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Moving On...

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I bet most of you thought, from this title, that I was going to talk about moving on from the Denver game.


That could be.


But right now, I feel that I have spent too much time on the Chiefs and my life and career would do better to spend less time on here.


I've enjoyed discussing the Chiefs with all of you diehard fans. Most much older than I am, though I'm no longer in my twenties. Some of you may have the time to continue posting hour by hour, like I seem to have in the past few weeks and good stretches of the last three years.


The reality is that I can't, shouldn't, and maybe won't spend so much time here.


I don't know if I've said this before, but I'm a practicing attorney who has a wife and two daughters and a new puppy. Work has been fine, been able to get a new car, pay off some stuff, get results for clients, and spend a lot of time that I can with my kids. And no, I don't charge that much or bill for thinking time in the bathroom about a client's case. I just have a lot of clients that I work for.


Enough about my personal life, just wanted to say, if anybody cares, that I'm not leaving or giving up on the Chiefs, and I can't promise I will stick to my goal of prioritizing my time, but for now, I feel I have to move on.


Go Chiefs!

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I bet most of you thought, from this title, that I was going to talk about moving on from the Denver game.


That could be.


But right now, I feel that I have spent too much time on the Chiefs and my life and career would do better to spend less time on here.


I've enjoyed discussing the Chiefs with all of you diehard fans. Most much older than I am, though I'm no longer in my twenties. Some of you may have the time to continue posting hour by hour, like I seem to have in the past few weeks and good stretches of the last three years.


The reality is that I can't, shouldn't, and maybe won't spend so much time here.


I don't know if I've said this before, but I'm a practicing attorney who has a wife and two daughters and a new puppy. Work has been fine, been able to get a new car, pay off some stuff, get results for clients, and spend a lot of time that I can with my kids. And no, I don't charge that much or bill for thinking time in the bathroom about a client's case. I just have a lot of clients that I work for.


Enough about my personal life, just wanted to say, if anybody cares, that I'm not leaving or giving up on the Chiefs, and I can't promise I will stick to my goal of prioritizing my time, but for now, I feel I have to move on.


Go Chiefs!

I'll miss your posts. Best of luck in your real life with your family!

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I get that, because I've done that before. Hours and hours measured in not days or weeks, but months. I know I was missed. You will be missed.


Your family always comes first. It's bad enough that for those of us who are married to wives that don't particularly like football, they accept that we disappear for four or so hours every week because of football. Sometimes I have to miss a game because the wife really is so much more important. (Yes, it's a black mark on my fan card, but I really don't care.)


If you get control of your use of time and can come back here, great. Otherwise, you can be confident you are making the wise choice. Just try to not replace one time-eating activity that takes you away from your family with another time-eating activity that takes you away from your family.

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Guest 303Chiefs

I get that, because I've done that before. Hours and hours measured in not days or weeks, but months. I know I was missed. You will be missed.


Your family always comes first. It's bad enough that for those of us who are married to wives that don't particularly like football, they accept that we disappear for four or so hours every week because of football. Sometimes I have to miss a game because the wife really is so much more important. (Yes, it's a black mark on my fan card, but I really don't care.)


If you get control of your use of time and can come back here, great. Otherwise, you can be confident you are making the wise choice. Just try to not replace one time-eating activity that takes you away from your family with another time-eating activity that takes you away from your family.

Fuck you Chiefs! Wife's been out of town, right as soon as she gets home they shit the bed and my mood goes from great to aggravated. Now I'm in trouble bc as she walks through the door I couldn't mask the emotion of being kicked in the balls and its, "why aren't you happy to see me?"


Fucking Chiefs...

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i stepped back and detached myself emotionally a few years ago, i still watch and will continue to watch the games but i refuse to let it ruin my mood and my home life.  Wife could not stand how i would get so wound up after a loss like last night and get on the net swearing like a sailor the whole time.


Life is to short and i am accustomed to being let down by my teams: The Chiefs, Royals, NJ Devils, Sacramento Kings and the KU football team. i will be back and watch the MNF game but i will enjoy a bit of real life in the next 10 days

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I will say this KCSL. as you could of figured out us Oldtimers are accustomed to such let downs. It is the cross we carry being a Chiefs fan. Read my game prediction. i was spot on except for the score and who would fumble the ball on the last drive. Been there done that.


 your threads are full of good detail &opinions. I will look forward to your reappearance. I thought you were a single person with all the time you had to do your research..this team will find its place in your life but never should it take the place of family


 take care & see ya later in the season

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I am in agreement with OT.  I posted several years ago that KC has to win a playoff game to get me back into the game of love.  Right now its only a casual relationship that has some great moments and others that I prefer to forget.


I did not even watch the game last night, Debbie and I went to a high school charity event....


I am still  a Chiefs fan, but not tied emotionally to the fate of the team.



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I am in agreement with OT. I posted several years ago that KC has to win a playoff game to get me back into the game of love. Right now its only a casual relationship that has some great moments and others that I prefer to forget.


I did not even watch the game last night, Debbie and I went to a high school charity event....


I am still a Chiefs fan, but not tied emotionally to the fate of the team.



After that Indy game it changed for me
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I've been watching more than any of you guys except for Jetlord and a few others.  I can tell you that I cannot unhook my emotions regardless of the heartbreaking losses.  Good for you guys that can.  The only thing I think that has changed me is that I can approach each of the games pretty analytically and without the blind homer glasses.   OT and I don't line up politically at all but we seem to be in lockstep when it comes to evaluating Kansas City.

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Thank you for all your responses. I came to check in to explain something.


