makes Arrowhead TerrorHead.. I have no doubt that the fans will hold up their end but I have sever doubts that on this short week The Chiefs Team will hold up theirs. Kubiak is no John Fox but Peyton is Peyton  he needs to be pounded into the dirt relentlessly even if it takes a Personal Foul or two , Body punch him till he's coughing up blood and then hope he doesn't have a Rocky Balboa type rebirth and still knock us out.

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One thing I have seen on every site I have been to is there is not a single Bronco fan who thinks the Broncos could lose. To me it shows how ignorant they are, any team can lose any game but you couldn't tell that by listening to them.


I can't say I agree with their attitude but it's hard to blame some of them. They've beaten the Chiefs a lot so they are confident in their team. 


On a side note. It's only a few minutes away and I can feel my excitement/anxiety creeping in.  God, I want the Chief to beat this team!

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