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Grading the Kansas City Chiefs new offensive line: Pleasantly surprised

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So apparently there was some kind of problem with the Kansas Cit Chiefs offensive line?

After weeks of Chiefs fans tearing at their beards and pouring ashes on their heads (you know, metaphorically) over the state of the offensive line, Andy Reid went nuclear and decided to make wholesale changes up front.

Donald Stephenson gets relegated to the bench, with Eric Fisher taking his spot (back) at LT.

Laurent Duvernay-Tardif is back at RG, with Zach Fulton sitting. I once again curse my luck at having to try and remember exactly how to say and spell LDT's name when I'm not just calling him LDT. Really, man? With the hyphen and stuff?

Jeff Allen rises from the ashes of the "even though he's clearly one of the five best offensive linemen on the team we're going to sit him because aliens" doghouse to get the nod at RT.



Look, I understand that fans have wanted moves like this for a few weeks, so it's easy to scream "why did it take so long" into the void. However, I'm going to focus on the positive; Reid finally stopped with half measures and sent a clear message to the entire team: do your job or sit down.

Anyone watching the game could see that the Chiefs had better offensive line play against the Steelers than in recent weeks. But, on an individual level, how did the "new" (I put in the quotation marks because, technically, every one of those guys has started at the position they were now playing before) guys do?

Well, that's what I'm here for.

I went back and charted 61 snaps, tracking pass block and run block "wins" and "losses," as well as plays I deemed "neutral." It's a pretty basic system. A win is beating the guy in front of you quite clearly. A loss is ... you know, getting beat. Neutral plays are those where the play goes away from the offensive lineman too quickly for them to be an impact or when they teetered the line between a win and a loss.

Is this all THAT scientific? No. Grading players like this is going to vary from person to person. However, we can get at least a decent idea of how players did on their own. We'll also take a look at "loss percentage" (percentage of snaps a player lost. I want guys below 10 percent. Any more and I worry) and "win percentage" (percentage of snaps a player won. Obviously, we want this number as high as possible).

Let's start with our new old right tackle, Jeff Allen.

Jeff Allen Pass Block Wins Pass Block Losses Run Block Wins Run Block Losses Neutral Loss Percentage Win Percentage 21 3 12 3 22 9.84% 54.09%


Jeff Allen returned to RT and picked up exactly where he left off the last time he was at RT; competent in a (relatively) ugly way.

Look, Allen doesn't look pretty out there. He isn't built like a typical right tackle. He's built like a guard. His footwork always seems a tad slow. But he gets the job done out there. He doesn't make a lot of mistakes, he plays with a mean streak, and he's WAY too strong for edge rushers.


Allen wins on the edge by doing just enough to stay in front of edge rushers, then overpowering them when he gets his hands on them. Bull rushes from guys on the edge don't seem to phase him at all. I assume that playing on the interior for years would make a guy find a bull rush from a 280-pounder somewhat entertaining.

Allen wasn't perfect, but he was quite good the vast majority of the day. His losses, by and large, weren't crippling losses (not all losses are created equal, if you'll recall previous articles on LDT's particularly brutal way of losing) and largely involved getting a step out of position and losing to speed.

Allen's run blocking was also solid, which mattered a great deal down the stretch. Both on West's short touchdown run and the game-sealing third down conversion Allen made great power blocks paving the way.

Overall, Allen did a solid job. There's absolutely no reason Reid should pull him from RT from here on out. He's solid in pass pro and brings a punch to run blocking.

Now, what about the new old RG?

LDT Pass Block Wins Pass Block Losses Run Block Wins Run Block Losses Neutral Loss Percentage Win Percentage 19 3 15 3 21 9.84% 55.74%


LDT was a pleasant surprise. The biggest issue with LDT in past games was that when he lost, he lost HORRIFICALLY. Like, getting immediately beat (usually because he got caught lunging at or leaning on a defender) and destroying a play before it could get started.

Believe it or not, I didn't catch a single play where LDT got caught leaning. He's clearly worked on his punch technique after getting benched earlier in the season.

Now, let's clarify something; even though LDT's numbers are slightly better than Allen's, in my opinion Allen's tape was better. LDT's wins weren't quite as convincing, and his losses were a little worse. Overall, though, there wasn't that much difference in their competency level. LDT put together a solid game, particularly as a run blocker (he also paved the way on those two crucial plays for the Chiefs I mentioned above).

LDT, as always, moved really well and space and demonstrated solid strength when using proper technique. He also wasn't absolutely crushed by stunts and delayed blitzes the way we'd seen in previous games.

LDT playing at a solid level eliminated the biggest weak spot on the line to this point (RG, though LT was arguably as much of a problem recently) and led to pockets like this for Smith.




It's worth noting the Steelers used BOTH a stunt (on the left side) and a delayed blitz (on the right side. Grubbs and  Fisher handled the stunt quite well, and LDT / Allen picked up the delayed blitz beautifully.

