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Alex Smith wants big money

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and what has Bailey shown?


Enough that they didn't sign a run stopping 3-4 DE. Stop gaps like Brett Keisel or Ryan Pickett are out there.


That was exactly the question I was asking a year ago.  Then he was inserted into the starting lineup and the line improved instantly.  If you are going to go dumpster diving to fill your roster, it would be prudent to keep the good ones, don't you think?  I get the impression you either think its easy to find "diamonds in a goat's ass" (just lovely, OT) or that Dorsey is some miracle savant.  Neither are true.


Unless you have grown better from within... Johnson is ready to go. They mentioned in the offseason that Kush would see some time at guard. He was awesome in the San Diego game at center. Hudson has played well at guard in the past. Ford is getting good reviews early.



Cincinnati sucked too.  Save for a few teams, the AFC is far inferior to the NFC.  The Chiefs are not one of those teams either


Excuses, you have sour grapes.

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I am not nit-picking.  You are reaching.  A twenty year sample is really what’s relevant.  The less than A grade QB who have won SB had excellent, legendary defenses.  The Chiefs are nowhere near that.  The others lost.


The A+ anomalies succeeded largely because they were A plus.  Al is barely in the B group.  You have picked out a number of exceptions and bank on that it can happen.  Facts are it usually doesn’t.  You don’t win a Super Bowl without a stud QB unless you have a stud defense. 


You overestimate the performance of scrubs that probably over-performed in a single game versus a team which barely made the playoffs in the weak AFC. 


Who are these legions of high quality undrafted free agents?  All I recall is Marcus Cooper.  Filling in with low-end free agent garbage is fine when you have a solid nucleus of talent.  The Chiefs’ is eroding.  Name one draftee from last year making a B grade impact.  You can’t.  We got mileage out of some ham and eggers, but you can’t build a championship team without a solid core of A’s and B’s


There are no sour grapes.  They should have kept Geoff Schwartz and will pay for it when Rishaw Johnson is abused weekly.  They will regret signing a misplaced Vance Walker when teams run over him.  They will miss Brandon Flowers just as they did in the Indy debacle.


BTW:  A current A+ QB got his butt kicked in the SB by a special defense with a QB who soon may join the A+ list.  A QB better than Al.

Basically, Mongo, it seems that you advocate drafting QB's and hoping for the "rare as hen's teeth" freaks like Manning or Elway to carry your franchise for 15 years.  Its a great strategy.  It involves drafting QB's, keeping your overall roster as strong as possible, and hoping at some point to catch lightning in a bottle.  If you look with objective and observing eyes, you will see that this regime in KC is doing exactly that.  So, just enjoy the show and support their efforts, man.  No need to project anger and cynicism all the time.

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We could literally draft a QB with all seven draft picks every year for ten years and not get a Manning or Elway. It's probably more likely we would go 0 for 49.

And even if you do that, it doesn't necessarily make you a winner.  When i was in college in New Orleans in the late 60's, they had just gotten the Saints and played at Tulane Stadium (pre-Super Dome).  I was asked to play trumpet in the Saints Band, a big band jazz band that played during halftime and timeouts.  We were set up next to the field at the 10 yard line.  So, I was at every game and saw them played up REALLY close.  Manning's dad, Archie Manning was the QB.  He was truly great, also, but the supporting cast completely sucked, just like you'd expect with an expansion franchise.  The Saints never had a chance, even with Archie.  They would lose by huge margins all the time.  But the fans loved them (of course it was N.O. and and just another excuse to party).  So, you can't just throw everything into getting a great QB.  You have to keep and build an overall strong roster or your savior will get killed, even if you latch onto him.

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Mongo, Seriously....Are you a Chiefs Fan?


You are killing me with all the negative vides man.


I think we can all agree that you have very strong feelings about:


1. Alex Smith is not the answer at QB


2. Reid and Dorsey have not proven anything yet.


anything else you want to get off your chest that I might have missed?


Remember, you can like the Chiefs and no one here will ever call you a homer.



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Basically, Mongo, it seems that you advocate drafting QB's and hoping for the "rare as hen's teeth" freaks like Manning or Elway to carry your franchise for 15 years.  Its a great strategy.  It involves drafting QB's, keeping your overall roster as strong as possible, and hoping at some point to catch lightning in a bottle.  If you look with objective and observing eyes, you will see that this regime in KC is doing exactly that.  So, just enjoy the show and support their efforts, man.  No need to project anger and cynicism all the time.

Rare as hen's teeth?  Review the list of Super Bowl winning QB in the last twenty years before criticizing me.  Home grown QB win far more often than not.  Look at the teams doing it.  They tend to be the ones with multiple rings.




You need to look at the situation with discerning eyes, not ones blinded by hope, unwarranted faith and maybe even desperation.


