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Past midway through the season,  the Chiefs are out of any reasonable chance of a playoff slot, fans are staying away and home games are blacked out.


  Prediction:  Smith suddenly has some unexplained injury from too many hits and Murray is named starter for the remainder of the season just to get him experience and to see if he has a future here.  He shows some promise and the Chiefs blow out some happy smoke then draft a big lineman from Ol' Miss.


Hope I'm wrong.

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I dont think games get blacked out anymore, doubt we see Murray play much as well..maybe Daniel just to see IF the Chiefs think he is worth trying to keep.


But in reality Reid much like Pioli has hitched his wagon to a mediocre QB and now they over paid for said QB  and will sink or swim with that decision.

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Guest Okiechief1

I dont think games get blacked out anymore, doubt we see Murray play much as well..maybe Daniel just to see IF the Chiefs think he is worth trying to keep.


But in reality Reid much like Pioli has hitched his wagon to a mediocre QB and now they over paid for said QB and will sink or swim with that decision.

Yea I hate that you are probably going to be right..... But yea
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I dont think games get blacked out anymore, doubt we see Murray play much as well..maybe Daniel just to see IF the Chiefs think he is worth trying to keep.


But in reality Reid much like Pioli has hitched his wagon to a mediocre QB and now they over paid for said QB  and will sink or swim with that decision.

I'm a Mizzou fan and loved what Daniel did there, but if the Chiefs announce that he's the starter, I'll pull out my remaining hair.  We've seen that parade too often in the past.  Starting QB not good or injured and in comes a backup while the QBOTF holds the clipboard because we want to win now.  Huard, Thigpin, etc.  I'd gladly support the Chiefs while they lose if it get a possible QB solution some snaps and we can evaluate him under game conditions.  Don't get me wrong,  I'm not saying Murray is the answer.  But we'll never know and drafting a possible bust in the first round next season who might not be any better without testing Murray is foolish.

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I'm a Mizzou fan and loved what Daniel did there, but if the Chiefs announce that he's the starter, I'll pull out my remaining hair.  We've seen that parade too often in the past.  Starting QB not good or injured and in comes a backup while the QBOTF holds the clipboard because we want to win now.  Huard, Thigpin, etc.  I'd gladly support the Chiefs while they lose if it get a possible QB solution some snaps and we can evaluate him under game conditions.  Don't get me wrong,  I'm not saying Murray is the answer.  But we'll never know and drafting a possible bust in the first round next season who might not be any better without testing Murray is foolish.

Agree and disagree.  While I would rather see Murray, at this point, for me it is anyone but Capt Checkdown.  I am so sick of watching that crap.


Let's see what Murray has got.  Assuming we can get a fair assessment of him behind that line anyway.  As far as drafting a QB in the first round, there is no guarantee that they would be any good.  Just ask Cleveland.  :lol:   How many first round picks have they wasted on QB's over the years.


With QBs, I don't think it is so much what round they are drafted in.  Is a team willing to take the time to develop them?  In this win now NFL, they are not.

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With QBs, I don't think it is so much what round they are drafted in. Is a team willing to take the time to develop them? In this win now NFL, they are not.

If you are concerned with not developing a QB, it should either be Murray, if the coaches see him as developed and the line is ready, or you draft early and let them develop behind Smith part or all of next year.


You don't advocate putting someone in who is not developed or behind a bad line that would hurt his development because you are sick of this crap and want anyone but who his there. Trust that Dorsey either is waiting for Murray to get ready or the line to get ready for him or for next year's QB to get developed and have a developed oline.


If Murray is ready and the line sufficient, you could still draft high and then develop the new guy a year while Murray starts, and trade whoever loses out the next year's competition. If Murray isn't ready or the line would ruin him, then you ride out the year with Smith. You could also put Daniel in, but I don't think you go to an anybody but Alex unless we are mathematically ruled out from the playoffs. There was a reason why they picked Smith over Daniel and why New Orleans didn't trade Daniel away earlier to a team who would give more because they really want him to start. I just don't think the more experience coaching staff has made the same conclusion as you have about our season or personnel. You play to win and I trust them more than you or me.


When we are out of it mathematically or Murray's ready, then bench Smith and go with Daniel or Murray depending on the line.

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lol..at murray..I really like the kid but to put him behind this joke of a line will kill his career..