We always talk about the offensive line being a sum of the parts. Well, when there's no glaring weakness dragging down the entire unit, an offense looks markedly better (though far from perfect, with work still needing to be done on the play calling and Smith. But that's for another day).

Of course, any review of the offensive line would be incomplete without talking about the new old LT, the widely maligned Eric Fisher.

Eric Fisher Pass Block Wins Pass Block Losses Run Block Wins Run Block Losses Neutral Loss Percentage Win Percentage 23 3 18 2 15 8.19% 67.21%


Fisher has, over the last several weeks, quietly been the best offensive lineman on the field for the Chiefs. It's gone largely unnoticed as the team has burst into flames around him (and generally, being at RT tends to get you ignored, especially if you're a high draft pick who was "demoted"), but it's the truth. I was afraid that a switch back to LT might result in Fisher's play going downhill.

Thankfully, that was not the case. Though his old friend James Harrison gave him problems a few times (Harrison is really much better than he has any right to be at this point), Fisher was, IMO, the best lineman on the field with the spotlight on him last weekend. He held his own in pass protection and brought some MUCH needed run blocking to the left side of the line.

Before I continue, let's just stop and admire.

Fisher does that really, really well. He's always been a well-above-average athlete at the position, and now he's added enough strength to use that athleticism as a run blocker. He did a very good job sealing off defenders all day, and even had a few pancakes along the way. He played with fire (picking up the rare "I'm glad he did it anyway" penalty after getting on a defender who wouldn't let go of West's leg after the gif'd play above) and was solid with his assignments.

As I said above, LT has been one of the "problem" spots for the team as of late. Fisher did a very good job taking that weakness and turning it into a strength. Even his "losses" aren't as bad as the numbers indicate, as several of them were borderline neutral plays (I tend to grade harshly to avoid bias).

Basically, the offensive line overhaul had the exact results Reid was hoping for, at least for a week. LDT and Fisher were both massive upgrades at the position from what we'd seen the last few weeks (no disrespect to either Fulton or Stephenson, but both had been really struggling), and Allen was solid enough at the RT spot that Fisher moving to the left side didn't cause problems on the right.

It appears this is the group Reid will roll with from here on out, and he's absolutely right to do so. Here's to more snaps like this in the coming weeks.


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Fair point, but this squirrel has not found many nuts. It is a marked improvement and I will take what I can get. At least we have a group that can survive long enough to gel and figure out assignments. Man it looked like a complete disaster before.


I will take any good news I can lay my frustrated hands on.

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My impression has been that LDT needed the experience, but in doing so, he risked the health of the QB. There is no experience gained by sitting on the bench. He is athletically much better than Fulton. I liked what I saw last week. He did a much better job. Yes, he has a problem lunging, and getting beat. However, that can be corrected. He loses balance. That can be corrected. He doesn't have the quickest feet, but most of that is due to poor technique. Occasionally, LDT crosses his feet, and that could spell disaster. I did not see that happen this time. 


Jeff Allen did get beat, and it did happen more often than I think this review indicated. The times he got beat, Alex was able to get the ball off, so there was no damage. Allen is not the best RT in the league, and he does play ugly. However, it is his best position, and he does seem to give it his all. Allen is not strong enough to play LG. The move to RT is to his benefit. He is persistent, and even when he gets beat, he can recover, or at least stay with his man long enough to keep him from reaching the QB. All that matters is getting the job done. Style points mean very little if the QB is sacked or a run is thwarted due to a missed assignment. He plays ugly, but is resilient. I don't know if he is worth retaining next year. It will depend upon who is available. At worst, he should be an above average back up. 


Grubbs did a vastly better job. I don't know if that was because of the competition, or if it was just a good outing. He is more of a mauler than a nuanced guy who can zone block.  That is the issue with the Chiefs. They have a hob-glob of talent that doesn't lend itself to one style of play. Grubbs is definitely not a zone blocker. He can be successful if the OL coach and OC can get together on how to run the offense.


Morse is still being overrated by the fans. I like Morse, but maybe not as much as some. He will probably turn out to be very good. He has good recovery speed, and he can multi-task. He is athletic, and is fairly strong. He does have trouble with the bigger guys. Despite the fact he looks old, but the player bio says he is only 23 y.o. Looks like 30. That means he should get stronger, which would be a good idea.


Fisher was better, but not as good at LT as he has been at RT. He did get beat badly, and tossed like a rag doll. However, it did not end up affecting the outcome of the play (a pass completion to Kelce). Allen was beaten badly on that play too. It would have been a disaster if Alex Smith did not get rid of the ball as he did. This is one way the QB is a big part of eliminating sacks. Alex Smith is part of the OL problem. If he can make reads, and dish the ball more quickly, then the OL should be better.

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Things are settling down....but Reid has been way too late on the draw....


Injuries played a role...but this should have been settled sooner.



This is not settled West. The O line played okay in the last game. There are still nine more games to go.

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This is not settled West. The O line played okay in the last game. There are still nine more games to go.

