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The CUT Alex Smith Thread

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\I guess this is the mindset that I have evolved into in the last few years. I know the depths of the last four games have not bothered me as much as in past years, even though my expectations were higher this year. My affection for the Chiefs has not changed, but deep down I am not surprised when they lose in the final seconds. If they ever do field a championship team during my remaining years as a fan, I will just relish the unexpected moment as more precious for the years of frustration. If not, it was fun to follow.

Very nice post.

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\I guess this is the mindset that I have evolved into in the last few years. I know the depths of the last four games have not bothered me as much as in past years, even though my expectations were higher this year. My affection for the Chiefs has not changed, but deep down I am not surprised when they lose in the final seconds. If they ever do field a championship team during my remaining years as a fan, I will just relish the unexpected moment as more precious for the years of frustration. If not, it was fun to follow. 

Good post

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Who compared the two quarterbacks directly to each other? Why don't you read what I explicitly said instead of twisting my words to dodge the implication. It's the same situation, the outcome is the same, the intent is the same, and there is no justifying the argument made against Smith in that instance. If in the grand scheme of things we ask, What Would Peyton Do?, and Alex does that, why is it wrong when Alex does it?


Double-standard. You've been called out for it. Accept it. Move on.

You compared them, and it's a stupid comparison.  If a 39 year old Peyton Manning doesn't want to get his head hit by a 300 lb DT, he has earned the right through some of the most elite QB play in NFL history to duck said DT...  Alex Smith has not earned that benefit of doubt, hence Manning can do it, Smith cannot.  It's just reality, sorry dude.


There is no double-standard other than the one you are attempting to create. 

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You compared them, and it's a stupid comparison. If a 39 year old Peyton Manning doesn't want to get his head hit by a 300 lb DT, he has earned the right through some of the most elite QB play in NFL history to duck said DT... Alex Smith has not earned that benefit of doubt, hence Manning can do it, Smith cannot. It's just reality, sorry dude.


There is no double-standard other than the one you are attempting to create.

You are wasting your time.

In a year, smith with be gone, on the bench, or touring the NFL like Matt Cassel. I warned everyone.

Chiefs fans can add him to the list of fails, wash ups, and guys we should have passed on or never tried.


Dave Krieg

Steve Deberg

Elvis Grbac

Tyler Palko

Broken Coil

Matt Cassel

Damon Huard

Warren Moon

Brady Quinn

And more


We've endured enough of this crap.

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You compared them, and it's a stupid comparison.  If a 39 year old Peyton Manning doesn't want to get his head hit by a 300 lb DT, he has earned the right through some of the most elite QB play in NFL history to duck said DT...  Alex Smith has not earned that benefit of doubt, hence Manning can do it, Smith cannot.  It's just reality, sorry dude.


There is no double-standard other than the one you are attempting to create. 

Peyton Manning has "earned the right" to fall on the ball?


Peyton's offense is producing 1.5 touchdowns per game, less than Smith's. Manning has also fed the opposing defense a touchdown in one out of every two games. The difference is that the Broncos' defense has allowed about half of the points. It's not like Manning is delivering the good with the bad this year. It's almost all bad. He's got a better offensive cast than Smith, and he's getting bailed out by his defense.


Every quarterback reserves the right to cover the ball on a blown A-gap assignment. It's how you don't lose seasons to busted spleens.

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Guest 303Chiefs

Peyton Manning has "earned the right" to fall on the ball?


Peyton's offense is producing 1.5 touchdowns per game, less than Smith's. Manning has also fed the opposing defense a touchdown in one out of every two games. The difference is that the Broncos' defense has allowed about half of the points. It's not like Manning is delivering the good with the bad this year. It's almost all bad. He's got a better offensive cast than Smith, and he's getting bailed out by his defense.


Every quarterback reserves the right to cover the ball on a blown A-gap assignment. It's how you don't lose seasons to busted spleens.

Manning made be most of his chances yesterday even with his poor play. Comparing smith to manning is plain dumb. Smith is a proven loser. Manning, proven winner.

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Its not a double standard.  In the cases where manning has gone to the ground, he was dead to rites with no help and no openings to get rid of the ball...and consider manning's release is considerably faster than A. Smith. 


In MOST cases when Alex takes to the ground, he's been happy foot dancing around and gives up when he sees someone.


Yes, Peyton Manning is doing poor this season, but at the end of the day, who gives a damn if he drops to the ground on every snap.  He isn't OUR QB and he isn't OUR problem.  Alex Smith, however, IS our QB and IS our problem....and one problem he has is giving up when pressured. 

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Manning is running a new system for the first time since he was drafted as a rookie this year.  He's also pushing 40, and banged up.  Anyone who expected the Peyton Manning of two years ago was kidding themselves, and frankly, with THIS defense, Denver needed a QB to hand the ball off, complete some playaction, and win IF NEEDED.  Yesterday, despite his physical limitations, Manning made some GREAT throws in pressure situations to help the Broncos win that game.


