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The CUT Alex Smith Thread

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Yep, Reid needs to move on as well, but  if you dont have the QB, it doesnt matter who the coach is.   It just sucks that us Chiefs fans have to wait another 3 years at least before they are serious contenders. 


  Time to start completely over again! yay!

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Who do you develop behind the sieve?


well hopefully they have been doing something with murry besides just having him be there. Alex is shell shocked and he has no trust in the line. i saw one play where a defensive player got thru the line and alex immediately went down like it was reflex. Put in Chase and see what can be salvaged.

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well hopefully they have been doing something with murry besides just having him be there. Alex is shell shocked and he has no trust in the line. i saw one play where a defensive player got thru the line and alex immediately went down like it was reflex. Put in Chase and see what can be salvaged.

Protection from injury, as opposed to not being able to tough out a hit (not a wimp), but knowing Alex's tendencies, he was probably guarding from a fumble, too. He should stay up, but he has no idea now when the line lets guys through. That's not a good thing, as most say you don't overcome that. You can only hope for a better line, even if it's not all their fault and won't solve the issues. It would just make the bad plays less frequent for your team.


I'd rather have Murray in than Daniel. I buy that Daniel could start, but feel it would be better giving the young guy experience. I don't think the chances that Daniel plays well enough to earn a starting job here in little time, as teams figure out tape tendencies and weaknesses, are higher than Murray figuring it out evidentially within his contract.

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Protection from injury, as opposed to not being able to tough out a hit (not a wimp), but knowing Alex's tendencies, he was probably guarding from a fumble, too. He should stay up, but he has no idea now when the line lets guys through. That's not a good thing, as most say you don't overcome that. You can only hope for a better line, even if it's not all their fault and won't solve the issues. It would just make the bad plays less frequent for your team.


I'd rather have Murray in than Daniel. I buy that Daniel could start, but feel it would be better giving the young guy experience. I don't think the chances that Daniel plays well enough to earn a starting job here in little time, as teams figure out tape tendencies and weaknesses, are higher than Murray figuring it out evidentially within his contract.



yeah they probably should start murray so we can just start prepping for 2016. it won't happen but i wish it would

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Alex is shell shocked and he has no trust in the line. i saw one play where a defensive player got thru the line and alex immediately went down like it was reflex.

In a similar scenario, Peyton Manning did that in the game against the Chiefs. No one called him out for that. Thank you, Football Community Double-Standard.

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In a similar scenario, Peyton Manning did that in the game against the Chiefs. No one called him out for that. Thank you, Football Community Double-Standard.

Because Peyton Manning is a first ballot hall of fame QB...  Alex Smith is a backup QB at best.  I mean seriously???  Homerism is a mentally-fatal disease.

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Because Peyton Manning is a first ballot hall of fame QB... Alex Smith is a backup QB at best. I mean seriously??? Homerism is a mentally-fatal disease.

Unreal. I can't believe what I read here. The eye test should be all that's needed.
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Who compared the two quarterbacks directly to each other? Why don't you read what I explicitly said instead of twisting my words to dodge the implication. It's the same situation, the outcome is the same, the intent is the same, and there is no justifying the argument made against Smith in that instance. If in the grand scheme of things we ask, What Would Peyton Do?, and Alex does that, why is it wrong when Alex does it?


Double-standard. You've been called out for it. Accept it. Move on.

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Because Peyton Manning is a first ballot hall of fame QB... Alex Smith is a backup QB at best. I mean seriously??? Homerism is a mentally-fatal disease.

Unreal. I can't believe what I read here. The eye test should be all that's needed.

Come on Bronco and Cali, you know that's not what he was talking about. There was no comparison between the two.


He was just saying that if one quarterback will duck and cover when someone is about to tackle him, or thinks they will, it's the same if another does it. If Peyton Manning is shell shocked he should be called that. If he isn't, then he isn't.


If one wanted to say that Peyton is 39 and Smith is 31 and therefore that explains it, go ahead. That's valid. If one wants to say that Smith does it more often then Manning, if true, then say that. That's valid.


HOFers do good and bad things, more good than bad, and a lot of great. It would fairly easily be kept in perspective if every quarterback was called out for everything. The elite would still be elite. When you're not great, those bad things will be exaggerated and noticed more.


Doing an act like seeing pressure when there is none or ducking and covering instead of taking a hit when there is pressure, are independent actions are not positive things no matter who does it, just one is called out for it and one isn't.


If everyone were called out for everything, the elite would still stand out. It just makes the quarterbacks who aren't, look worse if they're the only ones being called out for it.


Having said that, Alex Smith might very well be shellshocked regardless of whatever play the poster saw. Regardless of whatever Manning does. There's more evidence of that then just that one play.


I just don't think that one being a Hall of Famer has any relevance to noting whether somebody ducked or took a hit. And it really isn't relevant on how good Manning is on whether it's a double standard.