I'm not angry, but I will poke holes at fallacies.  It sounds more like some people don't like their fantasies tampered with.

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We could literally draft a QB with all seven draft picks every year for ten years and not get a Manning or Elway. It's probably more likely we would go 0 for 70.

Why do you continue to twist my words?  Is it because you can't directly refute the facts they are based on?  Or do you have some kind of reading comprehension problem?

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Enough that they didn't sign a run stopping 3-4 DE. Stop gaps like Brett Keisel or Ryan Pickett are out there.



Unless you have grown better from within... Johnson is ready to go. They mentioned in the offseason that Kush would see some time at guard. He was awesome in the San Diego game at center. Hudson has played well at guard in the past. Ford is getting good reviews early.




Excuses, you have sour grapes.

They didn't do a lot of things because of cap restrictions.  I had high hopes for Allen Bailey and have all but given up.  He hasn't made an impact.  I'm eager to see what he can do at 300 lbs.


You just don't want to admit that they might be making a mistake.  Andy Reid of several failed championship runs nearly a decade ago and a GM who has proven little.


Johnson: Ready to go -- in your opinion.  To me he is an unknown with a poor pedigree.  


Kush:  Coaching staffs are always talking up players in the offseason.  What are they supposed to say?   He's another unknown with a poor pedigree


Hudson:  A mediocre C that you propose playing at guard at 299 lbs.  Hudson played guard at college.  Never at the pro level.


Facts, you have fantasies.  And 1 game versus SD.

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Mongo, Seriously....Are you a Chiefs Fan?


You are killing me with all the negative vides man.


I think we can all agree that you have very strong feelings about:


1. Alex Smith is not the answer at QB


2. Reid and Dorsey have not proven anything yet.


anything else you want to get off your chest that I might have missed?


Remember, you can like the Chiefs and no one here will ever call you a homer.



I love the Chiefs which is why I'm so critical of them.  When the games start, I sit in my chair and cheer like Hell, same as you.  I cheer for the QB I don't want to pay.  I'll cheer for the RG who will end up being a turnstile.  I'll cheer for the CB who are not as good as the one they let go.


Its frustrating to see a franchise continually make the same mistakes over and over and expect a different result.  Its frustrating when the fan base of a losing franchise sits backs and says "Well they must know what they are doing."  No, they may not.  You thought Herm Edwards, the coach, knew what he was doing.  He didn't.  You thought Romeo Crennel knew what he was doing.  He didn't.  You thought Matt Cassel was the answer.  He wasn't.  You thought Scott Pioli didn't know what he was doing.  He did, but made too many mistakes to be forgiven, such as picking through garbage cans for a franchise QB


Its frustrating being cast as negative when its not true.  I'm real and my posts aren't littered with fantasy land, red and yellow rainbows and pink ponies.  My arguments are logical and based on facts.


So if you are gonna tell me that UDFA Rishaw Johnson is the answer at RG because he did well in one game, prepare for a debate.  That's simply not logical. 


So if you continue to cram Alex Smith down my throat as the QB savior prepare for a debate.  This when history proves otherwise and the proponents can only grasp at exceptions.


If you're going to tell me the Chiefs roster is fine after downgrading at every single position where a change occurred, prepare for a debate.  Those aren't facts.  They are fantasies.


Lastly, if you're gonna insult me, like calling me negative, expect a slap back.

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Also, if you want to start a post about how great Jamaal Charles, go ahead.  You'll get no argument from me.  I love the guy.  I'll add my two cents.  The post will fall off the page in a week.  


Posts with a debate are the only ones of interest to anyone on this forum.


"You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your f'n fingers and say, 'That's the bad guy.'"  -- Al Pacino (Tony Montoya), Scarface. 


Say good night, er um, good morning to the Bad Guy!   ;)

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Rare as hen's teeth?  Review the list of Super Bowl winning QB in the last twenty years before criticizing me.  Home grown QB win far more often than not.  Look at the teams doing it.  They tend to be the ones with multiple rings.




You need to look at the situation with discerning eyes, not ones blinded by hope, unwarranted faith and maybe even desperation.


I'm not angry, but I will poke holes at fallacies.  It sounds more like some people don't like their fantasies tampered with.


That's your problem man. You need to stop thinking about winning the Superbowl. You are putting the cart before the horse. If anything, quit looking at dynasties and A+ franchise QBs. That's where I am coming from.


As far as Reid, Dorsey, and the players I mentioned, they all get an A+ from me at this point. So far, all I have seen is improvement from the past and goodness surrounding the organization in general. I won't bitch until I see otherwise. Believe me, I can bitch. I hated haley from day one. I've been there man.


Why do you continue to twist my words?  Is it because you can't directly refute the facts they are based on?  Or do you have some kind of reading comprehension problem?