I don't think he meant settled in as in complete. I think he means settled as in like settle down. Sort of like how dirt settles over time. Maybe this is the lawyer in me. Maybe he meant finalized, but I don't think so. If I were a psychologist, I would probably say he meant settled as woman settling on an unattractive man who makes money because she wants kids and money and losing time and figure.

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Things are settling down....but Reid has been way too late on the draw....


Injuries played a role...but this should have been settled sooner.

Training Camp is underrated. I got worried when both Fisher and Allen went down during preseason, as there was no one behind them that could be full-time starters at the position and it robbed the offensive line of the opportunity to build cohesion between their best five. "Stephenson" and "best" evidently don't go together in the same sentence.

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I don't think he meant settled in as in complete. I think he means settled as in like settle down. Sort of like how dirt settles over time. Maybe this is the lawyer in me. Maybe he meant finalized, but I don't think so. If I were a psychologist, I would probably say he meant settled as woman settling on an unattractive man who makes money because she wants kids and money and losing time and figure.

LOL. My wife settled.

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It's really tough to watch other teams run offense and be reminded of how terrible our play calling is. Every week gronk goes wild and teams know it's coming. Kelce should be putting up same numbers. Hand are just as good and he's faster.

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Grubbs is out this game. It will be interesting to see who the Chiefs install in his place, and how they perform.


 Arrowhead Pride Retweeted

Ben Grubbs is on pace to allow 45 QB pressures this season. Jahri Evans was the only OG to allow more than 41 pressures in 2014. #Chiefs




Yikes! I knew he was fairly bad at protection, but who knew it was this bad. Everyone, including myself, seemed to think the Chiefs did well in adding Fanaika and Grubbs to their offensive line. This seems to indicate to me it wasn't that important of an addition. Considering the new contract, it doesn't look good at all. On the flip side, who do the Chiefs have that is better, or even close as good. The answer, sadly, appears to be NO ONE. Fanaika could get a start at RG, and the Chiefs could move LDT to LG. I don't know, but it does not seem good.



As a sign of whether the new offensive line is working two weeks in a row, this week is not it. The lineup is going to be different at LG and perhaps a number of other areas. This could not have come at a worse time.

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Grubbs is out this game. It will be interesting to see who the Chiefs install in his place, and how they perform.


 Arrowhead Pride Retweeted

Ben Grubbs is on pace to allow 45 QB pressures this season. Jahri Evans was the only OG to allow more than 41 pressures in 2014. #Chiefs




Yikes! I knew he was fairly bad at protection, but who knew it was this bad. Everyone, including myself, seemed to think the Chiefs did well in adding Fanaika and Grubbs to their offensive line. This seems to indicate to me it wasn't that important of an addition. Considering the new contract, it doesn't look good at all. On the flip side, who do the Chiefs have that is better, or even close as good. The answer, sadly, appears to be NO ONE. Fanaika could get a start at RG, and the Chiefs could move LDT to LG. I don't know, but it does not seem good.



As a sign of whether the new offensive line is working two weeks in a row, this week is not it. The lineup is going to be different at LG and perhaps a number of other areas. This could not have come at a worse time.

Paul Fanaika is on injured reserve. The next man up will be Zach Fulton. As to whether he will play to the left or right of Morse, we will know on Sunday.

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It's really tough to watch other teams run offense and be reminded of how terrible our play calling is. Every week gronk goes wild and teams know it's coming. Kelce should be putting up same numbers. Hand are just as good and he's faster.

It gets old hearing about how great Brady is in games where his team's defense holds the opposing offense to seven points, and the opposing defense is held to two sacks. Last night, Brady was actually only good for third down conversions on 25% of his attempts. Brady's a great quarterback, and Belicheck is a great coach, and yet sometimes the defense wins. That's professional football for you.


Gronkowski is a far more experienced player than Kelce. To suggest that Kelce should be doing what Gronkowski does merely because he is faster in a straight line is a gross oversimplification of what is involved in being a 'move' tight end.

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It gets old hearing about how great Brady is in games where his team's defense holds the opposing offense to seven points, and the opposing defense is held to two sacks. Last night, Brady was actually only good for third down conversions on 25% of his attempts. Brady's a great quarterback, and Belicheck is a great coach, and yet sometimes the defense wins. That's professional football for you.


Gronkowski is a far more experienced player than Kelce. To suggest that Kelce should be doing what Gronkowski does merely because he is faster in a straight line is a gross oversimplification of what is involved in being a 'move' tight end.

Kelce could be used better. Play calling sucks. Pats defense has nothing to do with anything I said.

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Brady makes the play calling look awfully good. He makes the protection look good. He makes Edelman look like Jerry Rice. The difference between Gronc and Kelsey's production is the first ballet HOFer throwing perfect strikes to him IMO.

Yep. And the lack of creative play calling.
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I didn't think that fish played too bad. However, LDT looked like pure garage. All game.

Fisher was good at run blocking for sure.

Pass pro was avg.

Alex played Alex ball. No turnovers. He missed some wide open guys down the field. I'm over that now. He'll never throw down field in a close game.

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