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your game plan for Bears

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What do you thing the O and D game plans should be everyone? Here are my thoughts.


O - run the damn ball! establish it and allow the o line man to start hitting people instead getting hit in pass protection. Mix in the deep balls, seams. Alex to be under center. Sounds simple but it needs to happen. Its the only way to get some confidence in this o line and some nastiness. I heard Reid likes nasty o line men, well where the hell are they? Let them be nasty, give them a chance to beat the piss out of someone.  


D - start blitzing and hit the QB early and often. set the tone for the game. It seems that what teams are doing to us early and Smith gets happy feet. Well lets start doing it. Take our chances. Hali, Houston, Poe, Johnson etc. release the hounds Sutton. Start being bullies like DeVito said we were going to be.


We need to start playing Marty ball to become physical, and learn how to enforce our will. Allow the men to take there frustration out on the bears. I'm tired of this trick plays, jet sweeps bullshit. Line it up and punch them in the mouth. Lets see what the guys are made of.




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Against the Bears (not GB or Denver or Cincinnati), we need a 1:1 TD/FG ratio or better. Against Chicago, we need a 1/1 takeaway to turnover ratio.


Against the Packers, it would have needed to be 100% TDs and no turnovers. Against the Bengals, it should have been 2/1 TD/FG ratio and 1/1 takeaway/TO ratio. Against the Broncos, we'd have needed what we got but no turnovers.


Obviously, all this is not a game plan, but what I'm trying to say is we need to get touchdowns as often as field goals and no turnovers. Or we need a better defense that can take the ball away. We haven't been doing that in the last two games.

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Resign that arena football kid, and plug Daniel in there. It will be interesting anyway. This version of the Chiefs is dead man walking. It is killing me. There is so much potential being wasted. You have a player out, and cannot cover for him? Teams have holes all over the place, but the coaches scheme, and somehow find a way to make it work. The Chiefs get one guy to go down or not be active, and the hole defense sucks. This is football. There are injuries, and there are limits on playing staff. You have to know how to cover for a weakness. I think the other team has to be astonished no one is stopping them from exploiting a weakness. 


Its a player problem, but if you can't fix that, it is a coach problem. Sutton drives me nuts. This coaching staff drives me insane. They are an overpaid bunch of excuse making wimps. Well, Reid was that until recent. Now, he just doesn't bother to show up. Can you imagine? This is football. Football is a physical sport. It is a replication of war on a playing field with a few rules thrown in. The object is to destroy the other team, and this guy.. the HEAD COACH... will not even face a bunch of pantie wasted reporters. I wish I had a moment in a closed elevator with this guy. 


Now, I do feel sorry for coach Reid. He has been through the ringer. Lost his kid, and his wife wants the cultured side of the US. Well, fine. Get another job or retire. Don't ruin careers. What an ego maniacal goof to put your paycheck in front of the lives of others! I currently have lost all respect for the man. 

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Chiefs are going to kick the Bears all over the field in all phases of the game. The season is on the line now. I think they have way more talent than the Bears and will rebound starting with this game and the next 4 games.

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The way the bears played seattle and the raiders, I bet it will be a dog fight. Reid and Sutton better not overthink this and go out and play basic smash mouth football. Let the players go after them, and don't hold them back with bullshit shemes and plays behind the line of scrimmage. If we want turnovers, we have to create them by blitzing. We are sitting back waiting for someone to make a mistake instead of being proactive and forcing them into one. We also need to start picking up the temp on offense. I think the chiefs take the longest time to snap the ball in between plays. When we reach the opponents 30 yd we should also go into hurry up offense in order to give ourselves a chance to score TD instead of FG. Limit the substitutions for the defense and ram down there throat. Look at what the pats do, this is exactly there formula along with a formation that puts there TE on the outside. WTF don't we have Kelce out there? I don't get it.

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If we line up and try to smash mouth the ball down their throat, we will be 3 and out on nearly every possession and Charles will be on IR. We just don't have the line to do it. I wish we did. Half the time he has a defender in his face when he gets the hand off.

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If we line up and try to smash mouth the ball down their throat, we will be 3 and out on nearly every possession and Charles will be on IR. We just don't have the line to do it. I wish we did. Half the time he has a defender in his face when he gets the hand off.

Heck seriously needs to be replaced.

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1st Down- Run the ball Knile Davis

2nd Down- Run the ball Charles

3rd Down- Run the ball Charles/Davis/West


It's okay to punt the ball for a couple of series even 3 or 4 but establish the run period. When not if because with Charles its going to happen and he break a few for big gains then the defense starts to guess but you have to be committed to the run!!! Stop all this draw and pistol shit. Line up in the I formation with the FB and run the fucking ball. IT WILL WORK!!!

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I agree it will work. Sometimes its not the yardage, but the attempts that will allow the passing to open up and slow down the pass rush. It also puts our shitty o line in a position to at least start hitting and maybe gain some confidence. On D, Sutton better let the boys go after the QB. we are sitting back rushing 4 and trying to cover. It isn't working. Force the issue and take some chances.   

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Guest Okiechief1

But Andy won't run the ball. Easy win if we use Charles and davis

Andy usually has 2 or 3 games a year where he remembers JC is pretty good back and it's legal to run as he sticks to it the whole game.


If the front 7 show up this game and don't put us in a early then you might see him do it this game.

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