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Some people are calling for Alex (1st overall pick) to be benched for Chase (I drafted). So go figure. I don't know if there is anything magic about a 1st round QB anymore.


Philly opened camp with 3 of them.

I would really rather see Murray. I believe Murray has what it takes to win games. His arm strength is better, his footwork is better, and he can throw on the run. (Which he will do alot with this oline)


He'll throw some picks, but he'll also make some big plays. I think it's time. AS11 has reverted back to what initially got him benched in SF. And we don't quite have the defense they had when they went to the NFC championship game.

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I would really rather see Murray. I believe Murray has what it takes to win games. His arm strength is better, his footwork is better, and he can throw on the run. (Which he will do alot with this oline)


He'll throw some picks, but he'll also make some big plays. I think it's time. AS11 has reverted back to what initially got him benched in SF. And we don't quite have the defense they had when they went to the NFC championship game.

Wrong!!! When he got benched he was playing the best in his career but got hurt!!

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I would really rather see Murray. I believe Murray has what it takes to win games. His arm strength is better, his footwork is better, and he can throw on the run. (Which he will do alot with this oline)


He'll throw some picks, but he'll also make some big plays. I think it's time. AS11 has reverted back to what initially got him benched in SF. And we don't quite have the defense they had when they went to the NFC championship game.

Wrong!!! When he got benched he was playing the best in his career but got hurt!!

Playing better than last year was what got him benched. Not playing like he did in Green Bay. He needs to bounce back. There were obviously concerns with conservative play and big plays in San Francisco and that was one of the reasons why they went to Kaepernick. But he wasn't benched because of how he played like in Green Bay.


Those plays Kaepernick had have gone away when the Niners oline went away. And his poor play (2013/14) started when people had film on him and he had something to lose.

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Well, the issue here is that AS11 is damaged goods now. He's displaying signs of a disease that abused QB's get called "hearing footsteps that are not really there".  He needs therapy really fast, or I'm sure Reid and co. will have no choice but to bench him. I hope it's sooner than later.

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Playing better than last year was what got him benched. Not playing like he did in Green Bay. He needs to bounce back. There were obviously concerns with conservative play and big plays in San Francisco and that was one of the reasons why they went to Kaepernick. But he wasn't benched because of how he played like in Green Bay.


Those plays Kaepernick had have gone away when the Niners oline went away. And his poor play (2013/14) started when people had film on him and he had something to lose.

Case and point Andrew Luck boy he is setting the world on fire this year! I wonder if any of his fans are calling for him to be bench??

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What kind of fan gives up on the QB, Coach and DC in the 1st three games of the season! You can SMFH all you want but make sure you got your fuckin facts straight before you spew bullshit!

Again my bad. I guess I should've watched all the games that AS11 has played for us, before I make such an irrational statement. The fact is he was benched for QB that sucks just as bad. If he was so good, I would think he would gotten his job back.


Nonetheless, I've been reading your post, and I know that you are an AS11 supporter. That's cool. Good luck with that.

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Case and point Andrew Luck boy he is setting the world on fire this year! I wonder if any of his fans are calling for him to be bench??

Andrew Luck is or will be better. But I do see what you're saying. The difference is is that their defense stopped the other teams two point conversion attempt. We fumbled the ball.

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Well, the issue here is that AS11 is damaged goods now. He's displaying signs of a disease that abused QB's get called "hearing footsteps that are not really there".  He needs therapy really fast, or I'm sure Reid and co. will have no choice but to bench him. I hope it's sooner than later.

I totally agree with the "hearing footstep" and I would not be mad if they went with Murray but I would love to see how Smith does with a little protection!

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Again my bad. I guess I should've watched all the games that AS11 has played for us, before I make such an irrational statement. The fact is he was benched for QB that sucks just as bad. If he was so good, I would think he would gotten his job back.


Nonetheless, I've been reading your post, and I know that you are an AS11 supporter. That's cool. Good luck with that.

