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The opposite of love is not hate

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The opposite of love is "indifference". Indifferent is what we are becoming about the fate of the 2015 Kansas City Chiefs. I listened on the radio on and off while mowing grass. I no longer schedule activities around Chiefs games. If I'm home I will watch but if not I don't miss them. I don't TIVO missed games either. And I skip over a lot of Chiefs articles in the KC Star.


Its just the way of things. Human nature. I have not abandoned the Chiefs. But I am somewhat indifferent to them. I don't believe my interest will increase next week when we host Pittsburgh.

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Well, I picked the right thread. I just wanted to check in and see how everyone felt. I'm pretty much the same way Wilkie. I haven't watched a game since the Denver game. It's not that I didn't want to, but I can't watch the games live, and it's hard to watch after I know they have lost again. 


I guess this will be another lost season. It's not bothering me as much as it used to, and I got other things I'm interested in. When they went 2-14 the first time, I think I may have watched every game, pissed off and emotional every time.


Not anymore, I still love the Chiefs but life's too short to get worked up over it anymore. Hopefully they will have a few good games I can enjoy this season, if not, oh well.


I'm out, don't want to stick around for all the negativity. 

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