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Houston has torn ACL

Guest Möbius

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He was a guy that posted inside the locker room information that the Houston injury was far worse than reported.  He got tarred and feathered in some other posts.  I like to remember these things so we don't drive off people with information because they don't want to be attacked for posting it.

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Houston's very own doctor did not know the ACL was not working until he did the scope. He did the scope in February. Mobius reported this information in November. Think about that. Let it sink in. Unless Mobius is a modern day Nostradamus, he made a lucky guess. He has not had access to the locker room. He has no special knowledge. He is playing us. 


Tell me Mobius, what does the locker room look like. Describe it for me. What is unusual about the shape? Tell me something you know that would make me believe you have been there.

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Mobius ain't Nostradamus, as it wasn't a tear. But I've seen some Nostradamus believers who will stretch what he said to fit some situation that doesn't really fit. Sort of like the Bible Code. I saw someone claim that the Bible, through some diagonal reading of the text, claimed that right after the turn of the century there would be an attack through the air in some distant land = 9/11. But the passage was written B.C. in which I'm not sure what "century" they were referring to and whether they kept track of that much. Obviously, they tracked years, but did they have a Year 2000, a year 3000, etc. (Yes, I know, they didn't have markings for B.C. years.) Of course, they'd just claim, that the Code knew that in the future the Romans would start counting.

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Guest 303Chiefs

He was a guy that posted inside the locker room information that the Houston injury was far worse than reported. He got tarred and feathered in some other posts. I like to remember these things so we don't drive off people with information because they don't want to be attacked for posting it.

Too bad his facts and your logic don't line up with the story. He hasn't said anything that any one of us didn't think the day Houston got hurt. He also hasn't given any details of the inside of the Chiefs locker room to prove he really is an insider like some have asked for. If he's gonna go about making bold statements then he has to back it up or else he's just another chump.

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Mobius ain't Nostradamus, as it wasn't a tear. But I've seen some Nostradamus believers who will stretch what he said to fit some situation that doesn't really fit. Sort of like the Bible Code. I saw someone claim that the Bible, through some diagonal reading of the text, claimed that right after the turn of the century there would be an attack through the air in some distant land = 9/11. But the passage was written B.C. in which I'm not sure what "century" they were referring to and whether they kept track of that much. Obviously, they tracked years, but did they have a Year 2000, a year 3000, etc. (Yes, I know, they didn't have markings for B.C. years.) Of course, they'd just claim, that the Code knew that in the future the Romans would start counting.

Yes, I am aware Mobius has no unusual or mystical powers. I am also aware of what the locker room looks like. So, I would be happy for him to detail some of the finer points. I got a tour of it when I lived in KC  (on game day). It was pretty cool. I took my son, and he got to go out on the field. He was a really cute kid, and the cheerleaders were great. It was a great excuse to get pictures of the cheerleaders without getting into trouble with the wife.

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He was a guy that posted inside the locker room information that the Houston injury was far worse than reported.  He got tarred and feathered in some other posts.  I like to remember these things so we don't drive off people with information because they don't want to be attacked for posting it.

Still wrong, still dumb.

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