I didn't quote you on that. I may have implied.... but..... :P

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As far as Reid, Dorsey, and the players I mentioned, they all get an A+ from me at this point. So far, all I have seen is improvement from the past and goodness surrounding the organization in general. I won't bitch until I see otherwise. Believe me, I can bitch. I hated haley from day one. I've been there man.



If I remember right, Herm was the anti-Christ to you as well.


It's VERY weird to see mugsy so positive with the Gm and coaching staff.  When this thing started out I kept reading mongo's post thinking is was Mugsy.  

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I am not "telling you anything".  You have the right to post whatever you want....I just don't get the negativity 99% of the time.


Alex Smith has won more playoff games that any Chiefs QB not Named Dawson.


He played well enough to have won the Indy game...In fact, he played better in a Playoff game than anyh Chiefs QB since Montana vs the Oilers.


Logic goes both ways.



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I am not "telling you anything".  You have the right to post whatever you want....I just don't get the negativity 99% of the time.


Alex Smith has won more playoff games that any Chiefs QB not Named Dawson.


He played well enough to have won the Indy game...In fact, he played better in a Playoff game than anyh Chiefs QB since Montana vs the Oilers.


Logic goes both ways.



He played one half of football just like the defense made a scapegoat.  He's done nothing without a team of All Stars around him.  Trent Green played better than Al in the home loss to the Colts.


I'm not negative 99%.  Just not giddy about Andy Reid or Alex Smith.  But those are hot button topics so your perception of me gets twisted.


BTW:  As of today, I'm right about both until either proves me wrong.

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Newsflash!  Everybody needs to pay strict attention and to follow directions:


Mongo is right about everything.  The rest of us are delusional.  Unless we acknowledge this, his head will explode.

Not everything, but most things Chiefs related.  

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He played one half of football just like the defense made a scapegoat. He's done nothing without a team of All Stars around him. Trent Green played better than Al in the home loss to the Colts.


I'm not negative 99%. Just not giddy about Andy Reid or Alex Smith. But those are hot button topics so your perception of me gets twisted.


BTW: As of today, I'm right about both until either proves me wrong.

I probably agree with you on Reid. I hate his play calling and clock management. Having said that, he is light years ahead of Crennel, Haley, and Herm. Hopefully, he changes my opinion in the next few years.


Alex Smith is far from elite. However, he is serviceable and is a QB that I feel can win with the right cast around him and a coach that will support him with a run first offense.



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Not everything, but most things Chiefs related.  

Seems to me that the real problem with the Chiefs is that they keep hiring people on the basis of reputation and experience in the NFL.  If they would simply read these pages in this forum and note your wisdom, they would hire you, instead.  Then we would be on the way to a truly competitive and exciting team capable of winning a super bowl.

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I probably agree with you on Reid. I hate his play calling and clock management. Having said that, he is light years ahead of Crennel, Haley, and Herm. Hopefully, he changes my opinion in the next few years.


Alex Smith is far from elite. However, he is serviceable and is a QB that I feel can win with the right cast around him and a coach that will support him with a run first offense.



That's what I've been saying.  Al needs the right cast around him.  One like he had in SF.  One far and away better than he has in KC.  For goodness sake his WR2 is Donnie Avery. His OL from left to right is:  A guy with unrealized potential, a bust, a mediocre guy, a UDFA who played one good game after failing with two teams, and a guy better suited to be OT3.  His TE is mediocre.  His TE2 may never play a down.  His WR3 is a cut just waiting to happen.


Al needs more.


PS:  I lived in eastern PA.  Reid is doing nothing different than everything that kept him from a championship in Philly.  He has never learned from his mistakes.  Always a bridesmaid.  Isn't in ironic that in the post Andy era, Shady McCoy has become a superstar RB?  


Jamaal Charles, was, is, and will continue to be a superstar RB despite a coach who hasn't learned how to run a WCO and utilize a RB properly.  Run to win.  Not as an afterthought.  

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Seems to me that the real problem with the Chiefs is that they keep hiring people on the basis of reputation and experience in the NFL.  If they would simply read these pages in this forum and note your wisdom, they would hire you, instead.  Then we would be on the way to a truly competitive and exciting team capable of winning a super bowl.

Now you're finally making sense.   :P

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That's your problem man. You need to stop thinking about winning the Superbowl. 

No, that's your problem.  You aren't.  That's why you are happy to get a B grade coach and a B- QB.  


Second place is not okay.  This isn't grade school tee ball.  There's only one trophy.  The Chiefs are not on course to get it, yet.

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No, that's your problem.  You aren't.  That's why you are happy to get a B grade coach and a B- QB.  


Second place is not okay.  This isn't grade school tee ball.  There's only one trophy.  The Chiefs are not on course to get it, yet.

 who were the A grade coach(s) &  A grade QB(s) that were available at the time when Pioli/ Haley were hired & or when Dosey/Reid were hired?


 I dont remember

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