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I almost always dictate on the phone my responses, that obviously went very long. It was kind of a novel.


None of that was really a defense of Smith nor was it in defense of Phatal. I just don't like the illogical responses to posts. Maybe that's why I am an attorney, constantly arguing about little things. And they usually turn out long.

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I almost always dictate on the phone my responses, that obviously went very long. It was kind of a novel.


None of that was really a defense of Smith nor was it in defense of Phatal. I just don't like the illogical responses to posts. Maybe that's why I am an attorney, constantly arguing about little things. And they usually turn out long.

My entire family are attorneys..except me of course..I had a feeling. Wilkie was an Councilor but his answers are short but then he has been on here since the beginning so it is may be a learned attribute.

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My entire family are attorneys..except me of course..I had a feeling. Wilkie was an Councilor but his answers are short but then he has been on here since the beginning so it is may be a learned attribute.

When I type my responses, they are shorter. When I use speech recognition, I tend to say more. When I write professionally, I have to edit down to be concise; I don't worry about that here.


Sometimes, I will anticipate what someone else might say, for example, I thought someone might say that age/mobility is an excuse for Manning but not Smith or that Smith does it a lot more and therefore it's a bigger issue for him.

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Diahreea of the mouth and the pen are occupational hazards of being a lawyer.  I was a lawyer for 40 years (now retired) and a football player for 6 so you can see where my "expertise" (if any) lies.  While everyone is different,  still I recognize certain traits of KCSL in my younger self.  While I don't like illogical responses I recognize that they are illogical to me,  maybe not to the guy posting.  A lot of the illogical posts are simply gut reactions ..  fire Smith,  fire Reid,  fire Peterson,  fire Thigpen,  fire Cassel.   These are not well thought out and I pay them almost no attention.   


What I hate the most about the coalition is the gang mentality.  Somebody throws out a certain idea as being true and everybody jumps on this idea until it becomes a universal truth with no real thought given behind it.   


On here the people making the noise are the ones whining.  They had high expectations for Chiefs this year and those expectations are not being met.  The solution for some is the scorched earth.  Six games in and we are tossing out the season. 


The best way to survive the Chiefs is the way OT and I do it.  LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS.  Be realistic.  Everyone in the NFL gets worse or better.  Nobody stays the same.  This is proving to be true with Derrick Johnson and Tamba Hali. Divorce yourself from the emotion of being a fan and look at this team for what it is.   You can still be entertained.  And you can still root for them on Sundays. 


Its hard to do.  Easier to do as you get older and you have a history of being a fan.  Maybe you don't get to experience the highest highs of having so much emotion tied into a team.  But you don't go through the lowest lows.  And believe me this is not the lowest of the lows.  You want to talk about a Chiefs lowpoint?  How about blowing a 28 point lead to Indianapolis in the playoffs?  How about losing to the Miami Dolphins on Christmas day during the longest game ever played?  How about Derrick Thomas' NFL sack day on a day the Chiefs still lost the game to the Seahawks on a last second Dave Krieg to Paul Skanski hail mary pass.


At the same time,  the one thing that keeps us coming up is the cheap laughs.   Humor puts things in perspective.

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Diahreea of the mouth and the pen are occupational hazards of being a lawyer. I was a lawyer for 40 years (now retired) and a football player for 6 so you can see where my "expertise" (if any) lies. While everyone is different, still I recognize certain traits of KCSL in my younger self. While I don't like illogical responses I recognize that they are illogical to me, maybe not to the guy posting. A lot of the illogical posts are simply gut reactions .. fire Smith, fire Reid, fire Peterson, fire Thigpen, fire Cassel. These are not well thought out and I pay them almost no attention.


What I hate the most about the coalition is the gang mentality. Somebody throws out a certain idea as being true and everybody jumps on this idea until it becomes a universal truth with no real thought given behind it.


On here the people making the noise are the ones whining. They had high expectations for Chiefs this year and those expectations are not being met. The solution for some is the scorched earth. Six games in and we are tossing out the season.


The best way to survive the Chiefs is the way OT and I do it. LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS. Be realistic. Everyone in the NFL gets worse or better. Nobody stays the same. This is proving to be true with Derrick Johnson and Tamba Hali. Divorce yourself from the emotion of being a fan and look at this team for what it is. You can still be entertained. And you can still root for them on Sundays.


Its hard to do. Easier to do as you get older and you have a history of being a fan. Maybe you don't get to experience the highest highs of having so much emotion tied into a team. But you don't go through the lowest lows. And believe me this is not the lowest of the lows. You want to talk about a Chiefs lowpoint? How about blowing a 28 point lead to Indianapolis in the playoffs? How about losing to the Miami Dolphins on Christmas day during the longest game ever played? How about Derrick Thomas' NFL sack day on a day the Chiefs still lost the game to the Seahawks on a last second Dave Krieg to Paul Skanski hail mary pass.


