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So, apparently, i am a cheater

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I have no idea what's going on, but I hope all is well. Maybe it's a joke, maybe it's real. If there are any true accusations, I hope the truth comes out. For what it's worth, I don't think you'd be a cheater.

You don't know him. just kidding
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I'm pretty upset by all this to be honest.  i hate that a friendship seems to have ended over a fantasy football game.  I made a trade that someone felt was unfair.  Therefore, I feel it best that I just refund everyone's money, and exit the league.  If you would like someone else to handle the money, let me know, and I will send what I have collected to them.  Best of luck to you all.  I will miss playing with you guys!

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You wanted the commish job.., You got it.., So far you're doing a good job in my opinion.., You made a legitimate trade according to the rules.., You need to quit cryin everytime somebody disagrees with you and drive on.., If you wanna take your football and go home its up to you.., Or you can saddle up and finish the season..,


If you're lookin for sympathy from this group I really don't see it happening.., Grow some skin and do your job would be my advice.., If it would make you feel better I'll trade you Antonio Brown for James Jones.., I'm here to help you know.., :lol:

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No sympathy wanted, just trying to do what is fair to everyone.  If people feel I have done something wrong, then I do not want that perception from anyone.  I try very hard to be fair with everything.  It's kind of my thing.  So if it appears that I have done something in someones eyes that is not above board.  The only thing I can think of to make it fair is to let someone else take over, or refund peoples money.  Either way.  I'm more concerned about losing the friendship than I am freaking FF.  No game is worth a friend.

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No sympathy wanted, just trying to do what is fair to everyone.  If people feel I have done something wrong, then I do not want that perception from anyone.  I try very hard to be fair with everything.  It's kind of my thing.  So if it appears that I have done something in someones eyes that is not above board.  The only thing I can think of to make it fair is to let someone else take over, or refund peoples money.  Either way.  I'm more concerned about losing the friendship than I am freaking FF.  No game is worth a friend.


you still consider this person a friend even after they made false accusations? 


You are a more forgiving person than i am

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The owners have the option to veto trades. If it was a big deal, someone would have done it. No one did, as far as I know.


I had a similiar situation about 10 years ago in a league that I commished. A long time player in the league wanted to get his son in. No one had an issue as long as they didn't make any blatant, lop sided trades. About half way through the season, guess what, they made a lopsided trade. That league was set up with commish veto power only. All of the other owners start in on me to veto it. According to the rules they agreed to, I did so. Dad and son were pissed and quit. It took several years for that friendship to get mended. That is why I won't commish a league anymore.


The trade you are referring to wasn't that lopsided. I was going to veto it, but I am kicking your ass so bad, I was in a charitable mood. :lol:

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I guess we'll keep it going for now.  I have no problem with being the admin, I just don't like being accused of cheating.  I'd been begging that guy to trade me Brown for a month.  he finally gave in once he realized he was out of the running.  I felt it good timing on my part more than anything, but hey.  It is what it is.  

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The owners have the option to veto trades. If it was a big deal, someone would have done it. No one did, as far as I know.


I had a similiar situation about 10 years ago in a league that I commished. A long time player in the league wanted to get his son in. No one had an issue as long as they didn't make any blatant, lop sided trades. About half way through the season, guess what, they made a lopsided trade. That league was set up with commish veto power only. All of the other owners start in on me to veto it. According to the rules they agreed to, I did so. Dad and son were pissed and quit. It took several years for that friendship to get mended. That is why I won't commish a league anymore.


The trade you are referring to wasn't that lopsided. I was going to veto it, but I am kicking your ass so bad, I was in a charitable mood. :lol:

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Semo...your scenario sounds almost identical to one I experienced a few years ago. Father and son in a league I was in. Father had no chance of winning...son was in 2nd behind me. Blockbuster, one sided trade gave him everything he needed to beat me. I complained to the commissioner who was a bit of a wuss. He brought it up to the father and son who were incensed anyone would question their motives. They quit playing and it soured everything.

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I don't care who you got on your team Spfd I'm still gonna beat your ass!! I got an extra $50 on the line and you don't hear me complaining. I love a challenge. Everyone needs to lighten up I would pay $50 to have fun playing fantasy football with you guys even if there was no money to win!! Go Chiefs!!

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If the league has trade vetoes, that was the opportunity for people to express their feelings about the trade. It's pretty lame when a one-sided trade leads to you being beat by a team that has suddenly become a behemoth, but if you couldn't rally enough veto votes when you saw what was going down, perhaps the trade really wasn't that one-sided, or the league wasn't one worth staying in.


In any case, it's too bad that people are getting upset over it.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm out after this year.  The bullshit is getting way too deep.  You all can have it.


I don't exactly disagree with you.  IF, and that is a big IF i do this again this year.  There will be major changes.  The main one being a trade deadline.  I would also like to see the bench shortened a couple spots so people can actually have something to chose from as opposed to having to trade everything to get a player.  I also want to make players that were FA stay free agents, and not have to go through waiver wire rules to pick up.  Now, with that being said.  Everything that happened this year was within the rules of the league that we have played under for years.  the only changes made this year were that a QB TD pass was changed from 4 points to 6.  I'm sorry you are upset.  I understand though.

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