Maybe, but tell me why Murray would be any worse off due to poor line play than someone drafted in the top next spring.  Unless we think the Chiefs can draft QB in the first round AND fix the line in one season, then new guy will have the same problems that Murray will have without the experience of two off seasons and team practices.  The point  is that putting the emphasis on a new QB won't solve anything until the line is improved so why kill the career of Goff instead of Murray for example?

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lol..at murray..I really like the kid but to put him behind this joke of a line will kill his career..

Smith is experienced enough to do better than he is doing and that's why I am concerned with him and the play calling. But if this oline is so bad that it would ruin Murray, a few years into the system but no reps, none of us should expect that much from Smith until the oline and play calling improve. The expectations should be tempered and even I don't feel he is meeting those tempered expectations.


He has to get back to where he was to allow Murray or next year's drafted QB to develop and improve while the oline improves. I don't think that he would improve enough to hold off Murray or the quarterback past next season, but the best thing for this franchise, would be for him to get back to where he was and improve from there while someone develops.


I don't believe in tanking or rooting for injury or rooting for him to play so poorly that he's benched. I always believe in playing to win and rooting for the best for everybody and playing the best guy, letting others surpass him if so abled. Good faith must be kept for everyone.


I feel that there are other positives gained from the winning culture that you don't get from tanking. There's no Andrew Luck out there, not even Goff. Besides, I think that even with any of our options, we'd be out of the running for him. Too much talent and too many people fighting for their jobs. Why tank at the QB position if the others are going to try successfully to get us out of the top pick? I'm saying this under the assumption that Murray is not ready and that the line would ruin him.


If he is ready and the coaches, not us, feel the line is good enough, then make the move once we are mathematically out of it. Or earlier if Smith continues this play while oline gets better, which regardless of where they are, they will. I do feel that there is pride in the oline as well as their pick for their quarterback, they're not necessarily equal, but neither is zero. If the line is good and Smiths just ruins it, they will have pride to address that.


And they also picked Murray, so if he is ready, they will have pride to put their guy in. When they go against that pride, it shows me something for the time being. The minimum hope was that Smith would play well enough through next year and the maximum hope was that the defense, the coaches, and Smith would come along to be competitive for a playoff run.

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I actually haven't given up on smith..therefore I wouldn't put murray or anyone else back there right now.


I have however given up on the O-Line and andy reids playcalling...


the line is what it is..just wish we could see more slants etc..

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I actually haven't given up on smith..therefore I wouldn't put murray or anyone else back there right now.


I have however given up on the O-Line and andy reids playcalling...


the line is what it is..just wish we could see more slants etc..

This is where I am as well, but he really is underperforming for him. I also don't think everything else will be fixed, including the defense in the playcalling. That's why I have given up. It's hard for me to think that this late in his career, that he's either going to change or the coaching staff is going to give him the benefit of continuing to develop everybody and letting him take over when everything is fixed.


He has his issues that will justify the eyes to wander while the other parts of the team is being fixed. Someone will take over with a smooth running team and they will look better than they are. Things will even out and the best will show it and the carried QB will not.


I feel that if Smith were on the Cowboys, he would do a lot better because he'd have better receivers and a better line. Now, one might say that the receivers and the line would do worse with Smith behind it, but Smith's play would be better. If that Smith were on our team, I think more people would believe in him. But I don't know if we can get other things fixed before he's through and people already think he's through.

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I don't agree with that....


Self Preservation may include a change at QB.  I just don't think Andy Reid cares that much.  He has more money than he will ever spend.  It's all about winning for him and he needs to make changes or that is not going to happen.


Chiefs better put up 30 on the Vikings or begin to prepare for next year.  The defense needs to step up or 2-3 guys ( Tamba, DJ and Berry) need to sit.





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I don't agree with that....


Self Preservation may include a change at QB. I just don't think Andy Reid cares that much. He has more money than he will ever spend. It's all about winning for him and he needs to make changes or that is not going to happen.


Chiefs better put up 30 on the Vikings or begin to prepare for next year. The defense needs to step up or 2-3 guys ( Tamba, DJ and Berry) need to sit.



I'm not counting anyone out, but the big assumption when we had our injuries last year and we still played well was that the injured players were better and we would be even better when the starters came back. I don't know if there's a changing of the guard or just the health issues are causing this or if it's just the defense being figured out. It could also be defenses assuming that the backup isn't good enough and targeting them and then our backup being good enough. Either way, we need to play whoever's going to do best in the right combination regardless of who was the starter two years ago, etc. The replacements may be better than the starters at this stage.