Yesterday, after the game, I wasn't as concerned with the Chiefs loss as I was with what people would think about the Chiefs, Reid, Smith, etc. I thought about all the comments that could and would be made on this and other message boards and it came to me that I was caring too much about it. I could join in and bash them, or I could continue and try to explain away everything. It felt a little bit obsessed, addicted.


The message board was supposed to be used for me to voice my opinion and to hear others. Previously, honestly, I never really came on to convince anybody anything or had the desire to. Last night, I wanted to. When did the game not matter but rather what you fools think (including the biggest fool, me)? (No offense to anyone, I'm a bit exaggerating here.)


Second, when that thought was over and I said fuck it, I'm not looking at it tonight. I felt relieved and I started to think about everything else in my life that was great. I mean, the Chiefs lost? Aw, that's too bad. I didn't really care how it happened.


And I thought if that would change my perspective so much, and my instincts were such, this isn't right for me right now. I still believe what I believe about our players, coaches, and franchise. Last night did not change that, but this and other message boards started to serve the wrong purpose for me. I don't want to try (and probably fail) to convince others anything or care so much about what others think.

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Chiefs need to win 1 of the next 2 road games at least. Be 2-2 after 4 weeks. 


Donks schedule:

@ Det


@ Oak

@ Clev 

That's at least 5-1.


If the Chiefs can be 5-3 or 6-2 at the BYE that would be ideal.

We have the Donks away coming off the BYE :)


The difference is Denver's last 3 games are:


@ Pitt







@ Balt




Focus on finishing the season strong and we could still be a 10-11 win team. 

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Chiefs need to win 1 of the next 2 road games at least. Be 2-2 after 4 weeks.


Donks schedule:

@ Det


@ Oak

@ Clev

That's at least 5-1.


If the Chiefs can be 5-3 or 6-2 at the BYE that would be ideal.

We have the Donks away coming off the BYE :)


The difference is Denver's last 3 games are:


@ Pitt







@ Balt




Focus on finishing the season strong and we could still be a 10-11 win team.

I will say, that this loss makes me focus on the wildcard for now. I did a Weekly Rooting Guide thread where I identified who I wanted to win each game and I had to hedge to my bets on some because I wanted to contend for the second or first seed.


Now, even though it's only one loss, I feel that I will go over the wildcard every time and hope for our second match up with Denver and San Diego to beat Denver to help us fight for the division. If we do win the division, it won't matter that I wanted the wrong teams to win.


If we win the next two, I don't know what I would do. I think we could win either, but not both: surprise Green Bay and clunk against the Bengals or lose to the Packers and beat the Bengals.


Now, you sucked me in. I just meant to check this thread.

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Guest Okiechief1

I used to let losses really get to me, I would be down for several days after it. Wouldn't listen to the radio, watch anything sports related. About 12 years ago I got into the medical field and worked in 3 different trauma centers. I had to see some real life tragedy to understand to not let it consume my life like it did.


I still holler cuss and everything during the game but as soon as it's over win or lose I let that game go and don't let it get to me nearly like I used to.

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I used to let losses really get to me, I would be down for several days after it. Wouldn't listen to the radio, watch anything sports related. About 12 years ago I got into the medical field and worked in 3 different trauma centers. I had to see some real life tragedy to understand to not let it consume my life like it did.


I still holler cuss and everything during the game but as soon as it's over win or lose I let that game go and don't let it get to me nearly like I used to.


That must have been a very humbling experience. Hopefully, the Chiefs gain some humility as well after last night. 

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I will say, that this loss makes me focus on the wildcard for now. I did a Weekly Rooting Guide thread where I identified who I wanted to win each game and I had to hedge to my bets on some because I wanted to contend for the second or first seed.


Now, even though it's only one loss, I feel that I will go over the wildcard every time and hope for our second match up with Denver and San Diego to beat Denver to help us fight for the division. If we do win the division, it won't matter that I wanted the wrong teams to win.


If we win the next two, I don't know what I would do. I think we could win either, but not both: surprise Green Bay and clunk against the Bengals or lose to the Packers and beat the Bengals.


Now, you sucked me in. I just meant to check this thread.


I'm already thinking ahead  ;)

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Guest 303Chiefs

Hopefully, this is the wakeup call that the entire organization needed. And, it is a blessing that it happened early in the season.

Fat chance...this franchise is the poster boy of how to screw to pooch. I'm convinced Elway sold his soul to the devil with all the breaks and chance happenings the Broncos have had the luxury of getting over the years. Definitely in the right place at the right time more often then not.


Fuck it...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, this sounds appropriate right now. Waste of time. I'll still watch, and I'll probably still do my predictions and rankings, but man, this is hard to keep coming on here to talk. I don't feel like defending anyone. No promises, but I've given up now.


Maybe one day optimism will grow. I am a fool for some things. Funny thing is, the person who introduced me to the Chiefs (my uncle went to law school in Missouri but grew up in Chicago), is a Bears fan.

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After being quite emotionally involved with the Chiefs for over 40 years, I recently reached the point where I enjoy the wins as much as ever, but I shrug off the losses and don't let them bother me.


I have given up on the Chiefs more times than I can count, but always come back the following Sunday. They are in my blood; almost like a part of who I am. Every one I know knows I'm a Chiefs fan. I don't expect that ever to change.


Even when they sucked, I have watched them every week, when I had TV. I paid through the nose for the Sunday Ticket to watch them, win or lose. Now, I listen to every game on SiriusXM. I yell at the radio and give the coaches advice. If they lose every game this year, I'll still listen to game 16. I can't help it.


But, they no longer make me depressed when they lose. They will never ruin another day for me. When they win, I'm elated. When they lose, eh, who really cares? It's a kid's game played by millionaires. 

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