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The Dorsey Sucks Thread

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In general, and NOT speaking specifically about fanatic, if someone causes me to question their true fandom of the team, I take whatever positives they say about the team as gospel and I ignore any shred of criticism. That's just my nature. I would assume that anyone who didn't like the team would only say positives if they believed it and had to say it. Negatives, though? Nah, I don't know where their allegiances are, so I assume they are an outsider. Outsider's opinions are valid, but only if they identify themselves as such, therefore I can give it the weight it deserves. If they are someone who I feel is an outsider posing as a fan, then I take the above approach. Positives count, negatives don't.


Homers, I guess, I take the opposite, criticisms count and positives with a grain of salt. I still read and take anyone's opinion as legitimate, homer or hater, if I don't question their allegiance.


Mostly though, I don't care. It's just a message board with everyone having opinions. I'm just addressing posers. For example, I watched Smith but did not root for the Niners separately when he was there. I lurked, but if I ever posted, I self-identified as being a Chiefs fan. I was happy when he came here because the interests aligned. It makes it doubly upsetting when we lose, but whenever he retires or leaves, I'll still have the team.

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Fanatic has the best of all worlds here...  He gets to trade his team out for another without much thought, then he has such a weak emotional disposition he gets to enjoy his team's wins emotionally, despite his fair-weather fandom.  If they lose he can just go back to bad-mouthing his team while rooting for a team who is winning at the time.


Sure, for him it works.  It also makes it all too easy to call him out for being a fair-weather low IQ fan, who is full of DERP.


EZ son, you're EZ.

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I check out, and randomly post, the message board to hopefully find out something about the team that I was unaware of.  Or to get some different perspectives on things that are happening.  In all reality, I could give 2 shits if someone is a loyal fan, a bandwagon fan, or a "troll" as some people label them.  While I hope that a majority of the fans on this board find something intelligent in my posts, or something that makes them possibly rethink their opinion on various matters, it does not affect me one way or the other as to their responses.  I might think that they are idiotic, or intelligent, or too emotional, etc., but that is still not going to have much bearing on what I post and what I feel. 


I am realistic enough to know that, while I think I am pretty knowledgeable about the game and about the team, there are probably many more out there that are just as much or more knowledgeable than me.  That being said, it does seem sometimes like there are some posters that are a little higher on their "knowledge" than everyone else, and they cannot seem to be able to deal with it when someone disagrees with them or whatever.


So with what you could take from my wonderful post, and a dollar, you can now buy something off of the McDonalds dollar menu. Ha

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I just wanna know what DERP and F.I.T.M. mean... :D

I think FITM is what they call those funky new watches that tell how many steps it is to the bathroom, and measures how many times you blink.


DERP is that green stuff they dump on people on Nickelodeon.

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I think FITM is what they call those funky new watches that tell how many steps it is to the bathroom, and measures how many times you blink.


DERP is that green stuff they dump on people on Nickelodeon

DERP on google gave me this..




FITM I got this..


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I check out, and randomly post, the message board to hopefully find out something about the team that I was unaware of. Or to get some different perspectives on things that are happening. In all reality, I could give 2 shits if someone is a loyal fan, a bandwagon fan, or a "troll" as some people label them. While I hope that a majority of the fans on this board find something intelligent in my posts, or something that makes them possibly rethink their opinion on various matters, it does not affect me one way or the other as to their responses. I might think that they are idiotic, or intelligent, or too emotional, etc., but that is still not going to have much bearing on what I post and what I feel.


I am realistic enough to know that, while I think I am pretty knowledgeable about the game and about the team, there are probably many more out there that are just as much or more knowledgeable than me. That being said, it does seem sometimes like there are some posters that are a little higher on their "knowledge" than everyone else, and they cannot seem to be able to deal with it when someone disagrees with them or whatever.


So with what you could take from my wonderful post, and a dollar, you can now buy something off of the McDonalds dollar menu. Ha

Oh, so you think your two cents are worth 6 or 7 cents, do ya? ;) ($1 menu item plus tax.)

