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Fisher could start on Monday

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Jah Reid just got cut by Baltimore. Baltimore has a good OL, but he got cut. He has potential that has not been realized. I thought he played alright at Houston. The Chiefs covered for him a lot too, and that takes away from the offense.


We have been down this road before, and it is nothing new. The Chiefs have failed to assemble an adequate offensive line. Morse was a good fit. I did not approve of the pick at the time. That shows how little I knew, because he seems to be a guy who will be in this league a very long time. I hear a lot of gripping about the doctor from up north. His technique is hideous. He still doesn't know what he is doing out there. The fact he got such a late start in football, and played college football at McGill is enough to say this is not going to happen. However, if you watch, he has some real talent, and seems to be putting it together. It used to be players could sit on the bench, and learn to play. The rules changed, and now there is no time to practice enough in order to iron out these things and learn a position. The players' union has killed the prospects for many young players who are not yet groomed enough for the NFL. The only way LDT gets to be a good RG is the Chiefs have to suffer through it. Still, the Chiefs are not good, and when a rejected player gets a shot at another team, and goes from their bench to our starter, that right there is telling.


I do not profess to know Eric Fisher's health condition. However, I have played sports, and I have had high ankle sprains. I know they are hard to manage, and it is difficult, if not impossible, to play through them. So, why was Fisher practicing all week before the Denver game if he wasn't ready to go? Why did he play at the Denver game when called on? Shoot, he played in the Houston game. All that does not add up to me. I got a high ankle sprain similar to Fisher, stepped on someone's foot, and rolled my foot. I seriously thought the thing was broke. It was stiff at three weeks, but I was back in playing. About three weeks or so more, and it was as good as new. I think there is more to the story.


Grubbs has played better for KC than he did in the past two years with the Saints. Stephenson is battling out there. He is probably a lower third among Tackles in the NFL, but he is a heck of a lot better than Fisher. On one play, Fisher looks all world, but on another he looks like a turd. Its more than a physical issue. The Chiefs really need a much better performance from their OL to keep up with Green Bay. Denver is not nearly the team Green Bay is this year.

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Jah Reid just got cut by Baltimore. Baltimore has a good OL, but he got cut. He has potential that has not been realized. I thought he played alright at Houston. The Chiefs covered for him a lot too, and that takes away from the offense.


We have been down this road before, and it is nothing new. The Chiefs have failed to assemble an adequate offensive line. Morse was a good fit. I did not approve of the pick at the time. That shows how little I knew, because he seems to be a guy who will be in this league a very long time. I hear a lot of gripping about the doctor from up north. His technique is hideous. He still doesn't know what he is doing out there. The fact he got such a late start in football, and played college football at McGill is enough to say this is not going to happen. However, if you watch, he has some real talent, and seems to be putting it together. It used to be players could sit on the bench, and learn to play. The rules changed, and now there is no time to practice enough in order to iron out these things and learn a position. The players' union has killed the prospects for many young players who are not yet groomed enough for the NFL. The only way LDT gets to be a good RG is the Chiefs have to suffer through it. Still, the Chiefs are not good, and when a rejected player gets a shot at another team, and goes from their bench to our starter, that right there is telling.


I do not profess to know Eric Fisher's health condition. However, I have played sports, and I have had high ankle sprains. I know they are hard to manage, and it is difficult, if not impossible, to play through them. So, why was Fisher practicing all week before the Denver game if he wasn't ready to go? Why did he play at the Denver game when called on? Shoot, he played in the Houston game. All that does not add up to me. I got a high ankle sprain similar to Fisher, stepped on someone's foot, and rolled my foot. I seriously thought the thing was broke. It was stiff at three weeks, but I was back in playing. About three weeks or so more, and it was as good as new. I think there is more to the story.


Grubbs has played better for KC than he did in the past two years with the Saints. Stephenson is battling out there. He is probably a lower third among Tackles in the NFL, but he is a heck of a lot better than Fisher. On one play, Fisher looks all world, but on another he looks like a turd. Its more than a physical issue. The Chiefs really need a much better performance from their OL to keep up with Green Bay. Denver is not nearly the team Green Bay is this year.


Do you mean that Denver's def is better than Green bay's?


I think that's what you're saying....Green bay does have a decent defense. IMO, their secondary is the strength of the team. No on the front seven scares EXCEPT Matthews.

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Do you mean that Denver's def is better than Green bay's?


I think that's what you're saying....Green bay does have a decent defense. IMO, their secondary is the strength of the team. No on the front seven scares EXCEPT Matthews.

Denver definitely has a better defense. GB has a slightly better secondary, but Denver's front line is much better. Mathews is amazing, but he is just one man. Green Bay has a better offense. Their QB is better. The receivers are about the same. It should be a challenge playing GB at GB.

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E have you ever noticed EVERY WEEK Andy's Pressers start with that they are LOOKING FORWARD TO THE CHALLENGE OF PLAYING _________? One of the Sports Talk stations did a collage of him last year saying that for every game. Its become a joke now.

It's better than him saying, oh shit we have to go to Lambeau Field and play Aaron Rodgers and his band of walking wounded and cast offs.
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It's better than him saying, oh shit we have to go to Lambeau Field and play Aaron Rodgers and his band of walking wounded and cast offs.



true or he could be more like Lou Holtz and down play his chnces of winning and then come out & beat the living snot out of the opponent.  Regardless just a matter of style I just found it interesting that Andy is so predictable in his pressers. Unfortunately much like Marty his coaching has become predictable to....JMHO of course. For the record I am a great admirer of Marty

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