My apologies artsy!! I just can believe how everyone is jumping off the bandwagon so quickly and I am a Chiefs supporter I don't particularly care about Smith I just want to win and win a playoff game.

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I totally agree with the "hearing footstep" and I would not be mad if they went with Murray but I would love to see how Smith does with a little protection!

Yes, so would I. But to be totally honest, who in the NFL has good oline? Dallas and maybe Pittsburgh???


I'm not saying that our oline is even average, but I personally think it's just as good as GB's and Denver's for that matter.


Reid knows his oline is straight ASS, but he doesn't appear to design his offense to work with it. Or maybe he does, and he just sucks at.


Were are the quick slants and hot reads that every team runs when they get blitzed? Maybe Reids "hot read" is the dump off to JC??


IDK, but it doesn't appear at this time that either Reid or Smith has an answer.

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My apologies artsy!! I just can believe how everyone is jumping off the bandwagon so quickly and I am a Chiefs supporter I don't particularly care about Smith I just want to win and win a playoff game.

Me to homie. I'm just quickly losing my faith in Reid and I've just about lost all hope for Smith. I will take more than a good game against the bengals and bears. I need to see both Smith and Reid conduct themselves live NFL Vets consistently for me to get my faith/confidence back.


I wouldn't care if we lost the rest of the games this season, if the team went all and played hard as fuck for 60 min. Every player.

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Well, the issue here is that AS11 is damaged goods now. He's displaying signs of a disease that abused QB's get called "hearing footsteps that are not really there". He needs therapy really fast, or I'm sure Reid and co. will have no choice but to bench him. I hope it's sooner than later.

Obviously, we wouldn't want to him to either fix it or be benched sooner than later. But the want them to fix-it part has to be there. (It's the classic, I hope they prove me wrong scenario.)


I do think a fan should wish for their quarterback to play their best consistently whether or not they believe that quarterback can do it. Then, one could hope that backup or the drafted quarterback will be better than that guy's best. And so on. I bet people hope that Andrew Luck is better than Peyton Manning.

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Obviously, we wouldn't want to him to either fix it or be benched sooner than later. But the want them to fix-it part has to be there. (It's the classic, I hope they prove me wrong scenario.)


I do think a fan should wish for their quarterback to play their best consistently whether or not they believe that quarterback can do it. Then, one could hope that backup or the drafted quarterback will be better than that guy's best. And so on. I bet people hope that Andrew Luck is better than Peyton Manning.

At this point, I'd take a shitty Andrew Luck over AS11 right now. I know Reid is watching film and can see the same thing everyone else is seeing when it comes to his QB. I really wonder if Reid is addressing these problems with Smith. Or is Reid just trying to scheme around it, hence all of the quick screens and draw plays. Once we find this out, it will answer a lot of questions about what the organization really thinks about our starting qb.

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At this point, I'd take a shitty Andrew Luck over AS11 right now. I know Reid is watching film and can see the same thing everyone else is seeing when it comes to his QB. I really wonder if Reid is addressing these problems with Smith. Or is Reid just trying to scheme around it, hence all of the quick screens and draw plays. Once we find this out, it will answer a lot of questions about what the organization really thinks about our starting qb.

I don't think anyone is ever argued that. I think people are just saying that if the line can affect him, that I can affect Smith. Andrew Luck plays worse that he could and so does Smith. I have heard people say that Smith would always play the same regardless of line. That's where I think it's bullshit. Every quarterback plays better with a better line.


This has nothing to do with whether Smith makes his line look worse than it is. It has nothing to do with whether one quarterback will do more with the same line. It's just saying that he would play better with a better line. It has nothing to do with the difference between Luck and Smith.


I only mentioned Andrew Luck and Peyton Manning to illustrate that even after you have a great quarterback, you want that great quarterback to play his best and you want the next quarterback to be even better. That's what I'm saying here. I want Smith to play his best, consistently, as long as he can, and then for Murray or whoever replaces him to play better than that. I want Murray or whoever else to earn it and not be because of Smith's poor play. I want Smith to play his best consistently sooner than later.

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