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Guest robgar

hrmm whats the point of this article.. to proof people where pissed during a 1-5 period.. hell i am still pissed about it... any one of those 5 games and we are the top seed... in the afc... the stupid fumbles at ends of games.. several of those where real close games.. so yeah it still stings... even though i believe in the chiefs.. always have and always will it does piss me off even today.


for the record .. robgar..

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When are we going to get to the posts that blame Clark Hunt for not having a decent football team because all he cares about is keeping his money? 


Of course, none of that is remotely true. Clark Hunt doesn't throw passes. Clark Hunt doesn't run the football. Clark Hunt doesn't coach, and he does not pick the players. 


Dorsey sucks, Hunt sucks, and Andy Reid cannot coach were some of the earlier themes. Glad to see this has gone away since the ten game winning streak. However, if they lose this Saturday, I would lay money down that a fan somewhere will be calling for Hunt to sell the team, fire the GM, and get a coach who can do the job. 

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Of course, none of that is remotely true. Clark Hunt doesn't throw passes. Clark Hunt doesn't run the football. Clark Hunt doesn't coach, and he does not pick the players.

That's it, we've identified the issue. We need Hunt passing, running, coaching, and picking the players. It wouldn't work, but then we could appropriately bitch. ;)

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So very incorrect. Thanks for the insults. 

No insult intended.  All this personal stuff seems so childish.  That is the point I was trying to make. I don't know you from Adam.  I just don't particularly like your posts, because they convey hostility and immaturity.  But anyone can root for anyone they want at any time. It doesn't affect me in the least, nor is it any of my business.  I have always believed in life, liberty, and the pursuit of the ridiculous.


Oh, by the way, I thought you could use this in some of your posts.  It's just a gift from me.



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No insult intended.  All this personal stuff seems so childish.  That is the point I was trying to make. I don't know you from Adam.  I just don't particularly like your posts, because they convey hostility and immaturity.  But anyone can root for anyone they want at any time. It doesn't affect me in the least, nor is it any of my business.  I have always believed in life, liberty, and the pursuit of the ridiculous.


Oh, by the way, I thought you could use this in some of your posts.  It's just a gift from me.



Very Classy. Very mature. Thank you.

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The Broncobitch is gonna try to get all his shit talk in before their game cuz he knows Denver is getting knocked next weekend.

I know your reading comprehension is along the lines of a drunk 3 year old aborigine but I'm not talking trash on the Chiefs, just a fair weather dumbass Chiefs FAN.  Next rounds on me kid.

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No insult intended.  All this personal stuff seems so childish.  That is the point I was trying to make. I don't know you from Adam.  I just don't particularly like your posts, because they convey hostility and immaturity.  But anyone can root for anyone they want at any time. It doesn't affect me in the least, nor is it any of my business.  I have always believed in life, liberty, and the pursuit of the ridiculous.


Oh, by the way, I thought you could use this in some of your posts.  It's just a gift from me.



That's freaking hilarious.

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Oh my God.  I've been gone all night and I missed our "salute to the coalition board of 2010".   We're back to Peterson sucks, Romeo sucks, Cassel sucks type stuff again.  Man oh man I'm reminded of a song from the 70's by the Alan Parsons Project...."Too Much Time on my Hands".


Post on here like you know that whatever you write will never be erased.  Write stuff that 30 years from now your children when they stumble onto this website will not be ashamed of what you posted.

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I know you're reading comprehension is along the lines of a drunk 3 year old aborigine but I'm not talking trash on the Chiefs, just a fair weather dumbass Chiefs FAN.  Next rounds on me kid.

LOL check yourself before you wreck yourself idiot. I never specifically announced you were talking trash directly on the Chiefs so it appears your reading comprehension is along the lines of a stoned teenager considering you are indeed still talking shit, validating my point. But hey, I assume you're in Colorado so what was the special for this evening? Sour patch kids? Brownies? Or perhaps it's just a good ole fashion dooby. What kind of weed you got in it? Snoop's dream? Master kush? Is it inidica or sativa? TELL ME 

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