Denver is 6-0, period.  Even in 2015, a 39 year old Manning is better than a much younger and more athletic Alex Smith.

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Manning is running a new system for the first time since he was drafted as a rookie this year. He's also pushing 40, and banged up. Anyone who expected the Peyton Manning of two years ago was kidding themselves, and frankly, with THIS defense, Denver needed a QB to hand the ball off, complete some playaction, and win IF NEEDED. Yesterday, despite his physical limitations, Manning made some GREAT throws in pressure situations to help the Broncos win that game.


Denver is 6-0, period. Even in 2015, a 30 year old Manning is better than a much younger and more athletic Alex Smith.

Your first paragraph is the only relevant thing to this conversation. Arguing that Manning then and now is better than Smith is a strawman argument. Nobody claimed otherwise. I mean, it seems like an easy argument to set someone up to claim something they didn't claim that's absurd and then prove against it.


It would be like me saying that you called yourself a stud because you knock up other dogs and then for me to prove that you're human and don't do that. It's that ridiculous.

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Manning is running a new system for the first time since he was drafted as a rookie this year.  He's also pushing 40, and banged up.  Anyone who expected the Peyton Manning of two years ago was kidding themselves, and frankly, with THIS defense, Denver needed a QB to hand the ball off, complete some playaction, and win IF NEEDED.  Yesterday, despite his physical limitations, Manning made some GREAT throws in pressure situations to help the Broncos win that game.


Denver is 6-0, period.  Even in 2015, a 30 year old Manning is better than a much younger and more athletic Alex Smith.

Chiefs were 9-0 vs a very weak schedule a few years ago. Play somebody. But I would take 40 yr old Manning over any age Alex Smith in a clutch situation

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You guys should stop debating Phata.


He's a dumb Alex Smith fanboi who will argue you, minus any sort of logic, to protect his guy. It's a bizarre obsession.

Sort of like Bubbles used to do when Matt Cassel was our shitty qb. There's always one.


Maybe Phatal is really Alex Smith?

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Sort of like Bubbles used to do when Matt Cassel was our shitty qb. There's always one.


Maybe Phatal is really Alex Smith?

Duh, it's right in front of your eyes. PhataL is Bubbles. Just kidding.


Incidentally, liquidfriend are you "drunkie" on Scout message board?

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Its not a double standard.  In the cases where manning has gone to the ground, he was dead to rites with no help and no openings to get rid of the ball...and consider manning's release is considerably faster than A. Smith. 


In MOST cases when Alex takes to the ground, he's been happy foot dancing around and gives up when he sees someone.

This whole conversation started on the basis of a specific sack Smith took on an A-gap blitz. He was as "dead to rights" as Peyton Manning was on one of the sacks he took in the game against the Chiefs.


I'm not going to argue the point anymore. Several users here have deliberately distorted my basic message to suggest I was arguing a point I never was. The intellectual dishonesty in here is appalling. I get being salty, but where did the brains leak out to?

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I think Bronco Stud likes to come around and bath in the "dark hole" of our misery....It's sorta worse than trolling, because most of the shit he says is, unfortunately TRUE.

lol......  I don't enjoy your misery.  Truth is I can't stand Denver forums because of the Homerism, and I am their "Wilkie", I bring them the news they don't want to hear.


Also, the truth is that only one team wins a Super Bowl per year, so even with very competent management and coaching, winning a Super Bowl is incredibly difficult.  So many of you guys were hyped when Andy Reid was signed, but the fact of the matter was he was run out of Philly because the Eagles fans knew exactly what he was, and his mistakes were becoming too glaring for him to overcome THERE, and he was a much better coach back in those days. 


I was a big fan of Alex Smith, I thought the Chiefs had hit a homerun and the 49ers blanked, but apparently Harbaugh knew more than I did, and the 49ers jettisoned a check-down QB who collapses in the clutch while they could.  But in the end, it's just more fun to mix it up with rival fans than sit around and watch your team's fans circle jerk each other with stupid prediction after stupid prediction.

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  • 1 year later...

A blast from the past. Saw this when looking for the 2016 predictions thread.


The next week KC started an 11 game winning streak, including the playoff win.


Since that week KC has the best W-L record in the NFL through today. The next closest is New England, and they have 2 more losses over that time.


Enjoy it while we can.

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A blast from the past. Saw this when looking for the 2016 predictions thread.


The next week KC started an 11 game winning streak, including the playoff win.


Since that week KC has the best W-L record in the NFL through today. The next closest is New England, and they have 2 more losses over that time.


Enjoy it while we can.

Regular season wins are awesome. Now let's win some playoff games. (plural)

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