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What's wrong with this team?

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Phatal I am a big fan of Alex Smith also and I have supported him likewise but yesterday even though I didn't want to believe it I watched Alex panic when there was no reason to panic. He is gun shy my friend and even though I wear the same AS11 glasses you do I can see it, he is making the O-line look worse then it really is, he is missing open WR's, he is putting our star players in situations where they can get hurt by leading them into big hits, he is throwing the ball high, he is throwing the ball to hard on a 3 yard pass, all this is a sign he is scared and needs to be replaced. Alex looks just like Cassel did the last couple years. It's bad dude real bad! I believed in him too I had him in 5 different Fanduel games yesterday as the starting QB.

Since you saw the game, and being an inhabitant of the West Coast I did not, would you explain in a couple of sentences what you think has happened to Alex Smith?


If the problem were Alex Smith, it would require that he had always been as bad a quarterback as some here believe him to be. If the problem is the offensive line (and it is, because I saw the Broncos game, and watching the Broncos teeing off on Smith was just pathetic), replacing Smith won't fix the problem, it will just make Smith's problem someone else's. It sounds like a lot of people have a bad case of ABA (Anyone But Alex), and I'm seeing metrics that are indicating that there's too much blame to go around to have everything fall on Smith as it does.


Living in San Francisco, I've had plenty of opportunity to observe a quarterback that loses games his team as much as won for him. Every fourth or fifth game, that quarterback will do something that seems amazing, and if the game ends in a win, that quarterback gets all the praise in the world as if one play in one football game ever wins the entire game. I've heard a football game compared to a war, with each play being its own battle. You don't have to win every battle to win a war. If you are going to lose a battle, don't lose too much in that battle. It takes more than one soldier to win in a battle, and if the other soldiers are poorly trained, fatigued, injured, or otherwise not performing at the level they need to be, the platoon is doomed to failure.


It seems like the Chiefs as a team just aren't playing well individually or as a group. There's been no cohesion. Early injuries to Eric Fisher and Jeff Allen ruined any chance at meaningful pre-season reps that would have led to a consistently functional offensive line. Now Fisher and Allen are healthy, but the cohesion still isn't there. Sean Smith was suspended for three weeks, then Philip Gaines went out for the year, and so the Chiefs' secondary has no cohesion, and has given up numerous easy touchdowns. I can't fathom why some fans are dead set on pinning all of the blame on Smith. Even if he were slumping, he's played tough in other games that his teammates choked away. It's hard to accept the concept of replacing Smith as being a cure for what ails the Chiefs, seeing as Smith played well when it seemed everyone else was playing poorly.


Or maybe Smith got concussed in Denver, and he hasn't told anyone.

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I went to the game this week as well.  Jet summed it perfectly.


Beautiful Weekend in KC, the City looked great.


Our football  team is horrible, they looked MUCH worse in person.


The lack of offensive performance killed any momentum in the stadium.  In fact, in the 4th qtr with the game on the line, the stadium was HALF EMPTY....



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Clark issues the demands to both of them. The big problem comes from the owners.


If Clark demands them to draft a franchise QB, they draft a franchise QB. He demands seats filled quickly, so it gets short cut.


Fans are happy with playoff wins so why sacrifice anything to be great?


Also curious about the poor run blocking jetlord sees. It looks adequate to me.

I can't imagine the term adequate used to describe any part of this lines blocking.

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What's wrong? Lack of fire in the balls LEADERSHIP. From the owner, front office, coaches and players. Who is holding who accountable for the outcome? Buy into the jive being spewed if you want but, as Aretha sang back in 1985: "Who's zoomin' who?"

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I wonder what Clark Hunt truly thinks about all this. We will never know for sure of course.

We won't know, but I can only assume he is not happy. Since Andy Reid reports directly to Clark Hunt, I would also assume Clark is making his displeasure known.

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Guest 303Chiefs

We won't know, but I can only assume he is not happy. Since Andy Reid reports directly to Clark Hunt, I would also assume Clark is making his displeasure known.

Assume away, but he ain't doing jack squat. He's a puss.

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The defensive line is not getting to the qb and that exposes the secondary. This was not happening last year and the Chiefs had a top 5 defense and won more games than they lost. The Chiefs don't have an offensive identity: just a bunch of talented pieces with no basic cohesive vision. Add in Checkdown master and a young o line that has not had time to work together because they could not settle on the line until the second week of the season and injuries.. You get this mess.

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Guest msl8tnght@gmail.com

Offensive line SUCKS,Quarterback SUCKS, play calling SUCKS, defense veteran play SUCKS, Head coach SUCKS, do i really need to go on and on....?

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