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Cincinnati Bengals Game Week Thread

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Cincinatti is going to kill us.

wilkie wilkie wilkie, why does everybody think the Bengals are so good? The Bengals won the last 2 games because they caught the breaks both SD and Baltimore games could have went the other way. I don't understand everyone's love affair with the Bengals. Steve Smith absolutely torched that secondary.This is a very winnable game and I am going to be in the stands at Paul Brown Stadium sporting my Chiefs gear. The Chiefs should be 2-1 right now, nobody wins in GB. This team is going to shock the Bengals and run over them like a runaway train, they are mad, they are embarrassed, they will be focused and they are going to win. WR touchdown is old news now we are going to flip the script and and score WR touchdowns at a record pace.

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Reid's press conference was so horrible to witness that I felt like the head coach was falling on a sword that someone else should've fallen on and that should have been Alex smiths sword. I have lost all faith in smith at this point and I really thought he could be a final piece in the Chiefs quest to win. I was misled. He should be benched.

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Unless the Bengals coaching staff is just plain stupid, and I don't think Marvin Lewis is, this could be another loss if AJ Green lines up in the slot and destroys whomever is playing the nickel db.


I'm hoping they give Parker a shot at the slot. He's not great, but with Gaines out, he's our best bet. Green will beat him too, but at least Parker will compete. IMO, the most important factor to us winning will be our offense.


Will the oline wake the hell up, and start playing like they want to win?


Parker at Corner. Berry and Abdullah need to start. Abduallah, needs to cover Eiffert - He can minimize him. He's our best cover safety on TE's.

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Just frustrating listening to all the post game comments and the one that sticks out the most is "we just weren't ready or expecting what Green Bay was going to do"


Boggles the mind.  


Cincy is a MUST win at this point.  We will see if they will be ready???


Overall this write up is more wishful thinking.  Year after year you hope you see one of these turn arounds for the chiefs..   Other teams do it, but for some reason this crap always escapes the chiefs...


It looked like they were going to have a run last season, until the Raiders beat them.

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Parker at Corner. Berry and Abdullah need to start. Abduallah, needs to cover Eiffert - He can minimize him. He's our best cover safety on TE's.

Kinda like it....But Abdullah on Eiffert is risky because you essentially remove a LBer to play Abdullah. I think DJ can handle Eiffert in the Nickel defense.But I would put Abdullah in at safety during Nickel and Dime sets. He is our best cover safety.


Parker moves outside and Peters move inside for Nickel. Peters has the hips and footwork to play against the slot.

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Aside from that Mrs. Lincoln,  how did you like the play?  Appalachian Chief your optimism is refreshing.  I confess that in spite of how bad they have looked I will be watching Sunday and hoping you are right.  There is no true explanation for what happened Monday that I have read and understand.  I will not go into a long explanation of what I thought the reasons are.  The best I can say is that sometimes you suck and sometimes you don't.  And Monday they sucked.

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I'm hoping the return of Jeff Allen and Sean Smith helps with some our weaknesses. LDT got his ass whooped all night, and I don't even need to talk about Flemming/Cooper's performance.


Smith being back gives us, him, Peters and Gaines with Parker helping out on 4wr sets. That, imo, should be good enough to play solid def against just about anyone...


I absolutely hate Jeff Allen, but I know he's better than LDT. Hell, I think Fulton is better than LDT, but I'm sure the only reason LDT is playing is because Reid wants LDT to be good,

I don't see how LDT beat out Fulton to be honest.

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