At the same time, the one thing that keeps us coming up is the cheap laughs. Humor puts things in perspective.

I wanted to respond to this with a whining rambling illogically reactive novel just to be ironic. But great post.

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I think it helps to not attach oneself to the winning or losing of a team. When they win, we feel good, but did nothing to affect the outcome. When they lose, we are no loser, nor did we cause the outcome. We are fans, but sometimes it is best to step outside and remember, it is just a game, and in the end it is entertainment. A good movie or a bad play may make us evoke a reaction, but seldom does it cause us the pain that a sporting event seems to evoke.


Sports were constructed to assimilate war. Football, more than most any other sporting event, carries these similarities to the extreme. Players literally collide, and pulverize each other in order to win the victory, but the battle is short lived. Eventually, even the conqueror becomes the victim at the feet of another. We watch this spectacle, and some actually participate to the point where they join in as if it were a real war. 


As in Risk, Monopoly, or Checkers, the game is best enjoyed when truly connected through participation. Once the game is over, it is important to disconnect for a time. 


The Chiefs suck. I have to acknowledge that fact. Alex Smith is not the top quarterback in the league. He probably isn't even in the top fifteen anymore. The offensive line is probably one of the worst in the league. The defense, that we thought was going to carry the team, has become a little less potent. The coach, we thought was good is suddenly floundering. It looks bleak. Five games have been played, and the one victory came to a team that may compete with the Chiefs as one of the most futile. 


Sucks to be a fan, right? This is where we get to play act the noble part of a person of loyalty. When things don't go our way, we don't quit. We don't divorce the wife for burning the toast. We don't quit the job because it was a tough week. We don't trade in our kids because they didn't win the trophy or get the highest grade, or even the middle grade. We accept the outcome, and hope for better. The ought to, should have, and better be attitude probably should take a break. It is what it is, and what we can change we change. The rest is a spectator sport, and we get the honor of being in the front row. This is life. 

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I think it helps to not attach oneself to the winning or losing of a team. When they win, we feel good, but did nothing to affect the outcome. When they lose, we are no loser, nor did we cause the outcome. We are fans, but sometimes it is best to step outside and remember, it is just a game, and in the end it is entertainment. A good movie or a bad play may make us evoke a reaction, but seldom does it cause us the pain that a sporting event seems to evoke.


Sports were constructed to assimilate war. Football, more than most any other sporting event, carries these similarities to the extreme. Players literally collide, and pulverize each other in order to win the victory, but the battle is short lived. Eventually, even the conqueror becomes the victim at the feet of another. We watch this spectacle, and some actually participate to the point where they join in as if it were a real war. 


As in Risk, Monopoly, or Checkers, the game is best enjoyed when truly connected through participation. Once the game is over, it is important to disconnect for a time. 


The Chiefs suck. I have to acknowledge that fact. Alex Smith is not the top quarterback in the league. He probably isn't even in the top fifteen anymore. The offensive line is probably one of the worst in the league. The defense, that we thought was going to carry the team, has become a little less potent. The coach, we thought was good is suddenly floundering. It looks bleak. Five games have been played, and the one victory came to a team that may compete with the Chiefs as one of the most futile. 


Sucks to be a fan, right? This is where we get to play act the noble part of a person of loyalty. When things don't go our way, we don't quit. We don't divorce the wife for burning the toast. We don't quit the job because it was a tough week. We don't trade in our kids because they didn't win the trophy or get the highest grade, or even the middle grade. We accept the outcome, and hope for better. The ought to, should have, and better be attitude probably should take a break. It is what it is, and what we can change we change. The rest is a spectator sport, and we get the honor of being in the front row. This is life. 

\I guess this is the mindset that I have evolved into in the last few years. I know the depths of the last four games have not bothered me as much as in past years, even though my expectations were higher this year. My affection for the Chiefs has not changed, but deep down I am not surprised when they lose in the final seconds. If they ever do field a championship team during my remaining years as a fan, I will just relish the unexpected moment as more precious for the years of frustration. If not, it was fun to follow. 

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\I guess this is the mindset that I have evolved into in the last few years. I know the depths of the last four games have not bothered me as much as in past years, even though my expectations were higher this year. My affection for the Chiefs has not changed, but deep down I am not surprised when they lose in the final seconds. If they ever do field a championship team during my remaining years as a fan, I will just relish the unexpected moment as more precious for the years of frustration. If not, it was fun to follow.

Well said.
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\I guess this is the mindset that I have evolved into in the last few years. I know the depths of the last four games have not bothered me as much as in past years, even though my expectations were higher this year. My affection for the Chiefs has not changed, but deep down I am not surprised when they lose in the final seconds. If they ever do field a championship team during my remaining years as a fan, I will just relish the unexpected moment as more precious for the years of frustration. If not, it was fun to follow. 

Thats how Lamar thought. Did not work out to well for him. Probably passed that attitude on to Clark.

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