Or maybe the backups try harder because they're trying to earn themselves a spot in the league. If that's the case, then bench the guys that aren't trying as hard. And figure out if those backups will let down once they've "made it."

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I don't think Smith gets benched although I would like it.  I would then go to Daniels for 4 games and if we are eliminated finish the season with Murray.  By then we will know if Daniel is for real and we should have the line gelled a little more and not ruin Murray.


That makes the most sense to me.  It is unlikely they bench Smith and doubly unlikely they jump to the third stringer. 

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I don't think Smith gets benched although I would like it.  I would then go to Daniels for 4 games and if we are eliminated finish the season with Murray.  By then we will know if Daniel is for real and we should have the line gelled a little more and not ruin Murray.


That makes the most sense to me.  It is unlikely they bench Smith and doubly unlikely they jump to the third stringer. 

I like it

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I don't think Smith gets benched although I would like it.  I would then go to Daniels for 4 games and if we are eliminated finish the season with Murray.  By then we will know if Daniel is for real and we should have the line gelled a little more and not ruin Murray.


That makes the most sense to me.  It is unlikely they bench Smith and doubly unlikely they jump to the third stringer. 


What I would like is for Smith to get back to playing his best while the team behind him develops. He either keeps the job through play or Murray takes over a well-oiled machine. They could still draft a QB and let him develop in 2016 if Murray isn't ready. Not saying what will happen or the likelihood, just while we're hoping. What I don't want is for him to keep playing if he doesn't perform his best and take time away from Murray. Daniel? Ehh, don't care. The future is a new guy or Murray.

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I am done with Smith, regardless of what his apologist says. He won 11 games playing a last place schedule against backup QBs mostly. Then somehow won 9 games without throwing even 1 TD to a WR. Most of those wins were when Reid's stubborn ass let Jamaal run wild. This year he has played one good half, and it was the first one of the year. Oh, and he led KC to being the first team with 7 FGs in one game to not get the win.


The guy is done. Move on.

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I am done with Smith, regardless of what his apologist says. He won 11 games playing a last place schedule against backup QBs mostly. Then somehow won 9 games without throwing even 1 TD to a WR. Most of those wins were when Reid's stubborn ass let Jamaal run wild. This year he has played one good half, and it was the first one of the year. Oh, and he led KC to being the first team with 7 FGs in one game to not get the win.


The guy is done. Move on.

Sadly, this franchise is always behind the curve. They'll float on with subpar play because they're always scared to make waves. Play Murray already.

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I am done with Smith, regardless of what his apologist says. He won 11 games playing a last place schedule against backup QBs mostly. Then somehow won 9 games without throwing even 1 TD to a WR. Most of those wins were when Reid's stubborn ass let Jamaal run wild. This year he has played one good half, and it was the first one of the year. Oh, and he led KC to being the first team with 7 FGs in one game to not get the win.


The guy is done. Move on.

We're all fans here who have their opinions, of which are not black and white, no reason to get into the apologists, homers, haters, etc. stuff. I think that stuff just devolves a message board meant for discussion. We all respect each other's opinions, most everyone has expressed concern or doubt about his past, current play or future prospects. Most defenses of him recently have only been on the edges of extreme comments, leaving be the norm and acknowledging the struggles and limitations our team, coach, and quarterback.


Being done with Smith is fine, but we address the multiple factors of this team and should be able to do so without being addressed as apologists. It's a point of view that by and large includes Smith as a problem and mostly does not include a long future for Smith.

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We're all fans here who have their opinions, of which are not black and white, no reason to get into the apologists, homers, haters, etc. stuff. I think that stuff just devolves a message board meant for discussion. We all respect each other's opinions, most everyone has expressed concern or doubt about his past, current play or future prospects. Most defenses of him recently have only been on the edges of extreme comments, leaving be the norm and acknowledging the struggles and limitations our team, coach, and quarterback.


Being done with Smith is fine, but we address the multiple factors of this team and should be able to do so without being addressed as apologists. It's a point of view that by and large includes Smith as a problem and mostly does not include a long future for Smith.

Grow some thicker skin, Nancy. If "apologist" is the worst thing that you are ever called, you are doing pretty good.

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